Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Apr 2001, p. 24

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24-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, ApnI 20, 2001 Classified CLASSE B0 S MONDAY TO FRIDAY Cl~assifieu A-sS 90M50M appear at... YOUR HLSIFE OMMIE 875-3300 ~ wwmloanhmincn wwmtnw calicn BIRTHDAY Wih retjo, antan JhnHi;ti.Evann Chi//man is detighted ta announce WILES - BRODEUR Wiouethe gmeayJnt nd John H/I/j the iarthcaming marriage ai his parents Daug & Mary Wi/es ai Dri/lia and John & annunc th enagmen aihei daghBill Chilîman to Christine Franklin. Jenniier Brodeur ai Mil/on are p/eased ta X iet.7b Wrrnsongrineatu/ations (ram B/i/t & Unda annaunce the engagement ofitheir an Don Warren. The wedding wi// take Love Chi//ma gand Duonny & Georgina rnklin. chi/dren Shelley Marie to Paul David. place on Friday, August /0, 200/ a/St.arM A d £ s"aa ý Weddîng lo take place Arit' 2, 2001 a/t. The weddînq wît/ lake plate in Dri/lia, Gere nlcnCucMl X0A/ban Church in Acdos t pm Auqust 200/. 1 I 1 37 , 7 3? 37 BSIiIh etuthe Biriis ln Me*mriam$ ln Momottu e ha meoriam In Meiri MEDELA PRODUCTS - SALES & RENTAIS Bletter Living Home Health Gare Inc. Also specializing in Wheelchairs, Walkers, Sports Medicine, Bathroom Safety Equipment, Compression Stockings & more. 905-875-2458 BUSHEY (nee Recoakie) - Callîsta is sony excîl- ed 10 annoanco ftho sole arnsval of her sîster, Jaey Aies, weîghîsg 8 lbs 7 oz. on Aprîl 3, 2001. Proud parents are Randy and Amy. Proad grandparents are Suxan and David Recoskîeo0f Milton, and Dorothy and Roy Bushey, of Danvitie, Ouoboc. Special thanks to the Milton obstotrics reard for ail your excellent care. PRINCE, Ryme Sebastian, 6 tbs 9 oz., arnived aafe and aound on April 8, 2001 at the Grand River Hospital, Kitchener. Proqjd parents are Jamie Prince (tormerfy of Milton) and Slacy Roctiz of Waterloo. Firs grandcsiid for Guy Prince (reffe Cathy) andi Oeborah Rossi (han- band Johs>, ait of Milton and John and Laanina Da Rocia of Fait River, Massachuasetts. First greatgrandson for Raymonde Prince of Wakefiled.Oueboc and fire greatgrandchild for B/i and Shrirley Allen of Etbcoe. Also celeurat- ing Ryans birfth are ancien Simon, Connor and Andrere Prince, as well as many, many cousins, aunts and ancien"! A Coffee & zbt Caabin Ctamiùn the fient tve,, to start your day! Van de Haar - Ken and Genniter are proad to announce the birlh of Iheir son, Samuel Ian. Sam, the sewesl "Goodlifer," arrived on March 31, 2001, weighing 7 has. and 6 ounces. Proud grandparents are Casey & Lori Vandehaar and frst time g~ranprrts Greg & Rickoy Lemire. Special lhanks to Halton Communily Midrefe team - Heather, Diane and Anne as well as the Nursing staff at Oakviile-Trafalgar Hospital. CAT, orange labby, named Simba. Lasser Ave. area. Please cetl Margaret 9054878-0670. sn memonj cf my moîher, Barrie-lune Satiba reho dîed Aprl 21, 2000. A year han gone by sisce 1bolt a part of my soul. No ose cas lrsly know the emplîneno thal 1Iteel innîde Oh Mom how 1 wish 1 had the chance ici nay Goodbye. 