Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Apr 2001, p. 23

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The Canadian Champion,. Tuesday. Apail 24, 2001-23 Dateline Dateline is a free listing of coming events only. The column s available to tocat community groups ta assist in promotîng their future events. Only charitable or non-profit community groupa may use thîs service. We can only guarantee one issue of publicity closeat to the date of the occurrence atthough more insertions are possible if demand 5s low. Notices for Dateline should be handed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed f0 PO. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, faxed f0 (905) 878-4943, or e-maîled to The final deadline is noon Friday for Tuesdays edition and noon Wednesday for Friday's edition. Datetine items will not be accepted by tele- phone. Tuesday April 24 The Miltott Seniîîrs' Acîivîîy Centre hîîsts a volunteer appreci- ation lunch ai flhc cetître at noits Att cetître volutîteers are wel- cuime iii attend.. The Help for Parents support group racets every Tuesday ai 7:310 p.m. ai Pinelands Preshytetian Church, 5270 New Si., in Burlingitîn. This nuin-denuiminattonat self suppiirt group with trained leaders help parents tfclildren who are in trotubte ai home, at schiiol tir with the law, abusive tir iaking drugs. Caît t-8W5-488- 5666 l'or tmore infotrmatioin. Thbe Zonta Cluh ot Burlîngitîn. the Breasi Cancer Supptort Services and Hatton Heaihcare Services itnvite att iii attend the f ree Mammacheck w<rkshop tront 7 iii 9 p.m. ai Miltotnt Distnict Iltspîtat. Tii reserve space, catI 338-4379. Milton Toastmasters tiieis ai 7:301 p. iii nithe upper tevet ut' the Roîyal Canadiai Legîîîn, 21 Chartes St. Foîr lurther inftornmation abtout the griiup, which hetps people advance thetr coîmmunicaioîn skilts. catI Ross Lonudont ai 875-37210. Wednesday April 25 Tlie Hatton Breasi Healtît Neiwtirking Group invites famittes and heatth care prîîvîders iii a f ree play un tlie issue ti' palliative care eîîtitled 'The Covered Mîrror' ai 7 pin. at the 7117 Gataxy Banquet Hall ta Oakvtltc. CatI 338-4379 ti reserve a seat. Language classes held Thîe Lanîguage Instructioin tir Newcîîîîers iii Canada (LINC) prtîgratii is currentty accepting spîitig regtstrationt for classes iii tevels tîne tîtrîugl' five. The classes are heîîîg tîllered ai centres thrtîugtitut [latiton fiee ut* charge. Chîldeare is availahle ai sotnie ltocations anîd the Hotnte Study priigrani is available lîîr those wtît canit attend the LINC classes. Deaf* tir hard uit hearing per- sons are welcotine. The program ix sptinstired by Citiîenshîp and Immigratiton Caniada. 1-tr more informiationt tir ti regîster, catI ihe Halton HillsfMtltîin assessmeni centre ai 19(151 875-385 1.. [The Mittlin t eisnnre ('etire tiusis a sixvseek teen rîtness coturse <or $40i (att Trac\ llassettetdit ai 87N-794tIii regisier oîr for niole 'ltie ltatioit chapier ot Caitada's Assoiaion tor fii Fiti\ Ptu., (CARP) tîies ai fitie Burtîngitîn Seiors' Centre, 2185 Ness Si. The tîîpîc is a 'Health and Wellness for the 21sf Centur-y' vuitti guesi speaker Matcîin Gtass tnt Nikken Magiîetic Producis ai 7:30 p.iii. lFor moîîre intfornmation, catI t lanry ai 335-571t7. Tthe Miltoîn Leisure Centre otters a sesen-v.eek intrtoduction to titness course tfor $55 a pcrsin. Catt Tracy Hasseltetdt ai 878- 7946 iii regîsier or tfor more intformation. Thursday April 26 The Boîdy Image Netwuork uit Haltîn hegins a three-part sertes on the impacts of body image ai Siewarttown Pubtic Schoot in Georeoil, Ti rcLixici. or tr rirUiL a iîiiiii.~it 8-72 uon (lie Millia Seiiior< V lis il\ Cejiiiiex liners Club tir gieai tood! anid coniiradextiip ai (i p .111 ('i 87S I (nS i or th, it '111i lteion aiii./o.r lin arTariLc il aiixpiiailoti Friday April 27 'l'le MitniSeiîrs Actix ilsct i et 4akn hi t tii 2 p.r iiie sessioin ckluttes ads w e oii suarinrg Up. ciiitiii dmmsu îî and \%haitiy pe. (i tithing andi stines no xx ar. 'Ilise îInter- ested iii attetiding arc as.ed iii xatt fic centire ai 875 t 68t Siiuthside Coiiiunitv Ctiurch oni Demiv Road intes att tadies iii a spring tea at 7 p ii. The Mitton 1,eisure Contre hosis a six-week teen fînress course Itor $40t. Catt Tracy Hiasselt-eldi ai 878-7946 tii regisier or tor tmture .see more DATELINE on page 24 Television that hoolks you! COGECO DIGITAL CABLE TV. Pîcture andi sounti havi t eveî bceii so n aIlý Itsý no lîsh talc. Digital Cable TV is so lite-like you'Il Ici I like you'vi t isi yîîurseîî ti ghi in thei- niddlu' f tIhe artutîîî YtîuIl gel iîrn sprts, moîre inîViis 40 digital nust tiarnls. Aniss tIo specially t an Iie Pay Ptý Vi an m ore. tr oher suirds Digtal CableTV isar ra cth. BEaFishing Trip for2 ttKesagami «l IuUid ~W »CQGECO

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