14-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 24, 2001 and Entertainment section in this Friday's Champion. A&E runs every second Friday -Pretty crafty Nine-year-old Kaileigh McCallum shows '~'m ~O6her finished wooden cut-out Lady - from Ask your doctor about a the movie Lady and the Tramp - which Breast Exam and P4P Test she made during a weekend workshop aI the Craff Tree. The Bronte Street store lialtoçs RC551l1 lraith Departneut otters chldren's crafi workshops on week- 905fre -825-6065A- ends, achool holidaya and after school. (1-86"-42-5866) Photo by GRAHAM PAINE 17Y 05-33-10 _. q!I toin ILoy es S7 HALTON REGION PUBLIC NOTICEI eOne-on-one service by trained nutritional consultants Donna lost FREE NO-OBLIGATION &53ll CONSULTATION! LIMITED TIME OFFER Enrofl TIWE and your first new outfit is on us!! * (Cali or stop by for detail *Based on ful program. Exoldes produc EXPIRES APRIL 3101.I Weught Manageont anad NntrtoO ce., 15eîot 56 ~s & the Natural Way to Lose Weight 66 ,nches 15 MARTIN NST. RECONSTRUCTION 0F TRAFALGAR ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD #3) FROM HIGHWAY 407 TO 450 m SOUTH 0F BRITANNIA ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD #6) TOWN 0F MILTON, PR-1539B Notice is hereby given pursuant to Sections 297 and 300 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45 as amended that the Council for thse Regional Mucipality of Halton proposes at its meeting on Wednesday, May 23rd, 2001 at 9:30 arn. to pass a by-law for thse reconstruction of Trafalgar Road (Regional Road #3) from Highway 407 to 450 m soutis of Britannia Road (Regional Road #6), Town of Milton. Plans showing the proposed work may be inspected at thse Planning & Public Works Department, Records Area, Halton Regional Centre, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville. On Wednesday, May l6th, 2001 at 9:30 aasi. in thse Halton Roomn at tise Halton Regional Centre, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, Ontario, Council through its Planning and Public Works Comnsittee will hear in person, or by his/ber Counsel, any person who dlaims that bis/ber lands "I be prejudicially affccted by tise said by-law and who applies ta the Regional Clerk no later than Friday, May 4th, 2001 to be heard. For further information, pîcase contact Mr. J. Choi, P.Eng., Manager, Dcsign Services at extension 7610. From OakvillefBurlington/Milton: (905) 825-6000 Toli Free: 1-866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5866) www.region.batnofl.ca TINA AGNELLO REGIONAL CLERK - B-WN m - mm"