Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Apr 2001, p. 26

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26--The Cantadian Champion, Fniday, Apnil 20. 2001 Ger S HstKp Sk(ffed f-elp Hospal, Hospital, i dI'i. Dentlnt Medicai. Dentai Shipper Roceiver Oakvrtle plastics dîstrbutur han au rmured requrmerit lui a seit starrrfg individu-i ai Experrence criC sh rpprng receivrrrr Cerretîcral as ceit as -data Sny skrlts & costumer servico knuw-huc Resumes lu 253 Spe I d Oint 7 .av î1,1 ni Fax 905-825-2919 CLASS A Mechasrc or Apprentron 2-3 or 4th pear for a busp car re- pair centre iv Milton. Cal 905-878-5330 EXPERIENCEO Auto- motive painter $25lhour sind benefîts to the right person. Cati 905-875- 3248. EXPERIENCED auto- motive prep person. $18/hour toi the right person. Cati 905-875- 3248. FIT OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Cumputor nuperrence ini MS otticemamu nerd resume Iou SANI-MMC iNC., Attîri Charlene #1-2910 Brightoun Rd Oakvrlle, Ou LOH 5S3, Fax: 905-829-2746. or emaîl: sniuiitaiiusuaniniarc unr Vistamre FOK or pnt ersof wr&n lsPeaken FrT hv wntanorta elreme dac Oakville Prugressive pivate grade scCuul in Milton is seeking F/T & P/T TEACHERS Iu loin sur team. Wo otter umaîl claus atins ,mm a punitive learmlng envirunsent. Rotirrd tram-hors andl rmow grad- raties celcurvo Cuntry neilimg mrear 401 Aise soehimrg Smmetm Camp Tutors Positions avait rmmed. Fax: 05493-1558 or 905-8-7238 GO GREEN T»HIS WEEK. RECYCLE1 SSI Equipent lac, d ,éei ii , vianulai lui i QI sirainers. pressure vessels and piping cumpon- ens a mmeit opgfo Tesccessu caiiaew e experience iaying OUI small (IeSs Chen 3h dia ) pressure vessels iti multiple ennuIles wtiile beirîg prutîcrent in Clueprinit reading anid the use ot rnieasuriri devices TSSA CERTIFIED WELDERS We require TSSA certitied welder's with experience wurking uni carbon anrd slaivless sieens Lis-rMA Ï-CAW and TIG weldinrj processes Experierîce criC btueprîntl readifi and semi-aulumatic rolatinrj wpld pusitruners is rei3uired SSI utters comlpelitive wages, cumpany beneft is and a clean, sale wurkiîîg enviroomneel leterested candi- dates shuuld sübmilt heur resumes by lax lu, 905-333-5235 No phonoe cils please Mac Based Designer PRINT GRAPHICS a WEB DEVELOPMENT eCD DEVELDPMENT Muut have knowledge in Quark, Photoshop, Hîmi, Java, Cgr, Flauh. Forward resumes to: A.L. Grsphlc Communications 5575 North Service Road Burlington, ON L7L 6M1 Fax: 905-319-0067 e mail: atlaviSatgraphic.cum P/T ACCOUINTS PAYABLE CLERK Matemity Leave Mateînity teave replacement cuuiîneocing immediate- ly, ending March 29, 2002 aI Hapeard Pool Pruducts Canada toc. a leadîog manufacturer ut swimming peut accessery equipineot Prîmary respuîrsîbîlîtîes wîll involve malching and prscessiirilvoices iii an accurate and tîmety manner Sciichhuard relief as oeeded, Hours min 2CCîs, max 37 Stnîs/week. 2-3 years experience in N/P as wel an a strvg ubitity Io organize anîd set prînrîties. PC tîterate in Excel avd Word. AS400 experience an assel. Pleaxe fax restons: Attu: HRsne Reseurcas HAYWARO POOL PRODUCTS 2880 PIyuoet Drive, GakvUm ON (Wlnsten Churchil/tEW arma) t965) 829-0067J 7Full-Time 4 Day Work Week ..includes 1 woekend day A Seif-Storage Company requîtes a flexible individual to work in an active yet supportive environment. 00e otter soid training. The best base salary in the îndustry to a retiable indivîdual. You would be computer literate, sales-oriented, with prentous costumer service and office experience detinîte assets. Cali today (905) 567-5295 Precer Laitui, ru the teading Canadran Lessor ut speciatized rail cars and serviceu, tocated iv Weut Oakvitte. We curreotty haoe an opeoîng in the Pur- chasing Department for a Purchasiog Administîstur, This position wr11 be leuponsibte toi tue toltuwing " Procesuing and disirihuting purcnase uîdeîs. D lata eutry ou MRP Syslem anrd Shup tnvntory " Gonstat nofce dutres incl: lîuig, mail distribution, avuweriog