14F Ir,1 Ip 160 JO>IN THIE MEAM We are corrently fookîng ton emîling faces to foin oct Fuli-time Day Staff, Part-time Day Staff, Part-time Evenings, Night-Shift and Weekends. V Flexible scheduling V Paîd breaks V Pay for performarnce irear- t/ Fie- unifonrro. V Fun work environrnenf V Career growfh opporturnilies We are carreitly hîrng for van Orand new restaarant. ivcated at 590 Martin St., Milton, Ont. Please apply in person or fax resumo le 878-7611 PART~~~ TM AEO SE PPRTNI- e:LA COPNE EAST Loblaw Distribution Centres seek indîvîduals as WAREHOUSE ASSEMBLERS <Opporfunîty for future Full Tîme at $14 Ifr e Permanent Part-Time - 8 hour shifts *$12.00 per hour *Ffexibilîty for shift work *Capable ot repetitive lifting *CSA approeed steel foed shoes /boots are requîred *Location. Erîn Mîlîs Parkway & HWY 401 (Missîssauga) Please torward resume f0: Humain Resources Fax 905-712-6644 ernait: mclimen@ngco.com VOLUNTEERS WANTE ED. Milles Distict Has- pifai Axxiliiry ix seeking esisafeer candidates for Board positions. If inter- exted plusse cati (905)878-2383 and fesse same and phose number. CABINETMAKER or hetper in Mlton. Pitons (905)8e78-9177 or Fax (905)878-7756 CHEFS. Dishwasiters, Warfrng Staff reqarred Full and part lime. Appty ai Steakyard. 377 Main Streeitaltn. 1905)876- 9998 EXPERIENCED Boy Man reqxîrsd immedi- sfety for buxy truck sitap in Milton ares, Cati or sppiy tri persan ai 8085 4th Lise as fon Scait (905)693-1161,e HELP Wanfed full lime and pari lime Weekerds înctuded. CashiertCoaster Short Order Cook & Dîshwssher. Cati (905)854-0441. LOCAL tasdscspe compsnry requires main- tenance labourars, dxv- ors fîcense and awn transportationt as aset. Sonne experence pre- terred but nat rrecesssry lipou are s itardeoi- Ing reliable. individual. (9%,4878-6984 ar fax rosume ta (416)209- 0790. P AR T -TI1PAE Construction Super wanted t0 supervise extensivie addition and renovalion tl an exialt- ing honte in Towns. ROaidmtWu oes1tl"II101 ospenience required. Woddn lor Ih biie. PNN asleu 906-878- 6103 afler 6 pm "Free Training" COME DRIVE A BUS 4 US M.o0 0 01 0 c o i qw qw Cati us now at: (905) 877-2251 Or l-877-914-KIDS Saidtsw is on equai sppsrtunity employer 145 155 04n"d HuIP SWltbd Hwp VETERINARY Hospital Car Washers fsskrsg far malais per- son le wark flexible Lo h s tu r S Attendants (dayayesesiegstweek- FULL-TIME ends) Expentesce an Valid Drivons assoit, for mufti tasks. fîcense reqaîred. Drap oit resume f5: 491 Fax rosamo Io: Mats St. E., Milton. (905f 825-8802 AtIa: Service Mur CLASS AZ DRIVER Cakaîtte mobile norix OPPORTUNITY cone Tthe Canadras Gasets- ciels] top soi cf 5-6 ment otrn a giant rfayc eeekty Min 2-yiv ICESGI ai ap Io $400 esfierieicx wcleair pei year per child te abstract. htep paienssnase foi Mectranicat aftiity an heur chirdren's pasi- assef. Abne Io itardie secxrdaiy edacatita pitynicaf woait We aie turing represen- Wage depeods l atises toi lte Hefitage as experieace Sciasnirp Ttrust Fias Cati 19051 338-25U0 lRESPl in yasi aira Loada & marketing isupport Excellent t Auto Body 'Cali: J.F. Nehme. jPesi 905-678-2878, Eapeneed body fax 905-844-1699 repait persan tai bUsy Dtsftribted by Cana- Csfllistas Centre Fuit diair Anricar unibesti expentence