6 -The tCanadah CAeeeioni Tuésdày Mtarety 20; 2001 co CUMMLN ICanada needs policy now to ensure future Much ot the world is currently consumed with agricultural issues. Foot and mouth disease along with rnad cow disease is ravaging Great Britain and it has now corne to France and Argentina. The out- break is threatening the livelihood of thousands of farmners and anyone along the food delivery chain. And it's a long chain indeed. And on Wednesday across Canada, farmers clogged roads in a national day of protest against a $500-million federal aid package they have called inadequate. They argue that they're fighting tough compe- tition for their commodities thanks to higher subsidies being paid to U.S. and other farmers. Like most business people, farmers aren't heard from when times are good, only when there's a downturn. But the fact is that someone bas to produce our food and unless the féderal govemnment can produce an agricultural policy that benefîts both the farmer and the consumer, this circle of blame will continue. Somehow Canada bas got to have a cohesive farn policy that gives our young people some hope that they can make a reasonable living off the family farrn. Information from farm groups says that's not happen- ing and that means a lot of trouble in the future. O UR READERS WRITE Couple upset by CN development says they feel their property now has no value to anyone but to them as a place to resîde (The (ut//ttoiig letter as ac/c/essoed Iot lfait T/toeeî.oe, CN dîeo'otor tif coniueetnicou- fiuons., îîeul ua ('(t/s ioia. fi/ad unir/t T/te C/tyineiîn.) Dear EdJitor: We have received the citter itnom Mr. Helier wito rcfèreîncc tus the ncw iter- modal terminai pianned for Multon. Our coîncerus arc the ioiiowing: - Noise (uit fn.sm constrouction, then the actuai runnîng oft he terminal) * Dust/dit in the air (sanie as abovv/ * Lighting (needcd to work 24 hours per " Property values " Air pollution (iro i the engines Trn- ning) Wc do knusw lrom aiîending the meeting ai Milton council Februaty 26 thai Mr. Helier told us that bermos wîli be conoinict- cd to try 10 heip wiih %omne of these prob- lems, but fromt previous experience we do know that ibis îsn't tise perfect answer. We aiso cannot sec where berms wili help with the lighîing nccessary 10 cnable 24-hour- per-day work or with the effccts of the exhausi fumes from the engînes. Mr. Helier aiso askcd us 10 haire patience with THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Bo s248, 191 Main St. E., Tii. Canudan Champlon puE ied enti Tuesday and Friday a 191 Main St, E . Milton, Ont. L9T AN9 (Box 248). os one of lire Metroturd Nl1iton. Ont. LAT 4N9 Printirg, Poblisnq & Distributing Ltd group of suburban comparues icE incluies yaaxiirckering News Adoertiser, Aliston Herald/Courier, Barrie (9 5)8 7 -2 4 1 Advance, Barry's Bay Titis Week, Boiter Erterprise. Brampton r di (905 8 7 8 - 3 4 1 Burlington Foot. Burtington Shropping Nes,. City Parent. City ot York Guardian, CoiingwmotN4asaga Connection. East York Mirni, Erre EditrtalFax 878-943 Adoocate ountry Boutes, Etobicoke Guardian. Ftamborougti Fost. Foeeoer FditrialFax:878-943 Young, Georgetown Indepeedertfiton Free Fress. Haitoir Eusiness limes. Adv rtîîng Fa: 8 6-2 64 Hurrnia Business limes, Kingston Tris Week, Lirdsay This Week. Maekham Adv rtiingFax 87 -23 4 FEorromrst & Sor, Midiaedtireretanguisrere Mîrror. Mîtor Shropprrg News, Mississariga Business limes. Mississauga News. Na ouree Guide, Classified: 875-3300 Narsagameya News. Newmarket/Burora Era Bnser Northunmberland News, Non iotrk Mîrror, Oakiroit Beaver, Gakvrlie Shroppirg News, Sidrîmers Ian Oliver Publisher tiurckey News , lOTday ynrawà/WittOy.iCariors/orl Ferry This Week, Peterboroughr Tris Week, Picior County Guide, Richmondf Nei Olier A.9s ii r î, b çiu)iter yilrorrriiiVaughar Liberai, SrboOdri Mtrir Stiiulivrte/iioOridge Tributre WNendy MçNab Ad% e'ttiîing Afitfîner A~ddoirtisirq rriacceted or the corditror triar rn rie eoert of a typo- graphicai error tmat portion or tme adonitisirru soace occupied Wr tire erro- Karen Smith Iiditiir reous item, ogelher mtriareasorarie ailomairce for sigrature. ffli rot oe Steve ('marner ('tri uttre 444inuî charged roi W~ tire balarnce of rire aderitisemert wii De lard toi ai tire appi ge a ble rare Trie publesher reserues tieregtots caredortQe adverisemerts or Ti <.asa. <Gîi ei Mîamni,'ar decline the proceos but whiie we haire t0 wait patientiy for more information trom CN, how do we know that you are sEull flot secretiy' (as in your purchasîng cri the properties) making the proceirs wîîrk for yisu. We were aiso informed that CN had optioned' moot of the area shurwn in green on the map. Unfortunately, ibis doesn't help any of us on the periphery of the des- ignaied atea. We do think thai CN shouid look ai ail the properties adjacent to the designated area, because, with your plan as et stands, ail of these properties hase a oeil- ing value of zero, as we're not going to be abie to oeil theru in ihe foreseeable future. On talking to the company that you used as purchasing agent for the properties aiready optioned, we were told that in 20 to 25 yearo time our properties wouid proba- biy be designated as industrnaVcommercial and wouid therefore be worth a lot more 10 us. We haven't been able to asseirs the ages of ail these property owners yet but we do know that sorte of us wili flot be around in that time frame. Maybe CN, which wiii be around at thai time shouid buy ail tbis property now, at pre-announicement values so they can reap the beneftts of incrcased property values then. Wc're sure that most of our neighbo)urs-, had boughi their propenties with the samie thoughts in mind as us - that we wanted tsf moire oui of the urban setting we were in and lire in a rural area away from any ncw construction, noise and heavy traffic - ail of which we're promised by your new ter- minai. Further to that. wc also hadn't planned to stay in this setting foreirer. Our plan was as we got to or closse to reiiring age, we wouid re-plan our lires by seiiing and moving whether lo be near our chiidren or grandchiidren or 10 a rctirement home. We feel we haire been cheated osut of that part of our lives because as eariier nosîed, our property bas no salue to anysnc but us as a place to live for now. We, look forward 10 an early answer to these points. Bernard and Margaret Fryers Tremaine Road Send letters by fax to 878- 4943, email ta Mil- toned@ ha/ton- search. com or drop them at our office, 191 Main St E. Pud by Steve Nease r* UNM Canadm ChwpS is a Rocyck" %duct ý11 Tim colles l'rs.uliii tion Maruiger