tetepCooeu, typing memus and documents, tuvning repurtu. order statiunary and pruduciio glaphu tut Che SCop lnueotuory Turus. II Other related duties as asurourdý The irncumbent must tre detaîl orientled and be able lu manage multiple dutres iv thîs buuy envirnmeot. Preterence wîll Ire gîven tu candidates with computer experreuce in Word and Encel and sume exposuire ru a Prirchasirrg Depalmont enviromeotl Resume's utling education, experience and salury tristuny sCoutO ire submîtted lu PROCOR LIMITED Human Resaurcex Ompartinfent 2001 Speers Rd., Oakvillm, Oe LOJ 5E1 Emait jobs@procor.coi Faxu 905-827-7735 We thaurk a!! apoticantu tor therr ruterest ru Prucur timried, bot only uuccestiil candidateswtt0 ci'naieml fnn initerews PARA/JD WANTED! Pari-time & Summer Relief Staff As an emetaver et chalce vie oifer: " suppurve team envîruoment " ttexîibîlîty ct work rimes -ou csuuse *vacatiun pay " cummunity work ru Hatun Regrun *mature people - evp gîvîog persunal cae i espionsîple & caring * retrabte vevîcle au asset *stîrdents welcume lu applo Pleaxe mail/fax your resumne toi 1515 Rebecca St., Ste 301 Dabville, Oe LSI 5G8, Fax: 905-047-1038 Attention: Raberta Dunn A leader in community Cesitti & suppodt services PARAS/ID Awardod New Contract! Part-trne Evenings & W/E's emloesr ice rvider spfecitn n iua ted K S Y aes Covlcato tita imoneitec ofentng fore oavioie ares.n V" silI ave a pnrovmentslnaîiywt producî's ei& e i s s able &n/o rviel c Apcity, tpoil / sudoi hmn eouc kno lege alfax po-sesndtry edc nicaionsud inrers l su d b Aleae to orete ru both a&ea sudr indvid-s Ceridiani Canada Ltd., otters ometiv wageol and benefitios, pakaen su asciI- imndt workenin orhent fpouarve itrest- ed i thve ppon ale aply wthg arur t ebieri aI salesran/o servie "Caiurs. l rdorhma esuc Wkrnoatt andiat teonaru Cendia Candaidana amue thatve y ecnth comatu- unicatd an intervewsna skît are cotcee aissisau vopte iton ar reque andiiv- esp erne esv cnutn. oprt traeerie an astd. ofr opt Attwrkeniron en IfBuaske t r We ihauk ahl arptcants for spo4vu hwereer ty hoseusecteel for au interee wili coutacted. PROJEOT ASSISTANT REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Busp administration office locetent in Milton requives an energetre fuil-ime Proteet Asxsiant. Responibiires include: * Trackiug sud issuing of Purchese Orders *Schedule updetes usmng Prîmavere Suretrak Software " Assmstîug Proîsci Managers " Iuvorcîug & Progress Biiliug Must have MS Office. Proset Management software an asuet. Please respond bp Fax or in Person to: Sulco Industris Ltd., 264 Bronte St S. Unit #13 Milton, Ontario LST 5A3 Fax: 9054876-4676 (No phoine ceels ii be eccepised) Teacing voppotutiJte Teaching Real Estate Peaf Es ate t.jpportunïaUes , Corne Teach In the Country Hrthertreld is looking for teachers for September. Resumes tor Junior Kindergarteni and Junior Intermedrate posîbious wili be accepted untl May 4th. Send or tas to: Mîtherfield School 2439 Tenth Sida Rd. Campbellville, Ont., LDP 180 Fax # 905-854-3155 REUsIREMENT RESIDENCE HARRISTON ~ ~ r~, No licence vequmred for ihis 9-bedroom reimement resîdence. Includes asupacinus brighi and privaise ucuer's apertmevt. Nur s nursing hume. Osver FEMALE preferveel, prepares meais and dues huusekeepiug for thel vus-smoher. Quiet residents. Owver wiii trams. A uerp good incume nuei gh bco u rhIno odc. which cas be icreased. Idea for businss/care- -$400/month, firsitas. 5i person. Why sot work for yoarseif? Business Close to bus/mail. and houe ai iv one. Tum key operation. Oever mx retring Euenmings 905-878- Asking $189,900, redaceni ix $184,500 9610. Please caI 519-338-3440 DAYCARE availabie. 3500 sq. 6., 6 bsps, us Maîden Lana, non- - O)V W half acre writh fevoed-iv Smoking enuirovmevi. Fonds $$ Greots and loti Ausilabie Map .Cl Cai Carin 905-875- ions information to 905-875,1150. 