Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Mar 2001, p. 7

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Auto theft is a. fast4track to wealth for criminals - from HALTON on page 1 Canada oîr shîpped lu anîmîher coiuntry The trend in liallon mirrors sîaîisîics recently released by the Insuratîce Bureau mît Canada fihai descobet Canîada as the "car ihef t capital <if North Arnerica.- Auto> Iheft s nîîw a $21-bîl- lion business anîîually. secoîîd only lu Ille drug trade. and a fast-track bo wealth f'or flie cri ninally-tinnded. lIîsuraiice bureaiu spîîkesnîaîî Rumberi Trenîblay said orgail- iied crimle grimups, noîably the Russiait nîob, sîarted moving nul the business afler the fait mot the Soîviet Uinioîn in 1989. lie saîd cars stolen in Canada can enîd up in flme U nited States, Soîuth Arnericai, Africa. and casteril Euroipe. The frec trade agreenlent bas made il easier lu inuive stolen secîînd-hand vehi- dles lhrough the United States lui fîîreîgn rnarkets. Niîriially. flie cars are placed iii sealed containers in Canada and sfîipped by rail io ports mn the Uniited Siais whcre lhey're placed mmm ships lui foreigu des- linaliuîis. Mr. Tremblay said il's a high- ly protilable way lu move the vellicles because ils cosîs only about $5,0() lu rent a contain- er, which can hold as many as îhree or tour luxury cars. A jeep Chcriikee. fotr examnple. which cosîs abomut $50,000l, selîs ftir about $ 1 IlOîXIt) on the foreign black market. tialton police Detective Greg Sullivan said the regmon appeals lii professioni car thieves becatîse luxury vehlicles can be easily plucked frot dealer- ships alîîmg the QEW. ail easy escape route. DeI. Sullivan said the thieves have an international metwork ihaI allows tilemnto i ove a car f ront [lallon lu almost any part (il the world in about îwtî weeks. "Me global village as wc know il has really shrunk,"* he saîd. ThMese peuple are hîghly sophisticalcd. They keep up wilh technology; (..ome are) tormer members ut the KGB and mililaiy intelligence." Ile said he believes protfes- 'tonal crimmnaks are drawn lu auto theft because il provides big profits with flle risk com- pared lu drug tralficking and bank robbeiy Even if they gel caught, they probably woitil gel much jail limie because il's considered a non-violent -properly crme. Typically. a street level thief -who is a kind ot foott soldier in the auto theft hierarchy gels $500 lu $1,000) for cachi car he delîvers lu the boss. But a Mercedes witli the keys, earns as much as $5,188). Dul. Sullivani said the boss oif a car thef t ring. however. can easily becoîne a inilîjonaire. Halton police Detective Brian Snmith - an expert in car thefl - said about liait a dozen spuort utilily vehlicles (SoIlI niore than $5(l,(8lt) each disap- peared tront car dealerships in Geuorgetuowni ast sumrnier. Twî oif the vehlicles were laler f ound în Montreal. Co- îîîcidentally. the thefts occurred white the Quebec-based Rock Machine moîcîrcycle gang was trying to establishr a chapter in the town. Dcl. Smith saîd professional car thieves made their presence known in Halton tive or six years ago. when the stolen car recovery rate dropped dramati- cally. About three years ago, Det. Sinith went 10 Gernîany lu îrack down 101 SUVs and lwo Harley-Davidson motorcycles stolen from Halton and shipped to Europe. Der. Smith suggested a special squad should be set up lu deal wiîh professionaf car-thef t rings, railler than fighting the prob- lint piecemeal. - Torçoar Wire Sers'ce Preàmvention is key to fighting thefts Ulow 10 prevent your car minm beittg stolen: - H.mve iiiiiiobilizer apprtîsed b> the Vehîcle lIformation Centre (i Canada insîalled or purchase a sellimIe with a facto- r> mmsalled sNsleltl . Doimi lcave sour car tiîiluicked anid mever leave vîlur keys mmi (lie ignition. - Ask police and nuotosis, associattions fuir advice o11 wýhich cars are hardest ti steal. - If yoti cati. park mn well-lit aras. pvterabty swhere there ar lots (it people. - When you park aI homne. ask necighbours to kcep an eye unt your vehlicle. And do thc saine for (hem. - Know tle pedigree