2>A-Tha flnn2dîRn ChRmlo TuP.'sdan' Ail 24. 2001 i~R"ýjtqr7 sisters strike gold PhotoS by STEVE LeELANO Bishop Redlng's Sitarz sisters - Eva and Joanna - took tirst-place honours in senior girls doubles at the Halton Badminton Championships Wednesday while (inset) Danielle King finished fourth in singles play. Il 6 cyl .....$7495$ 4-5 )ýý 6Ç cyl.... aa 749 *"'ies to Most cars 3 8 cy ... . $4.11 &Iight trucks Call andlbook your ~ D appo intment todlayl>J air we breathe eEI LCLC By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion The RitNais' regiotial chattîpîîîîîslip parade lias mos cd îndîîîrs. At Burfingtîîu' Notre Damie Weducsday. Btshîîp Redtng stntck gîîtd in badminton -ttîe tîtirît sport tusîde a vear. atîîugsîde soccer and tîntihait, ti \nîicît the lîcal schooi lias enierged s icionious wîthîtî liatin. BR*s Sîtare sîsters kept the tîtte mun gîîing -tuîrnug back ait challengers it senioîr girls doubles play tii beconse the schuîîîts tirsi regiiinat badmîttittn cttattîipt otîs. Jîîdîe Rîdeîîui. no\s ctiat il ît tI teatti. secured silver in 1992. Esa and Jîtanna. nttî' se ited deteat iîîîty onîce iti twî dozen mtatches thîis year. ctîîctted tîrst-piace liti- ours in dramatte tasttîîît- siagtîtg ait edge-îît yîîr- seat comeback ntn tIser a pîînerhîîuse pair l'romu Buriington's M.M. Robinson. Alter drîsppîng game otue 15-5, BR's dyuamic duoi gutted otut a 14-14 (3-2) squeaker and then battied back t'rom the brink - erasîng a seenîingly insuninounitabie Il - 1 deficit and taking the tic hreaker 15-12. "We played smart and had some gond placement otn our shots,- recalicd Eva, of the remarkable raliy Wednesday. Added Joanna, -We just didn't gise up. We kept hit- ting it tii the one girl (whît was weak li) and tus- tratîug her. IHalton Region Health Departiment 905-82-6065 Toit free: 1-866-4IIALTON (1-866-442-5866) TTY 905-333-1096 1',UO www.region.halton.on.ca/health lEn [otite lo the t tuai'. te st-tl 1' tîrîsteî .tlil teans inci diîng tello\% Ro\îl ai aness.t BOîsl atîd Saraît \eneina t 15 1, 1 S-4) in the semttîuiais Ottier ieamns setaside h\ thleit cr,ît\ cout nork - ihnch teaîtured exteptional net .,bots hN E\sa and great back couli protictiesc Fs' banna - ncluded Neison. Notre Damie and I este! B P>earson. Satd Rideout. -fhey tSitarf pia% d a %ern mature mnd strong gante. The Sitai aiso n',on tise stratght matchtes durtng titi Volpe Divs ion shosicase. hield one ss eek earlier at E.U Dnr. Matcltitg thita utîbeateni nuniîiî seno girls singles action at ttte cottterettie inals n'as tetnRoNai Danielle Kin- - n ho battled tl rott eliîd îri thrc consiul e miatchtes to tittalN pres atl. Frot there. site dIetisered a rock-soltd pertoritatite at the regtoîial t'inits but n as takeit donr n 1 a tait antd tatctttcd Nottre L)aîtt tîpponetit ttt the.settîttittals 10t- 15, 15-13,.6-15. -She had a big hetght and rcI ads attage ott ttte and jus! played rcatly wecl.'" satd Dantielle, who ttt- ishcd fourtit at Hal( ons alter droppîîîg the brouie medal match 21-16 tii a girl front Geotrgetowtn. Ail three local ladtes îtow ads'attc tii the Goldetn Horscshoe Athlttc Cîtuteretîce (GHA(') tittats, whtctt wiil btc hetd today at Ilantltotus St. Marl' Secidr Schtotl. Fax ait of your team reports and sports story ideas to Steve LeBlanc at 878-4943, or drop them off at The Champion, 191 Main St. E. If office if closed, please slide reports through mailsiot. Aprg l $4 Ask yourdoct about a Breast Exan and PAP Tes 1