The Canadian Champion. Fniday, April 20, 2001-9 ltnsfrtPolice chef-k î_1ý11 remembered by officers Ken Skerrcrt is bersg renent bcred by senior Fluon police oti- cers as an inrnovalivs and approachablc mari who ,mhly guid- cd lmw entorcemetît thirough tire growing parins of regiorral amnalga- nmaitllon. 'Uhe tirsi chiel ot (lic scisly. torincd Iliaiton Regroral Police F'orce in 19)74 -a fusionr oi the Miltoin, Burlingtomr and Oaiksille police forces -Mr. SkerTctt died art his Builimiglomi home (ast %veek ai the aige rot 80. Mr. Skcrreîî was a chiet ol police for mrearly 2(0 ycars tairrg corne oser t romi the taiton rr Polimce l'orce in 1962 Io serse cas head ot lire old Burlingluit Police l"orce. He was nanied ifalton chiel in 19)74 and relired sr 19N1. gmsrrrg way iii WlI. James tHarding B urlitîgiiin Sgt. Co'uini Vroonari has tond mreiies ot ssorking for Mr. Skerreît mn Ilalton. -He hired me hack in 197tt wheiî 1 carne lii Burlinglon. He was a vcry nnovative chict; hie always had the future in mmnd and usually ire lmîmk a vcry new directmon." Sgt. Vroomnan said Mr. Skcrrctt ttrtroduced team policing, whmch has sînce evmîlvcd int community policing, and also brought mn a civilian social wmrker lo aid delc- tîves and adorlescents in the area of youth crime. The Burlington sergeant said Mr. mrreasmsg a asopie d toie81îîLuh a lcd moremgo bd, he ha hemret mh o bechas o egoî.lmnlgm tiii am ici, Sgt. Vroîiman ricerais i n craligdrer bomer Mth 2(Xr)i or irs ins Haii asîîkcre bt he 0 orl yoi a k Butin Brgion c.Sg.JeBrr ccodSg. Vrooas omeî bouhrnteu Mr. Skerretî. eneo hmur wase agenta an alwaysca pokru but ie servicel o ahn hr wa wh e." nini. Dem. Sgt. BarkerSworks wiîhrMr. Skheri' songteve oa deler i abuttengaon.e saiMr thre tjine Halon olithe onvce thn me da i pel, 1976.vdbyevry Carrent Halton Chret Fait Algar recaied beisg a constable aind, lter. a delectise urtrer Mr. Skerreti. -He was an excepiiral indmvmd- ual aind aiways approachable. Rank dtds't have its ditiereirce %vith tire smani. BHe always demosraied to me about commiunmty participation. t reniembr him flpping pancakes ssith tire Rotary Club." Mr. Skerrett's hisîory ais a volas- icer was aitmost as extensive as tas poiicing rcsuné. The former overseas mnettber ot tire Canadian Ariny was a tile meriher ut mlite Royal Cauî,diams Legios. iroru wrm lie recemved the Meritoinous Service Award sn 1993. Mr. Skerrcil was ailso a recîpîcrît of tite C'îmmemtraîive Medat frr 125 years ut' Cissiederatios, a Paul Harrs Feliow as pasi president rtf tire Burlingurs Lakeshore Rotary Club aind Burlinglon's Cilizes oif thre Year mn 1978. Ris other public service credils inclade work with thre Burlinglon Association for the Inteliecîuaily Handicapped lAre Industries), lthe Troabted Child Committee and the Burlinglon-Hamilrîn United Way. An honour vigil of senior Haion officers attended Mr. Skerrerr's fanerai April il ai Smnilh's Fuserai Home in Burlinglon. Local Scouts, Cubs and Beaivers wiill be busy planting trees on the Dufferis Aggregales quarry property tomorrow as pari of Earth Wcek. The 11 ith Annual Earth Week Celebration and Tree Planring with Scouts Canada (Oakviiie and Milton District Scouts) wilI be heid ai the Dublin Line quarrv from 8 arn. to noo-Kn. 'l'ie event is pari of an airnuai nation- wtdc tree plantng projeci sponsored hy Scouts Canada. Tornorrow atso marks the opening of a significat phase (if tire quany rehabilitatios projeci. Arnnouncement i,' Ray Sairotiîs, and. mr the' Pinnirs iot Pariiro r, i a ir î t t [i.tgy Marketing Coimptany a ru plrast ýi ia ounre r' a (laI [i rît l)rîrt, al lonîg stainding Miltron ruiriltt rie uniy ci lude îid thlit pr id ný tr jlt' ortn ie 1) eot'rgv cr nsultant. n his t .paicity as [eorrgy ( iiisrîltanr, Mr. [)irio has hlit ti i loýI arsiitg r licols tri statilizu' thc'ir iatr's Ii avridr the' soiiitility oii spsît inrikîr pluers andl shire i n reliir'ss ia