of any second-hand parts you buy. If the puice is 100 good bt be (rue, chances are ihev're stolen. -Mark sortie of the more expensive parts on your car in ani inconspicuous place wîth an etîgraving rol., usmng your car's sehîicle identifimcation iutiiber. Oit nierai parts. coser the îiumber wmîh nîst-înhîbilor. - Glass etchmng is a good deterrent. Thmeves don«t tîke cars wmth parts that can be traced. - Il you tiave an alarm on vour sehîicle. set il. - Avoid leavmng your keys wtl ofthrs. Keys cati le stulen or copied. If you must leave a spare key outside of your car. lie sure that it's wetl hidden. What's stolen Most... Here are the 10 Most fre- quently stolen vehicles manu- tactured in 1998 and 1999 in order, from most stolen to least. 1.- Hyundai Tiburon FX 2. Volkswagen Golf (two door) 3 . Acura Integra (two door) 4 . Jeep TJ (tour-wheel drive) 5 . Hyundai Accent (two door) 6. Chevrolet Cavalier Z24 7. Dodge Durango (four- wheel drive> 8. Dodge Dakota (four-wheel drive) 9. Toyota 4Runner (four- wheel drive> 10. Dodge Ram 1500 (tour- wheel drive) lb. Canadam Chamnpion, Tuesday ,Muets20,2001-QZ A , I1 1 f f , j,ý, ý 1;f , ( t rl ideas. Cai 8789-234 1, ext. 234, Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. After hours, leave a message. e Conveniently locat- LBOIL & FILTER ed within walking LBService I station e25 years Tune-Up 4 cyl ..69 6 cyl ...$74 95 8 cyl .. 8 *appIies ta Most cars & light trucks *Brake Service *Steering & Suspension *MOT Safety Inspection *Computer diagnostics *Tires " Auto Electric& Charging Systemrs " General Repairs HALTON REGION NOTICE 0F STUDY RE-COMMENCEMENT and PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE TREMAINE ROM) in Milton Lower Base Line to Indian Creek (soutb of Britannia Road) Class Environinental Assesuient Study In May 2000, the Region of Halton began a study to carry out improvements to the horizontal curved section that occurs on Tremaine Road as lndian Creek, approximately mid-way between Lower Base Line and Britannia Road in the Town of Milton. The study focussed on options to modify the existing sharp bends in the roadway for the purpose of improving roadway operations and addressing potential safety concernis. The work carried out to date has included: an inventory of the existing environment in the vicinity of the sharp bends; preliminary consultation with govertiment agencies; meetings with directly affected landowners; and, an analysis of preliminary alternatives. The Region has identifted tic need to extend Use study corridor southwards 10 Lower Base Line Road to address other geometric deticiencies and potential safety concemrs. The study with its extended corridor is now considered a Schedule C project following the requirementa of the Class Environmnental Assesament for Municipal Road Projects (2000). lncorporating carnier work and input, the re-commenced study will also include: an inventory of the existing environent for the new section; meetings with affected landowners; a Public Information Centre (PIC); Uic identification and assesament of alternative solutions; the selection of a preferred solution, with consideration of public and govemrment agency input; and the preparation of an Environmental Study Report (ESR). We would appreciate receiving your commienta or concernis regarding the project. The PIC is scheduled for March 22, 2001 ait Our Lady of Victory School, 540 Commercial St., Milton, between 5:30 pmn and 8:00 pin. The environental study report will be completed by July 2001 and construction is tentatively scheduled for 2003. Please direct anv information, commienta or questions to the fllowine: Nick Zervos Senior Transportation Co-ordinator Halton Region 115 1 Bronte Road Oakville, ON L6M 3L 1 Phone: (905) 825-6161, ext. 7632 ToIl-free: l-866-4HALTON (1-866-5866) Fax: (905) 825-8822 e-mail: zmrosn(& Steplen Keen SNC-Lavalin Engineers & Constructors mnc. 2200 Lake Shore Btvd.W. Toronto, ON M8V 1 A4 Phone: (416) 252-5311 Fax: (416) 231-5356 e-mail: keenselic-lavalin.comi Z 1 www.region.batonom.ea

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