1 helieve yosr last days in Florîda mers spenl in a Happy place, But oh whal 1 would have gises junI b see your face, To hear tour soîce and yosr fsssy uie laugh, tv gise yos a hag and lv feel il hack. Realily ns Ihal you w/Il sol relum, and l'm leh wîlh memories, Though lhey are sol the name, Iorn arn coni- fused, angry and in a lot1of pain. Il ns hard to snderoland why God didnlt let un say goodbye, The only solace f hal I hase is Ihal yoa dîdn'l natter oser a long period of lime. Yoa are nore in a place of heauly and peace. Say hello f0 Daddy for me Ino, t know Ihal he w/Il lake good care 0f y05. You are logether agaîn rehîct ix comforfing 10 kowr, and nover ever forget that my love for hoth of you will nover go. love you Mora and miss you sa, very mach. Love Margaret In memory 0f a loving Grandrma t lose you, a bushel and a peck A busheand apeck 1do. love you a hag around the neck A hug arouncl the neck 1 do. 1 miss you grandmna Love Christine In Memoriama in the forre of donations ta The Canadian (( r Cancer Society are deepty appre- ciated. April 21, 2000 We miss you Mom, Grandma Barnie June Saliba We cansot believe the lime Ihal has past, Since the day we saw /00 last We lhink of you hosrly and daily.- Our hearis feil like lhey were broken. At limes il still seems Thal this was a terrible dream But the aching is real And il is no scary how we feel! In our hearts you remais near foreser and each and esery day of the year. Love Carol, Brent, Nicotle, Natalie, Alana The (ami/y ofithe la/e Kerry Kitchen (thanks, and deep appreciation to the (ami/y, (riends and neighbsurs for their kind words, flsra/ arrangements, charitab/e donations, and many other>. kindniesses received during the sudden /oss ai a dear son, brother and unc/e. A t ispecia/ thanks ta Jeremy and Miche//eoait; -~the J. Sco// Ear/y Funera/ Home for their kindness to us during aur lime ai l oss A/sa ta Rer. Mark McDerm/tl for y his comiortmng words, /he nurses on the second Itoor ai Mil/an District Hospita/ Ladies A uxi/ary ai the Canadian legion (or the de/iciaus lunch. Dur deepest thanks ta you a/I. Bruce and Norma, Paul and Kevin Kitchen, andl familles. MI mole La ~/e~kInAs 60TH ÀNNIVERSARY BIRTHDAY RITA MACNEIL & THE MEN 0F THE DEEPS sn Concert, Friday Apsil 27, Roy Thompson Hall, Toronto. Tickets 416- 872-4255. STAG & D0E for Keilh" Wadhem amd Amas/a Powell. Fniday, Apal 27, 2001. Optimisl Centre, 7 p.m. T-ickets availahie aI the door. BEREAVEMENT SUP- PORT. A Bereavement Support Self Help Group reil begin the firat Monday in May For more information or f0 regixter pleane cal. 905-877-1211 hefore May 1. APPUIANCES -fn/dgo, 2 door; Slove; Maytag aatomatic reasher, dry- er. Aiso, apartment set. Under warrany. (905)637-8328 8UNK Beda f rom CraIe Store. Perfect condition i$500. O.B.O. 905-878- 348U CARPET 1 hase neyerai 1,000 yrds. of sew Slainmaster & 100% ny- Ion carpe. Wll do living- room & hall for $349. sn- ciaden carpe, pad & sn- vtllation (30 yards> Steve, 905-639-2902 OIRECTV Satelle Sys- lemn. HU card program- Smîng, $75. H card repro- grammîsg $50 2 monîhs guarasleed. Pro- g rammed HU cards $350. Complele synlem 400 channels $459., sn- nlalled $559. Ail work guaraneed. 519-8t30- 1273, 519-853-2409. DIRECTV Syslems. With sîrgîn HU Card. $295. Cali Meghas 905- 399-5802ý E L E C TRO0 N 1C S Clearance: 27" TV, stand, choîce oil OVD/VOR. $11.25/wk. 1-800-267-9466 FREE Estîmates.. . Got wohhiy or broken chairs? Weak sofa or chair s rngs? Soft foam? lie ookîsg wood finixhes?. .. Thon cai Fiel/s for ail fami- lare repairs and custom wood refinishing. 9-9 do/ly, 905-875-4427 MAPLE Kîtchen set $150 obo; Bam- boolglass coftee table $40 obo, IKEA rear- droho with matching bod table $50; Mirror 4'6"x25" $35; New Fcountler top stove anil $250 oho, Oak cous- tor/bar, best offor; Brass tire scroen and tools I$40. Cali 905-854-1412. RECYCLE THIS F FAPER

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