ilailt thri rgh thursu' irigrais. Direct Energy Marketinsg Ltcl. is the l.irgt'st trnregulalr'r c'nergy whîîle",,lîr rît Noirth Amc'rica andi are ar whmilly riwnert sutisitiry rîf Cetîtri pli ,r 40 bl- liris doîllar energy crimp.iny that prîrvictes nituril gis, eletr nt y, ,iutiittti ble and tinainial services tir ne.rly 20 roiIl ion resitiitia I antd ciiorrii ial custîrours on Grc'at Britai. \Nheiher yîru aire respionsitîle foîr a crinercial/industrial iiltcraliio in Miltion or aire crîncernert ahbout yrrcr resîrteotral rates, pîcase tul free tIr crin- tact Daividi ftr inormnatiorn rin Direct Eor'rgy's "TRUE RATE" ptiigr.rms. Phone: (905) 875-4444 Emai 1: direct energy marketing timited _Thank you to Our MDH Volunteer e April 22nd tri April 28th is National Volunteer Appreciation Week. At Miltons District Hospital, volunteers work throughoul tire hmspiiai tir enhance services and add a compassionate touch tio the care the hîrspitl prîrvides. At their lasi Annuat Meeting in May, the Auxiliary donated $1015, 000 li lire hmspital from tireir fundraising initiatives wbich incinde the Strawberry Fai r, a Tea Wagon. HELPP Lmritery. Baby Phtors, BINGO, the Gifi Shmîp and varions sales and raifles. Volunteers play an mîtegral nule sut îîniy in raismrmg mîîncy fuir tie itrspital but aisîr assîsîing staff in patient care. "Tltcy are invuîived ir evcryihing froîn feeding patients lu crafi priigrains," says Sheila Richardsoîn, an RN on the Crîmplex Cîrntînuing ('are tUnt. "They jusi geîteraliv bring a titot ocheer lu the iliior." Vîîlnnîecrs otithe unit bave bies irared so lhcy can tecd patients. "We thace voiunrteers ai esery mealtinie," says Elaine Buris Piatirenrt Cane Mamnaîger un the Unit. "There are sortie who are here esm iav.- 'lhey amîsî repamir amîd itodiiv ctîthmîrg inn patients. "A rot ut ur patients traîse lîrrmte(] mcmbmlmty and have tromuble liting iheir amis abuse their herids." extiauirs Sheila. "Volmînteers split the shirts ami tire back n tîmch rertuces pain tor te patients. Tirere is aisti am s trcer grîîup ihat rrrgairi'es a îrrrrrîhly tea l'rr the unit. "They aciuaiiy bring in a baind," says Sheila. "Tirere's lts rît capping. The paienrîs rcally have a loi mfttfus," Esery Tuesday. there is a "Crîlice aind Caring" program provid- cd by the Paistorral ('are Vîîluntecrs. Ail patients w,%hi are able, sit duen tîrgether and talk about "nid limes"- "lits a reaiiy nice îhîng tfîr eseryitne insîîlved. The patients enjoy talking about iheir lises and bond becanse îhev are geîîîng tri know each mther beiler"- says Sheila. "its niee foîr ns becanse we cars mitre about ur patiets." "we couldn't sursise wmthîrut tirent, l'Il tell you tirai." says Sheila. i ." ' . 1 ~1 MVDII volunteer Set Austen hiîps Jack Rogers, a patient e,, the Complex Centinuing Care Unit, et meatitie. The MDH Anxiliar-y currenily biaisis 255 aidaIt and 30) junirr voinîers. New services prmîvrded by the volunteers inlde an Obstetrîcai Volunleer prîtgram lirai hetps staff wiih stîîckmng and otrnjobs and a porlering service tirai helps transport patients iii iheir varions appoinîmenis ihronghîruî tire hospitl. If you are inleresred in vrîianîeerrng ai MDH. picase cati 91)5- 878-2383ý Wrirteîi b v Rebeccu Stotnra, Puli Re'latio Assoirne at Halîîîn Healtii'are Serr'ires. W. asked our volunteers why they donated their trne ani the fellowing are some of their responses. 1 volwteer because.. "I feel 1 should put something back into the comniunity that 1 have Iived In ail My 11f.." 1 volunteer because... "I1t's 15 a wonderful way to give back to our temflrc local hospitaL"1 1 vohmnteer because... "The relaxed yet professional atmos- plier. of our hospital makes for such an invlting place to lie - positive ener- gy. 9 I volunteer because.. It Ils a comfort to me to know that MDH ia there wlien 1 need lts services. 1 11k. fe] that in some way, I amn con- tributing to these services.' I