Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Apr 2001, p. 23

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Work takes a heatizeat when Rid1ev'ç, Delmarva Shorebirds take to the field .Shayne Rîdiey was ai ibe plaie for le i)elinarsa Shîircbirds wîi the hases, loaded aîîd onte oui. [)cimarva s% in oîr near Salisbury, Marylaund isve ligured out, and s, a teatî in lthe (iass A Soîuth Atlatiic icague. a tarin club il the Baltimore Orîtîles. Tbey bave an excellenit weh site i s vtshehrscmilit shoîws ail the siats. gaine siories. box scitres, and bas pîctares ot ibeir siadîum. Most irnpot-taity, hosseser Iheir gainies arc ot flie radio antd broadcast oui tiser ibe Interniet. Ridiey, fle aînnouîtcer bad nîîîed cariier, v as iroiti Miltont, Otntariot, Canîada, i siiipped \virkitig so i couid pay full ailenlioti tii bis ai bai, siletîy urgiitg bî nii. -Ridiey bits il tit the grîîund.. AND TiiROIJIIH THE INFIELD! Otte mun s ini, aither mn is iti... The atnluncer tîor the Shîîrebîrds is excellent atid easy iii lîsîtin Ioi, but 1 wuudn't iikeiy be lisîenîug to their games if a bomeîowu boy wasn't on the team. Il makes il speciai siimebody 10 cheer for. Il was the samne intihIe wiuîer wiîh hockey. i iisîened ontihie Internet 10 Bryau Gent star l'or the Utah Valley junior team in the ail star gamte and the pisyotfs. He ws even ititerviewed ai the ail star gamte wbere he made retereuce o bomneîowu Milton. Darren Haydar and Jeff Haydar were piayiug for the University of New Hampshire Wiidcats ibis wînier. Ail their games were archîved ont a web site. so 1 couid listen iii ibem wheuever 1 bad tinte. I'd put my baud where i kuew the score wuud be on the screen, and press the links, and I cîîuid listen to the previous Saturday uighi's gaine oit Suuday uigbi or Mouday momiug wbiie 1 was wîirkiug. There's sometbiug about sports otithe radio that bas aiways appeaied iii me, ten prefcmrng t iii tbe relevisittu broadeasi. I can lisien iii auy NHL bhickey gamre, NFL football game, or auy umajor league basebail gaitne ou my computer. The NBA idis want us iii pay l'or the priviiege. Il wasu't aiways xii easy, oii coturse. When i was a kid, i liad ibis radio ibai cîther piugged in or rail itn batteries. Prîîbabiy abotut as wide acrîîss as your telepiîtîe. 1 dîubt lthai yîîu wîîuld exen sec oîte of ibent nowadays and l'or sure you etuidn't bey tonc. Il was the besi radio I*ve ever îîwned. Il got iitons of AM sia- titns. i'd mtu[le diai exer so siîîwiy aîîd I was ail tîver the UJnied States. Turi il titis way oîr ibat and I couid gel even mitre stations. Duuitg the wînîer, I'd listenti th ie Philadeipitia 76er's gamres. i didu't have a sehedule. so i neyer knew wiîen tbcy were playing, but I'd try iii tiid ibeiti every iîighî. Wbeîî fiîy were onu I cîîuldn't be happier. Titeir big star was Biiiy Cunnintgbamî, aîîd i'd hope like crazy be'd gel 211 points cause i kucw lthai was a btg deai. Muchio ith e tinte I'd have tiI lîsien t the games under the cov- ers wîth the vuolume as iîîw as i couid gel tl so i wouldn'i gel caugbt by my parents who wîîuid take the radio away if ibey caugbî mie. I couid itever slecp. even as a kid, so il was either Hardy Boy books by flasbligbi tir the radio. Duritig tbe summer I'd lisîcu to whatever basebail game i couid fiud, wbicb was usuaiiy the Si. Louis Cardinais games. Tbey were ttu KMOX wbîcb had a ver clear signai back ther ind stili does uow. Laier, it was the Mouireai Expos games. Oit a bot sumnmer uigbt, wiib tbe breeze biowing îbrougb the Triathion training begins on Tuesday.. The Milton Wornen's Triathlon bas been gaining steamt since ils inception in 1995. And esient founder Tina Braanî is hoping to get more local ladies in peak condtiffon for the sunual fail competition. To that end, she's once again offerng a seuies of trathlon clinicti - the tirai of which lakes place ai tbe Milton Leisure Centre Ttiesday firm 7 to 9 p.m. Thse initial clînic - sud two tbat'll foiiow il - aims to inîroduce the sport to womcu and provide opportunities for .Iearning training techniques sud building confidence. Participants ahould corne dressed for as easy stretcb and nau as paut of Uic eveuiug prîgralm. The cost for a single ses- sion is $25 wbile tbe price for ail tbree ciinics - collective- ly entitled "Lýaru. Experience. Do' - is $65. To register, or for more infomiuation. eail Sue Leeder ai 878- 7329. 'Me 2001 Milton Wotueu's Tiatblon wiii L'e beld Suuday, Sept. 2 ai Keiso Conservation Area. Two différent distance triathlons plus a duathlon will L'e offered, giving both novice sud advauced aibleteS the chance 10 compete. The Canadian Champion, Fridsy, Aprul 20, 2001-23 r ýý -, - to read up on ail your ________ local On the sports loe teams loose here with ~ MURYTWSN popular trees in the yards behind us and a basebali game on the radio, 1 cati stili rcmember what a nice feeling il was. 1 catit lîsten to the Blue Jays games on the radio because 1 cant stand the announcers. Tom Cheek ialks in cliches that makes me absolutcly nuity. ]Lots of people like him, though, but I ihink that's because they neyer heard the oid-time play by play guys. Although, many seem to have nice memories of sitting ini iheir backyards or porches on summer evenings Iistening to Blue Jays brosdcasts duritig their glory yesrs. Nowadays 1 cati pick atid choose whatever game I wat to listen 10 thmough the magie of the Internet. And 1 don't have t0 do tl under the covers. Righi tiow my team of choice is the Delmarva Shorebirds. WHAT' ON ct.~ê {~n Celebrating a SSpecial Occasion? Cail & Book Our Upstairs 189 Miii Street e 878-6680 Chicken Loyeiurs' Feast $ 219 276 Main St. 878-4171 Appearing Sat. A prit 28 Killin' - JiîveTi THE Ivy ARMS 201 Main St. E. 876-4899 Knight Cap WedneSda Ni ht 'Wing Night f Dylan WickensW Sat. Apr. 21, 9-close 270 Main St. E. (905) 876-3780 every Tuesday and Friday- I ~ PC RAill Fi L e :11 1a rd Lîne <Driving 513 Range NOW OPEN for the season., corne show us how you drive 6621 3rd Line (3rd fine south of Derry) 693-0303 I Kim Mason (905) 875-0600 Kim Mason is the new Manager, Porsona Financial Services at th Milto Brnh Atr1 OLYA BAN

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