1 0-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 24, 2001 nrt ket ',~n f~'- sri nm sî -r lcnr and te/I us your story ideas at 878-234-1, ext. 234. HALTON REGION PUBLIC NOTICE TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION & SOUTHBOUND LEFT-TURN LANE AT TREMAINE ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD #22) &l DUNDAS STREET (REGIONAL ROAD #5) TOWN 0F OAKVILLE, PR-1932 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Sections 297 and 300 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45 as amended that thse Council for the Regional Municipality of Haillon proposes at its meeting on Wednesday, May 23th, 2001 at 9:30 arn. to pass a by-Iaw for the installation of traffic signala and southbound left-tumn lasse ait Tremaine Road (Regional Road #22) ausd Dundas Street (Regional Road #5), Town of Oakville. Plans showing thse proposed work may be inspected ait Use Planning & Public Works Departesent, Records Area, Halton Regional Centre, Il151 Bronte Road, Oakville. On Wednesday, May 16th, 2001 il 9:30 a.m. in the Halton Room as the Halton Regional Centre, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, Ontario, Council through its Planning and Public Works Cornmittee will hear in person, or by his/her Counset, any person who dlaims that his/her lands will be prejudicially affected by thse said by-law and who applies to Use Regional Clerk no later than Friday, May 4th, 2001 to be Iscard. For further information, please contact Mr. J. Choi, P.Eng., Manager, Design Services as extension 761 0. 1~~o' ~ ntms hsoout o~rhs o or~ rfrgfsG~ a~~ one~~ Bal IIS on~~r tma~fto~gf~r ~ ooa~Grto ~ ' SociaI pchse ot Oneidai 7c sauo pun set OmIJ $99 odÈ Mikasa Cbhnslms servîg pieces grîCod at $1O$30 Good for $5.00 Off any purchaso of j $30.00 or more. VaIid only on Sunday, April 29ek, 2001. -One Coupon Per Porson Por Purchaso 27 an Street E., Milton mcre ot %li 2. %aimir Phone 9»5) 878-0050 No returns, holds, layaways or gift wrapping on clearance items! Sehoos cemterv hit in spree of vandalism Otiescho l taslid; We wiIl be vigilant in Evergreeni Cenzeter, ascertaining who's headstonies toiTp/C( re sponsible .for .th is.".. The weather heated up consider- gjET SGI. JACKIE CORON ably over the weeketîd, and so too did Milton's vandalisin problem. ,joli ot siilipl ned iiiisctîtei -iel ln ose ut- the surst lical sprees e rei ss,»<>o île'il appeai mIn Onîtarioî ( utiri memory, thrl settoots and Evergreeis (pr sciai dis suiu Milil it 24. cemeter were targeted. Poltice ire 1io0 tti: i iestablisti A totat ut 27 headstones were tile sther or suot tiere sNere (Iller iîîsiied oser ai the Ontario Street ceneter - t tufie Mant St reet break-i ut as sueit as masl ot'ttsei cracked -seeday esureieg. wh'is respontsibte tir sittiar itîteidetîts ai Meaewh ite aitoît Regiottal Poittce E r.- s )Itn Ilig Scistt .and Salit SlIîetîi have arrested a local yoett mai iît conischSet to ieilt Satidas secttue with Martie Street Schuui hetîîg Seserai s iîids svsie siîtasiîed ,tt bot) trashed iiveretght Frma scittiis. T la itisscie seeti iside Kitchien appliances ssete deseered as [ C. 1l)rurs n ftite intie of (lie steak ili s ere dninkiîtg t iurtitts s itîdus santd andt hîttitaic e ec rîheci as, bein tit iii 17 dutirs. D)amage sss estitiate ait S200>» s euts iii aLe ss ii dii liii lii $3l>>X -we ssil1 ho s iilit ini ,sceliiitg A suspect sas flîtti ca tfle scihuit i s s estosttle loi iils' sud Dt S2S1t s iti a etomtputer il about 4:57 t ti Jackte (i itiuît oft lltîî poîlhîc Salerday. Aie iti infoîrmaî.tionî abot ii A 2 t year itit Wottdsardic Asvenîue itaIt iclisities, is ,îsked tut c,îil detec le al 87»',' taces charges oi break -aîîd-etel pusses- 5511. Lst 2-41t5. Notice of Election of Off icers The Royal Canadian Legion Pte. U.J. (Joe) Waters Br. 136 Branch Etection of Officers Sunday, April 29, 2001 1:30 PM Sharp Votîng members must produce 2001 membership carda or receipt of dues paid to be elîgibie t0 vote. Please note there is no admittance during the taking of the vote. Find out about your. OPTIONS The conference that works for womneni Find out about.. Partîcîpate in.. e your employrneit and areer options Il andsuSc Lh trainflg prograrns aid lechnology _Ynamil grur wussîp the bes job prospects nr tl, future L ' uurration sesseris aid dispIa b alancing work and arntly rnume denuoesluis 2-DAY CONFERENCE Tuesday, May 29 & Thursday, May 31, 2001 8:30oml 3:30 pm Holiday Inn 3063 South Service Rond, Burlington, Ontario Pre-Registration is required, s0 Il today. Opten t Ha/ton u'omef (Il to) Chaerge. To regîster, or for more inforrr Ion, col: Holton Region (905) 825-6000 ext. 4170 Toi) Frei 1-866-4HALTON (1 -866-442-5866) ext. 4170 t riilspiii iiiîîî litîil iii Developed in portnerhî wîîh: I$Oeilfi Caad C nc .LI 4 0The Centre Presenied Byý Perrîs Traininig ond Deve/opment From Oakville/Burlington/Milton: (905) 825-6000 Toîl Free: l-866-4IIALTON (1-866-442-5866) www. reg ion. hal in.on.a TIINA AGNELLO REGIONAL CLERK Il a