Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Apr 2001, p. 24

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24-The canadian Champion, Tuesday, Aprîl 24, 2001 Suuuuet9 txùiig poram ofr unique opportunity for students Wani a sumîner job thal conmbines the opporiuniiy bo explore Canada for Irce and a chance lîl praclice yuîur French'! The Summer Work-Studenl Exchange is oflening Haion sîndenîs a unique fie and joîb training experience Ihai al)ows Ibis and more. The cxcbange will place 85(1 16 and 17- year-old sindenîs [rom acruîss Canada wih jobs and bosi lamilies outuside Iheir home proivince. Sîndenîs wili be paired in a way Ibai allows ihem îo travel li an area thal Tbe Canadian Natioînal Instiuie for tbc Blind (CNIB( Hallon/Peci district is cur- renlly seckiiig volunleers îo be lniendly visiluirs. drivers and comnputer inlors for clients wbuî arc blînd or visually impaired. uses the second olj ibeir offiîciai languages. [bhe program runs lrom July I iii Augusi 1 (). The program olcers jobs in a wîde vani eiy of noin profil organizatilins ibal wîil bec available iii studenis in Irancophone com- munilies in citber Quebecc or Acadia, Nova Scîîîia. There's no cuisi [o panticipants and the program covers Iravel lii and from iheir hosi cîîmmunily. The Summer Work-,Siudeni Exchange is an eniploymeni program ollered io stîn Volunleers are asked lui donale iwo bours of iheir îime per week in the clien's homne. Drivers are needed as ocecasions anise. For more infuonmation, cal) Carolann ai (9(05) 275-5332 cxl. 24. second officiai language. Duning tbe prcîgram. siudenis lise with the family of iheir exchange pantner. Sindenis are immersed in a dîflereni lant- guage and culture. boih in iheir new homeî and in ibeir job placements. Sîndenîs are p-aid the mnimnum %age ci the province îbcy are senti io work in. Ali placements require sîudeîîls io communi- cale wiih îîîhers in iheir second officiai Ian- guage on a Irequeni hasis. The program is undcr the directioni oit the Councîl of Canadian Uitîy and is lundcd by the Deparimeni (ol Canadian Herilage. For more informaioni regarding ibis prol- gram or 10 regisler, visii the Summer Work- Sîndenl Exchange web site aI www. sum- mer-wuîrk.comn or cal) Lindsay Bemard. Halîrîn co-ordinaior of the excbange pro- gram, ai (905) 878-1493. expectmlore expectmore value and selection at your ford dealer now. 2001 fordfoCus se sedan wlth air and cdi player .2 oc Spiît Poit Indclot Etig.i - Air Cothditoingl . AM/FM ct Co Plyoi - PoweOri Door Lck rihl Reitirte Keyi4ess Entry I-l Stage Fr0n1 Air Bags - Hoigrt Adjustabie Dnvee's Seal - Secrock0- Ani Thef Systoni 2001 fordtaurus se sedan with power adjustable pedlals - ýO .cOiV6 EvgineA9*maoiOoi *Af Condî inig.P poer reCs Seal wih covivai Suporti Powei AdîcStai3O Pedals AJ&/FM wtS CD Player -ABS *PersotaJ SafetY Systouis unoiuding: Duela Stage Ai ags -Crash Soýit Selsos ,and Moe. ei The* Ta- Shas eared StOe- trou hahSt m5b US Goeuat Crah tes îi ^ ýý 2001 fordwifldstar lx with persorial safety systeM . 83L 200hp V6 EtOCP- Aomatc fN*A,, Condtuotf . ABS - Dua Sidn Chiot 40 Stanidard Sately Featrs expecmOl Cold.f Value GroupI. S1oeed -llmltedl l Seen tIm Pacoupe eWtent Pies $730 fragit l .. s orti on77 m CWge, fr$295dra-t a23-795* Plus $895 tteigit 36 a6onh lease fr nlYh LCasi puchase fnr pe monhwh$3 995 d- C$325 .ft5$ ý95 5iC9 o siao fr, $301ntohth .itm St 5000do- 2001 fordmustaflg convertible Sama Grat FeaturOs a. Purchase flt Coupa, PLUSi *AuomaW~it Transiss55190,9 5 *Power CouierttbS TOP Plus5 $7901101751t Da telin e CNIB in need of volunteers (9YSIer ck /fi,û Yir «r r/c J)lI, /lYi /c ',(ei//eC1 (/ Escargot witb shilake. oysier nîusbrîîîn & pilai cheese Caaîibcri 1)ivuîîa Qysier Rocekefeller Scauuîd Anlipaslîl Carpacciho Tuna & Bcdt Caprese Salad Hcrb Pappardelle wîîlî asparagus, tîger shrinips & suni drîed iuîniaiulcs Black Squîd Ink Icilucîne wib king crab legs în a black sauîîbuca crealîl sauce Filet Mignon grîllcd wib wîld nîuslîrîîîins in a coîgnac demiglaie sauce Lamb Chuîps grîlled in a port wîne rcduciîn sauce Live taîhsier Alaskan King Crab MonFn.: ((.31 - 2:301 pmi Luncfi 5:(X) [1(X) pm Dînner Saîorday. 5:(X1) -( 1(X) pmî Dînner Reservations Recommended 1,65 Main St. E. (905) 693-8345 MILTON f rom DATELINE on page 23 information. The Milton Leisure Centre holds tile Splash Rash' or' tO bI3- year-olds Ironi 8 ro I ( p in The esen ciilIdes inimei gainles anîd pn/ces. Tickets cosi $5 and arc a,,ailablc ai the door. Saturday April 28 Si. Paul's U'nited Churcli. 123 Mainî Si. E., hosis a keepsalkes exhibition Ironi 10 a.mni o -4 pin. Admîissionfls $8 lor adulis. for senliors anid $15 per laîiîily Lunich is as ailahlc for $5. The Milion Red Cross bolds a standard first aid re-certilica- tion course. To rcgisicr or for mlore inlormaioi. cail 873 -159 The Nassagaweya Tennis Club holds ilis aimnal open i ouse [or holh încnîbers aîîd'io(n-iîncnibcrs, 'Fclic iniides round robini play and a barbecue. Monday April 30 Thc Ccntre tor SkîiIs I3csclopmni idJ'i'rainil,. -SI 1 Ncs% Si. in Burlîingion hegins al twso-week trades and technoloe' explo- ration program'Vo rcgisicr. or l'or more information. cali thec ceni irc ai (90)5) 333-3499ý The Milton Leisure Centirc lîsis a six.sseek teen fitness course t'or $40. Cal) Tracy Hasse Ifeldi ai 878-7946 iii regîsicr uor liii morei inflormationi. A iwo-îîîonili Weigbt Watcbers course nîns Muîiday îiiglîis ai [lic Milton Leisure Centrc. The cisti s $175 pcr pcrsoîî.Tlo sîgi i or foîr more inflormaion, cal Tracy lia.ssellcldi ai 878-7946i A Milton Prayer meetcing îakes place ai (irace Anîglicani Church. 317 Maini Si.. ai 7:30 p.m 'l'lic group is pravîîîg for thic expanding iown. ils people anîd ils govcriinl Es cryuiic is wel- cuime. For more details, cal) Kciîb ai 854 1)207. Please make sure you give us your Date/mne item information in plenty of time before the event. 1

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