Firiancial mandrtxry. Excellent Ciiup (Ca")da LWd wages aid berIefitsý Cali 11111141 Miss ssauga teurirai Yard Foremnan Must have a positive attirode with a good work record and previous supensîsory experience in the traiportation inavstry Poson nor!lvOI5 managIng staff equipment, yard tuel csana and wash Day in a sale. ast-paced env onment Outioor work and nse abiltry Io shnt trailers fuel trucks and Irarlers iS requirets Basic work shitt witt be nights 45 hrs, -eek Mon. Fr[ Wok hours flexibl AZ Drivers Full-lmv positions are available for AZ Divers alth gova attitude and as excellent drising record We effet a stable work eneinrnment, gaod eqarpmenl, appatnity fer adeancement, eacetlent wages and bexefîfs. Fer eîlher et these posiftis, pf ease apply in persan taý Driver Services- Erb Transport 1889 Britannia Rd. Mississauga, ON 14W 3C3 or fax resumne ta: (905) 670-8953 Invoicing/Stock Contrai Supervisar & Entry Level Invoicing/Stock Contrai Clerk Whoiasalp dîstrîfrotor in Camibeilvilts, iv accsiptiii rovîlres for Iovoictrig/Stock Control Depanlrient. Mosvt [lase pievivus eperiooce ini compîîterîod eîîvîronîrîaît, preterabty ili Lvmber/tloorinq inidostie Own trairoforlon roqoirea Fax resume to Cnnais (905) 854-6104 - Fuli-time Day Staff S*Customer Service eJanitorial *Pl training ashlft fumites *imployoe benoî fls Apple or persos or cait 5051 Harvesier Rd .Burlinglrn * 905-681-1841 LOT PERSON Need nesponsîible, conscienfîsas persan wifh clean driving record. F/T vvith benefitsa Apply in person or fax (905)-681 -0098 HALTON HONDA of BURLINGTON 2300 Fairview St. RENOVATIONS PLUS HOW MRIG ELLlME LONGLTIRM EMPLIS NuI bu capamble of: Fulati sement apartment conversion jM uh azaucad la ail tbn tullowito: Gova tapper, Framner plvmbing, drywalt, painting Movi have owri tranisportation, Drivers, Lic, and 10 yeaîs veritrabte ex rilerîce Sude Immodluly Cxli (905)4847-0619 FIMITURE à APPJANCES STOR1E in Budmlngoeqires £U/fEGD« Part-time evenings/ days/ weekends, Or apply ait 1035 Plains Rd East **AWIuth acptmd .t11 SMt. Mer 24 $5»aads xnc.i an equal xppertfxsily employer BONUS! ALLcIasse Ads 'r'1 "f 'l.' a r . i . j -1 Swii p.ses va be ns rrerrity eirivitea in c.ae .II 3' theil CI-,A. progrars' ard oisd a po or sec *odarv aipiornia iiia'-ovririig or eqarvaten so xcperience Ps or ADP payroi svstcm, copertcc vmrrdwîtf knrowtedge of rriurth-eid and a o.cf gi repor-tirr processes a msto You inivot passeco Stirsrg .55 aytic a air .i....Dvflriog skiffs anrd have proscîr prvltem soli rg experiervas We offe, a coorpatrirve remnnreratio package ana a cfsatterrgiog aird progreco mark erîvîronmreni Fart benefîts îrctudlirg stock opions are nct vded Pieace las or e-maril rcvmes bp Mardi 23, 20f01 HealPen Stanhope H R & Staftiirg Co-ordrrraior Legato Sysiems (Canada) foc 111 trtInternaionral Btvd Burîrîgion ONs L7L 6Wt Fax (9105) 315-4781, sonias sus arairoeatv cçinr_ job office Help LEGATO 160 165 Offic I-Ilp Hospi Medica Dental Supervisor of Credit Services Fast paced manufacturing firm seeking highly motivated indieidual ts (fi the position sf Superviser sf Credif Servic- es. Ideat candidate preferabîn enrolled in the FCI programme and have min- imum fiee years expenience in credif and