The Canadian Champion, Tuesday Apnil 24, 2001-13 days gone by in church exhibit By FANNIE SUNSMINE The Champion Mementos from the congre- galion of St. Paul's United Church will be on display ai the Keepsake Exhibition Saîurday ai the church. "We have a great variety of things -loys, pocket watches, dishes," said Jim Dilîs, a mem- ber of the Keepsake Exhibition Comrnittee. -We invited the congregation 10 bring forward items îhey have thal tell fasci- nating stories." Items range fromn lellers writ- ten during the wars 10 paintings and a loy farrn equipment col- lection, he said. "We have an amazing vani- ety," Mr. Dilîs said. "Some items originale fromn right here in Milton 10 Hawaii, lceland and England. There's a tremen- dons arnounl of inîeresting things that exist in people's homes." A special area for 'Kids Keepsakes' will feature a vani- ety ot children's items. The idea Iii have an exhibi- lion of ibis kind was îhought up by Rev. John Ambrose, he said. "Ils gone over quite welt with the congregation," Mr. Dilîs said. "We have over 300 items. Some are 60. 80, 100 years old and some are five or 10 years old." More than likely this îs a one time deal, he added. "Il's not a thing that would happen on a regular havis. It won't be annual event. A fair amount of effort went int planning this exhihit and if we do il again we'll have 10 find new items for display. We want these items 10, be unique, tc0 be shown one lime only." The money raised from the exhibit wilI go toward the church, Mr. Dilîs said. "We hope people will corne. Tis is a unique opportunity 10 see things you normally would- n't see.- The church is located aI 123 Main St. E. and the exhibition will take place fromn 10 arn. te, 4 p.m. Admission cosîs $5 for sen- iors, students and children and $8 for adulîs. A special $5 lunch menu ai the Keepsake Katé in Graham Hall will also be teaturcd. For more information, caîl St. Paul*s United Church ai (905) 878-8895. School schedule set The Halton District School 27, 2002 have been set aside as Board's 2(X)1-02 schedule has protessional activity/develop- been finalized. ment days while spring break is Approved hy trustees ai scheduled for the week of Wednesday night's meceting, March 1110o 15. lthe calendar year l'or both ce Early dismissal (one-and-a- tiîentary aîîd secondary schoiîls haîf hours pnior 10 normal dis- will stant Tuesday, Sept. 4 and missal lime) witl ssccur on the include professional final day of school - June 26. acîîviîy/developînent days on First-semester examînations Octoher 5 and November 30. are scheduled for January 24 10 The Christmnas break wilI 30, 2002 and second-semester begin with an early dismissal exams will mun frorn Jonc 191to (one-and-a-haîf hours prior te, 25, 2002, normal dismissal lime) The school year calendar wil December 21 and mun until now be forwarded 10 the January 4, 2002. Ministry of Education and February I. 2002 and Jonc Training for final approval. 4- 5 P-OWE ar, M mmb