22-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Apnl 24, 2001 HeIp iledcd Ini piogami Burlington Counselling and Family and their children, monitoring Services is Iooking for volunteers to excisanges for weekend visita, setting Up help with the Custody Access prograin and cleaning Up tise visiting area and located in Milton and Burlington. helping to create a warm and friendly At tise Family Visiting Centre, volun- environment. Training is provided. teers are needed to assist with supervis- For more information, rail (905) 637- ing visils isetween non-custodial parents 5256. 15 Martin St. (Carniage Square) Watch ouit for çlippery hoe warns Conservation Halton Conservaion Halton wanis watersised resîdenîs and espccially children to bc aware of tise dangers tisat exîsi near strcams, rivers, ponds and lakes during this tîme of year. We ail look forward to warmer weather and being outdoors. But spring weather also brings melting snow, rain and tise break- Up of ice in rivers; and lakes, wisich can be dangerous. Creeks have isigiser waîer levels and flow mucis taster during the spning. Their banks and shorelines are ofien unstable and slippcrs and water temperatures are extrremely cold. T'Mis creates very haardous con- ditions close 10 any water area. Conservation Halion's waîersised has t7 creeks tisat flow int Lake Ontario. Tisese streams pass îisrougis iseavily-populated areas and cati become quite treacheriius duning hcavy spring rains. Although much of the snow isas nîieled. reciii rainill has increased the' threat îot flooding îhroughout die .îrea's. %%aiersheds. ('onsers ation [lalio continues to monitor mrec) conditions auîd ss01 issue llooding messages %shen required. Please (-cep chldren away mroiti crecks and Ponds durng tise nexi tsweeks and iselp niake this spring sale and enjoy.ible. For more inlormatioti on c reek conditions, cali Conservation Halton a( (905) 336-1158. Councillors see red over tax grab - trom GOOD on page 3 would offset tise test from its budg- et. Tise Region makes ils residential calculations based on an average $185,000 home. 'Let's do tise figures bîcsed omn a $200,000 or $250,000 home. Let's get realistic isere," said Regional Councillor John Taylor of Burlinglon. if lise CVA increases weren't enouglt ot an irritationi, local po)itiu cians sas red tipon isearng tisai taxes collected over antd above tise provincial average will flow ouI of Halton to more needy areas. "It looks like $4.5 million will be flowing ouI of tise region and going mbt a provincial pool because assessment values have increased aI values greater tisan the provin- cial average," said Mr. Birkett. Tisai iad counicillors laking pot- shisos aitie Province and tise City tiIToronlo. "As always. Oaksille is really thirlted a(tie way ibis is lalling oui," saîd a sarcastic Mayotr Aitî Mulvale. "This tax systei is tise bîggest screw-up I've ever seen Maybe we sisould bc like Toronto. Yîîu caîl tise premier a liar and gel yîîur million dollars." Ms Mulvale added, "Just because you've dîne a good job and encîturaged econoiîmc devel- îîpment. vou get sisalted, agaits"- Ms Mulvale ilso cniticîeed tise cosi o) slîîltîg to ('VA -and standardied Li\ hill silice lie tics bill vbo'i climits %%here laincm'a.ses conic lrotît dAallabl$ 2 2 more a month, gai ail NoSciit eoit nsMa 11 PL S6dlc2 the futures YOD want! 26H AMffM oriine - Air condltloning - 4-speker PLUS6discCfflchanger, 14' a toy gee mouldings - 60140 sltfiigbnha otecn rear spolier and slalnlass atoet exhausi lfiéshet. 1 sole airest - Duel vanity irrofrs - And mocre.. Introducung Sentra Tourlng Edition* SELECT FEATURE COMPAIUSO 200l11111IRa 2M0 HeNie 2001 Toyota 2001 Mzda 2MH1 Ford SEITRAXE CIVICIoX COHOIU CE PROTEGE SE FOCUS SE 1 +VO vu +GOP + Packi 8 +AC tiNt LDCtiÀATR STANDARD CDI.OtlR4tIE BODYT 810 MOALDINDS STANDARD .uneuim&iy SiAMMl lNUR INITHES AIR CANOMONINO STANDARD BL.ACKDONLT -muW BLACKO DLT 81111111- EXTRA COST DIAC ODNLT lemoeR 111 - STANDARD STANDARD BmRP .BrflAul ý, UA UIR& TI, rD wff JI STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD Iamw OMIMT BtAII STAN1DR $17,300 111,085 $16,195 $17.500 "The business that considers itself imniune tcî the necessity for advertising sooner or later finis itseif immune to business." 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