r 'r.-I ri, r A iilion a liuei ha,.nuieti tii, \Vuîii kplae Saitiit (Itl ltran 0e' cotuti i anSIBi 0111 I a eis s uiini RÏioih tei. iiillîîuuî an 1iii i'L \l ctiii i' t Sa iuiti i s ita ti lo (1 O to( )it I i ttl dountîîels snbinîtted lu h TH CORPOATIO OF* Ti TONO MLO 1MILIO8N'5787-71 Public Notice of Road Closure Fourth Uine will be temporarily closed to through îraffic beiween Derry Road and Brîlannia Road in the Town ot Milton effective Tuesday, March 20, 2001 to Friday, April 6, 2001 lu facilitate wastewater nain construction. Traffic wiIl 11e detoured as illustrated below: BERTAN RD Foi-- - - - - - - - - F n pîcae ROUTaE Toîwn tif Mltîîn Phîllîp Antoniow. C.E.T. Coordinator. Enginîeering atîd Transit (905) 878-7211 Fan: (905) 878-6995 Region tii Haltoîs Leonard Verwey. C.E.T. Construction Supervisor 1905) 825-6000 The Town of Milton is pleased to announce a new grants programn 2001 Milton Commun"t Fund established to distribute a portion of the funds received from the Ontario Lottery Corporation. Plan to attend an information Session to find oui more about this funding opportunity. Thursday, March 22, 7:30 p.m. Milton Seniors' Activity Centre 500 Childs Drive Agenda: (A question period will follow each presen- tation) 7:30 p.ni Communiiy Growth - impact for commtiniiy organizations 8:30 p.m. Milton Community Fund Please RSVP to: Jennifer Cox ai 878-7252 ext. 2169 Application packages will be available ai the Information Session. I lr and- lilal) hue Is o allilîipls II la i elc I (iti 1101 tii e tlei1, tiol(itl I tutuIL thettti sicoeili .îîl i11l-l.it epiu \\ S id 1iitt uit lu oilil l lit tîl s lent anti site anti healtii \%onk- placces toi. ai tlaan ONcLINEI c~twmîlna Employment upporfumfy Building Permit Administrator Position Summary The Planning and Development Departmcnt requires an individual to fil] th1e position of Permit Admînîstrattîr. This Positioîn will coordinate the receipt and timely process of building permît applications. inctuding the calenlattons and collection tuf ail assocîated fees. Major Job Responsibilities " Administer the processing of building permit applications. from initial customer contact 10 issuancc ouf permit " Create and maintain applicant handoul information packages " Coordinate receipt of aIl building permit, by-law permit and ctîndiiional permit applications " ldentify Development Charges and aIl other requîred tees to he collected ai permit issuance " Prepaîe and maintain accurate records and reports " Process aIl types of permit applications by researching and ensuring ail conditions are met " Calculate monthly statistics " Provide front line customer service Education and Experience Applicants should have a High School Diploma with additional college level business courses and three years prior office experience. Muni be prolicieni in windîîws based sofltware including Word and Excel. Knowledge of information îracking database soîftware and abiliy tî read coînstruction drawîngs is a definiie asset. The salary range for Ibis position is $33,613 10 $39.545. lîîteresied applicants shoutd submit 'a resume by March 30, 2001 tii: Town of Milton, 43 Brown St.. Milton, Ontario L9T 5H2 Attention: Gloria Day, Coordinator, I-mn Resources Fan: (9051 878-2341 nîed stinoly ftir candidate setecnsun White WC appîntiate ail rentitues reu.eîsed. WtC iili notify only thnst applicttt uni titîerved Notice of Public Information Centre Charles Street - Lydia Street to Commercial Street Traffic Study The Town of Milton bas approved the reconstruction of Charles Street beiween Commercial Street and Pine Street. During th1e design stage of th1e projeci it han become evident the section of Chartes Street between Commercial Street and Lydia Street would not support two way îraflic. As a result, the Town is consîdering a one way designation of ibis section of road- way. Thse Town bas completed a irafftc siudy 10 determine the îraffic impacts on adjacent sireets wiih a one way designatisîn. The purpose of the Public Information Centre is to alternatives and impacts. Town staff and Town's Cm Information Centre 10 discusa the varions alternativ The Publie Infornation Centre la scI Hugh Fouter Hail 43 Brown Street Thuruday, Mardi 22, 6:30 pull tu 8:30 pi If yom reqweer any furiher information, please Conti Town of Wilton lsMOrBiI8neU Ud TUnit review th1e varions iraffic flow onsultant wîll be available ait the es and 1the preferred alternative. OUEEN ST W tîeduled as foflows: SARAH ST o nd 00-SWdy 2001 GASSESAVE n iithse fotlowing: 1 Diret Une: (905) 878-7252 Ext 2161 Fax: (905) 878-699 linait: pbim@tmwn.ntiOm ca lEma : p .. Il ý1 - (-ï)-own millon on Ca for WSIB fraud