20-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 24, 2001 L)airy F"ariier s and LýaLtieieli ïeîcvwý dutc yi % c ý Country Heritage Park corporate sponsorship -fram OPERATORS on page 19 Dairy Farmers of Ontario and the Ontario Cattlemen's Association, which renewed uts three-year corporate sponsorship - Participation of more than 12,000 sehool children in curriculum linked agricultural and heritage educational programs - introduction et the Friends of Country Heritage Park program - Expansion et the crops and livestock pro- gram, including heritage breeds - Introduction of the first annual Ali Colour "in 2000 we delivered what we promisd." ne CRMSSA Antique Tractor. Stationary Engine and Toy Show -Significant increase in facility rentais for dings. Country Heritage Park, an interactive heritage park depicting agriculture and rural lite over the lasi 170 years. is located on an 80-acre site with more than 30 exhibit buildings and 20,000 arti- tacts. The park offers education prograrus. day camps, hîstorical interpretation of exhibîts. a collection of antique tractora, steam engînes. farru equipment and rural lite artifacis. Connon is your siource for top quality nursery stock arriving daily f rom our farm IIÇANI 11'OUADS - REHY DMG FMR yO *~gNI4ON VANDERKRU LD ii ____ it Waer ~~ w T) Fax(905)6W93554 ~ e Nattress is elected as park's VP t ram PARK on page 19 lue, have corne on board. NW also ueed to negoliate a new loug-term Memorandum oftAgreement wilh the Province of Ontario. "We have a very capable board and l'm pleased to have been elected presideut." Elected vice-presideul was David Nattress. He brings a wide range of business expertise to the board including 23 years with Mouvante in senior management posi- tions such as vice-presideul et the agricul- ture division aud vice-presideul ef the chemnical division. Mr. Nattress is curreutly an independeul consultant and real estate broker specializ- ing in investmient properties and the sale of farrus. Carolyn McDonell was elecîed secre- tary-lreasurer, bringing communication and marketing experieuce to the board. Ms MeDonelI is a marketing consultant and previously servedi as executive manager ot the Beel lntormation Centre. Clean-up volunteers needed Volunter Jr Jee for Rural ReaJ Clen Up D in Nasagweya May 5. The dlean-up proect is organiteJ hv the Nassagawcya Ceminuilty Ceîîsulitiei Ceininlitic. The decan up should take apprexiniaiely irec heurs t<i cetepîcie RoaJ side liter is picked up, not tsîuse hetd garbage. le velunicer ter ihe arci ,ireund ph Mot ind B reeks ilec calI JenWoods (0)84210T Can you help? The North Ballon Lileraey Guild urgent- ly needs velunteers te help adulîs with their reading, spclling, wniting, math and haste computer skills. Teaching expertence istit a neeessity. A commilment of three hours per week is required. For more information, caîl 873-2200. Th a\vrd il)lll Xetmore Now at Your Ford Dealer