The Canadian Champion. Tuesday. Apdl 24. 2001-19 Opurators of Country Iliritage Park achappy with agriculture facility's dramatictunao d A siîlidi year et progress was recorded by Country Heritage Experience Inc., the non-profit association that operates Country Heritage Park (lorinerly the Farru Museumu) on Tremaine Road. At the assîîciaiton's annual general meeting April 6, members were grattlted wtth the dramattc turn-around sînce 1998 aud were excited wjth flite outlook foîr next year. "in 2(0 ive delivered what we promised,- satd Reg Cressman, general manager tif the park. "Our repeat and tiew business says tl al]. Revenues fremt operations have altuesi triplet) since 1998. We've cerne a long ssay sutîce tl \%as announced iu 1997 that the Ontarie Agricultural Museum was te close. .And, we're doing tl wtth leur lull-ttttîe staîl. 10I parltitme historîcal tnterpreters and a great group of collecter clubs aîîd rural associations tîtat last year donated more than 597 stîlunteer days ofI service." A $71J XX) grant lrom the Ontario 'Ti liumii le idatien that tunided: The installatton et natural gZas heat ni the X.lX-qac-otGatribrel Bait the largest meceting and cS eut centre at the mie) tlte reatien and inîplerneutatien oilie Ceuntis' lieritag-e Park tante anîd loge. including lesi site sîgriage. antd the launch (et aî tietted herticultural pregratin. tniltdtttg 1 31 s ,îrettes t tins, 36 s an- eites ot lilacs. 32 vaneti es ol hhcs and 22 ariettes eftolli'ng shmubs Spotîsorship et thle editeattoti pregratît h\ fthc -see DAIRY on page 20 Fila photo by GRAHAM PAINE Country Heritage Park has seen a significant Increase in facility rentais for oyants lito the Milon rodeo luaI Auguat. e-Park board has a new president David Pellettertoi was eleted president of the board o)' dtrcctors of Country Heritage Experieuce tnc. ai the asstocta- tion's atînual general meeting April 6i. Country lieritage Experience ne, is the non-profit association that operates Country Heritage Park, the former Ontario Agricultural Museum/Farin Museumu on Treinaîtte Rîîad. Mr. Pelletteii sered oîn the board of directors since 1997 aud replaces reuiring president Dr. Rob McLaughlin. Dr. McLaughlin, who served two years as president. will remain ou the board as past president. -The firsi year (1997) was very diffi- cuit," Mr. Peiletterio said, retlecting on the five years he has served on the board. -it was a 'stop and gel control of' the operation' year afier the govemrment o)* Ontario ceased operalîng the site. Since then, however, signilicant prtîgress has heen made towards the goals cf self-suffi- ciency aud fmnancial sustainability. Wr have steadily increased revenues from events, admissions, school progranis. group tours aud faciiity rentais while main- îaining the historical collection of over 20,0100 aflifacts." Interesting year ahead The year ahead promises to he inîrrest- ing. he added. -Bookings cf events sud facilily rentais are abead cf ls year. CorpOrsi ate r uuch as the DairY Faimrs Of Ontano, e Ontario Cattiemen's Association, sud UPN HOME SHOW Get your homework started by seeing the ltest and greatest home improvement Sproducts and services. Presented by Regional Shows Inc. There's no place like home frendly &famfliar Escarpmicnt Countruy TUnàsm Patner LShopping ours: Mon. to Fni 9:30 a.m. -9:00.p.m. Saturday930 a.m -6:00 pm. Sunday Noon to5:00 p.mT. Corner ofMain &Ontao Museum revenues have almost tripled over the past three years