1.Ci 0675. siart sud expsvd pour RELIALE Dacarebusiness or fsrm. t- REASONABLE Indus- REaLIABLE Wisocnre 800-505-8866. mrai Units for vent. 650 - ausiabte Wilon &1600 sol. fi. Loading Woodward ares. Please docks & drise-ms. 1-905- cai 905-876-4976. 277-9347 or 1-905-275- 3-BEDROOM house 1111112 Georgetown. Living- vo- -, room wfdireplace, fami- lyipoom, 3-baihrooms, -: r BILLIS out deck. Firsttast/utili- 11-CSL Humeu AUTO BODY tres. 51400/month. 905- Inspection Pittalis - Free 854-0990. Report renesis wat y o SHOP NOT alsecutp need tu know betore home, 3ail coudroo y pou tint pour hume tut hom, 3bedoci, 3 sale. FREE recorded -bath, des, message 1-888-475- wîth f/p. double garage. 8645 ID#1003. RE/MAX ru Non urnker/peto. June Bise Springs. 1si. $t500/+utilies ~, 905-659-3076. PRIVATE Sale. Great -location, 259 Ridge. ieaxs SEMI tur reut. Huge lot 67s1l47' New wor* Hard« toest.y oî ,1 500/month, utities tumace, kîtchen, bath- Com extra. New Matamp rom. Four bedroomo, ne~~rnsevice$ Home, Miltorn. Anailable tîuîshed baisement. Ask- t 155 Nl utn Rd., Map 7. (905)854-3433. Iing $275,000. 905-878- tes 878-2721 - i REVEALEO - Free Report rves7costlp r , mistakes to avord 3 bedroo betore seliirg pour "IO eM Victorias Semi, large, home. Free recorded ' SlMl $1pipus, aiso Acton 1 message 1-888-475- 1988 Mercury Grand bedroom apsdtmeut 8645 ID86000 RE/MAX Marquis. Mrnt conditios. $600 plus 519-853- BIse Springs. Ove ucuen/no rust. 5080, 519-853-5352. SELpuhoetn PW/PD/PS/Air. Certi- ELyuhoefs fred/drive dlean passed. MILTON une bedroom and for top dollar - $3800. 905-878-3731, apsrtmeut tor rent. $775 Betore listing pour isldsail utîlties. 1home, tree report 1989 Mercury Sable. 4 Avartabte June 1. Cai renealu 27 tîpu to grue door,,6 cylinder, auto- Tosp 05-875-1110.ý pouge t hFere cimpeti truve mic 20,649 Km. Fuiip ioaded $700 as is. ONE & two bedroomo de Feercre Cai (95)878-1613. ail inclusive, in Milton. message 1-888-475- r TRCK,198 GM Nopet. Cti etwen 1 8645 IDR3023. RE/MAX un Ton.K 1285 seswih 6. 905-875-4989. BieSrgs voit-up door. 174,000 ONE bedroom base- SAIU ea km. Very good cundi- ment apartmenî avait- bsckspit us desirable able ASAP court location. Shows tion. As is $2300 or best abte ASAF nt Mlttgn ier. 905-875-0940. Cati Aneinva todap to lîkad Four wihlre Sivet 247 585-11 roomo, C/A, Centrai GORRDIS ex. 24. - Vac. New rok, drive- /A III~ SPACIOUS 1,2 & 3 csp sud tiourîng U I( bed nos Freship tfrroughout. $224,500 sias. painted, brrght. Com- 905-875-1392. 613 0*1 ESI petituve tt Burt uglon Poster Court. NEW USED ig saie 00nenin oi- TWO bedrnom. 2 bath- 410 STEELES AVE. catios. 905-333-9846.nmcno coe A FAMILY BUSINESS Noos 8 p.m twu parking speces, une WITtI FAMILY VALUES sou ge useand uther ~'~ ~ 101 TWO bedIroom, modern entras. Immaculste con- WR -55 tcY - OND-LES building, t dge, stove, ditiou $189,900. Cal UAStI 010 15 MON halxnp reserved park- 905-878-9560. USE VHILE INMITO ig, central Miltn. Nu 875-2277 pets, Retereuces e quired AnailsCie May 1À Firot & lest $945 plus N/- CH S N hpdro/cebie. 905-878- IRI8123 Mos Fni 9 tuS 5 pour car or truck RECYCLE 1w25S. aI De" Rd. T1'5 878-2393 PAF'ER OPEN HOUSE Aprîl 21, 22, 2-4 p.m. Private Houae Sale - $276,900 837 Childa Drive, Milton Timbertea - Weit-maintmned, bright 2 storp delscbed 3+1 bdrm 2 1/2 bath on au oner- sized (55'x153) mature, tenced lot. Spacinus bedrooros and dining rm. tm mn wîlh patio w/o & mI taundry. Prot. fin. basement w/poss. 4th Cedroom. Central air & R/i nec. Updated est-rn kitchen cmth b/ appîs. 2 car gar. Close teu schoos, shopu & GO train. 905-876-0799 - No agents plese. Celebrating a Birthday Wedding Anniversaty? Did you have A Baby A Graduation? Are you looking for a new job? wanting to hire? Are you Iooking For a New Home? an apartment? a townhouse? Did you lose your pet? or maybe you found a pet? Need a new car? truck? boat? trailer? Fax the Classifieds 876-2364 lg Té Place your garage sale ad fax zbe Canabiau I champion e 7-364 1 Fax 876.,2364 Io list y our Clussified

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