collections. Lotus/Excel skills a plus. Job responsibilifies ts include management of customer accounits, cal- lections, credif approest and super- vision sf clericaf staff. Interested ap- plicants please send resume and safary requirements in confidence Es: Unilock Ltd. 287 Armnstrong Ave., Georgetown, ON.L7G 4X6 Fax. 905-874-3034 Onlp those selected for interview woIl be contacted. BII.IN<tAI. T1EANI LEADER, CSRis îiccId for flie Mi 55i5.Silifi.i id SIIITOiixd- ixg areas. Proficiexi in bîîîl Foech niîd Exglisli is a iriasiis Excllext iclepbr.rî skiffs slong wthi 2-3 ears cspcinicv ti if CSR c xsîroxnxi Cati Mary @ 905-361-1017 Teleresource3 150 155 T RADES Ontario Certlîted Induatrial Electriclan - 1 -Licensed Millwright - 1 toi ils Bîîrlîîsgfîn tai lity Dîties int. te Iii i fi sfiilinq fiiofl iis vii varf( l ypui f la5slli fu, cevo iriactirias anriieiafed egiiipOieif.l 0 iii si-vs on day coîîfîrîîîoîîs v5iff oporatîvri offors a ciropetiiv- tîvîîî rate, crnprefiaiisive heiicf vs package and Ie ofipor- fuiiiii fl apîrîf yvîir letsi nîcaff advaocaîr skiffs ait l one, of trio avîfd s premrier mniufactuirer of climii iade Dfow movideit plastic Containries Fleasi 0ppY nl confidence vu GAHAM PACKAGING CAJIADA UMITEO 4041tNorts Service Rd Evîfîngtvîî ON, L7L 4X6 E-mail crias reschOgrahariipackagiiig con Auto Service Experts Licenaed Automnotive Mechanic 2nd or 3rd Year Apprentice & Lube Technician Ifi pris arne exengefs.. sent mstîvaied. estîs teonkîxe teith people axd experienced. we are înferesfed sn hearng frsm prix Wr siter excellent sfariîxg salaries, gnîsuP bexeft package and sxgîvîng training. Mail or droîp off pour nensmne lis Attir: Bili Midaa Auto Service Experts 178 Guelph Street, Georgetowon, ON L7G 4Al Fu 876-2364 t. Ndt yo.i 1 iS - s ns s- Ex 'c ,r- tt, soet -.i ei e flurrrt Fax n.' F'LEAEE RECYCLE TH15 f'AFER 165 -og,MeIo e.-k AIIied Clînical Research Inc. lx a rapîdly grawing dynamoc research arganîcaliar îneoteed in casducing clînîcal trials for the pharmaceatîcal and biofechnslsgy industries. Preuenfly there are seeral excellent career apparfusîfiex ix ast Phase 1 and Bîaequîealesce Diiar;w Phlebotomist (P/T Contraci) The ideal candidate wîll hase a medîcat technstogy dîpîsma wilfi a minimam sf 5 years phlebslamy and ECG experience. Weeflday and weekesd positions aeaîlable. Please send resames f0: Recruiter Allied Clinical Research Inc. 4520 Dixie Road Mississauga, Ontario, L4W 1N2 Fax: (905)238-0682 e-mail: recruiter@aftied-reserac.com U2L' AUTO BODY SHOP rkn Harder ta say #1 S Complotle auto body and reMhnlbg services 155 NiÇIaisei Rd, Milion itto lame %Was 676l-2721 TOUCH Up IN A FLASH. Clean yoon car ap lai te cummer camper sculis, scratches, dents, atone chips Very reasonairie prices 751 Steeles Ave East, M ion. 875-3248. 2M0 230 GORRUDI1S1 AUTO, SALES & LEASING NEW &i USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITH FAMILY VALUES WE -0SUl - SEUL - LEASE LARGEST SELECTION OF USED VEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 Make lit RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE To bease or purchase your car or truck Hwy 25 S. at Demiy Rd. 878-2393 When Ibuyirlo or 9efiriina a vichlcle, rememL'cr The CanadtIan Champion.