Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Mar 2001, p. 24

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24-10ie Canadian Champion. Tuesday, March 20. 2001 IMONDAY TO FRIDÀY LIassified Ads C IIi i 9:00AM -5:00 PM AL appear ai... I OUE I FIE K@TLIKE 8975-3300 = wwwM I www.mltoncanadlialchamplonlcom _______________ Din n Pnerv il, Nin Brnwick hile two ttepraoft anti opnd ratrntiot Thecfuoraess treeshet aI Imaer Hesarl cilmaeryt Cewur, Cavthiyw Ienent (rei ho holt i e Prospect Cometory, Toronto. Dr. Elibt Mnt. are lereut to k pice in Turks & Caicos it the British Werst Indics on 0 -~Ma-y 2 7, 2000. HENDERSHOT - Jetf and Sutan of Milton are pleased f0 announce the bînth of Iheir daughlei, Jabota Carole-Lynne weîghîng 6 Iht 13 oz aI Milton Disti ct Hospital on Monday, Februtry 26, 2001 .Thniled big broîher is Conor, and ceiebral- îng the arrivai dif Ihoîr atlesl grandchild are Carole Duketflire of MiddieoIn, N.S., and John and Lynne Hendershol, of London, Olt. Proud groal grandmothers are Mldred Dukethire and Lorraine Hendershol. Jaime is woicomoti by ber aunîs, uncios, cousin. and famiiy friendt. parONents T Mi ckiu and ayChei talger Ka acntsoer myate oon Famîay anti f00 aeni Ksian Mdardi 0. 2i01 nemua wheu g 6 fb.r d5onaton 10 tho Mulipre tîs Rcel& r If e Oontarlof Htanix Str FandaKen &oLiho bafple taltipl ty r isa the RougeVay. DeaNIEW Cnrabi Ataxrai on TyMrhrsiay Mr5.2001. labove wde nf trs 941fr yar. Baei Ban ati ly fl lae Maya aer hl Sanb an ichels taagun hctaItkaI1. Came Cross.i Sadte toslisPb ega ndcif VONe, Z*nstohr Brrle, Meg rian Cacaie Accasal Cnre. mevter luer stesat Frdnic aom Binlf. As an eapeasiOfl c prnsMca l a me Mary N mayei bser mada bay cnt ain ta J. cKr-of er Funeai Home, 14 ain Stree Mlon 90878-629) o MacLEOD - McCUJAIG, June (nea Rafoliffal Sudtieniy aI her homne in Campbeliville on Monday, March 19. 2001. June MacLeod, beloved Mlle of Hugh MacLeoti and the laie Bob Mcçuaig. Loving moîher of Joanne anti her huabanti Dr. R obert Clement, Peler McCuaig and bit wif e Debbie alto her tep children Joanne anti her hutband Guy Marthall and Pal McLeod. Sadly mnisseti by her grandchildren Atiam and Jothua Clemenl,' Melîtta, Jennifer and Kalie McCuaig Lovingly remembered by her broth- er JtckRaLiclitte. Ftmily anti f riendt may vîst aI the McKertie-Kocher Fuserai Home 114 Main Street Milton 905-878-4452 from 7-9 pot on Tuesday and 2-4 and 7-9 pm on Wednesdty. Funeral Service Thurtdty, March 22, 2001 ait 1:00 pm f rom Grace Anglican Church 317 Main SI. Milot. Inlerment to follow aI Milton Evergreen Cemelery. In lieu 0f flowert Memorial dont- lions 10 the Milton District Hospitl Foundalion or the Viclorian Order of Nurses in June's memory wouid be apprecialeti by the family. PRICE,1 Stanley AI bis residence on Sturdth March 17, 2001, Stanley Price of Campbeiville iv bis 781h year, Beloveti husband and best frend for 56 years of Mary. Lovîng faîher of Judy and ber hutbtnd Eun Drummond of Sîreelaville Russell and hît wîf e Shawn of Hallon His, an: Donna Hearly of Hamilton. Dear grandther o Melanie. Siurvived by bis sîslers Mrt. Vide Hamilton and Mrt. Gwen Higgint bolh of Milton Predeceased by hi sîslers, Sfie, and Ruby, ani bit broîher Leonard. Famriy and f riends iîli bi reoeived aI the J. Scot Early Puneral Home, 2 James Sf., Milton on Tuetday f rom 2-4 & 7- PM. A funeral servce wili h be l fmm lb. chapel on Wedneaday aI 11:00 AM. Cremalio f0 follow. In lieu of fiowera donations t0 the Mîllo District Hospitl Foundalion or Heart & Slrok Foundcaliot or wouid be apprecialeti by the fan ily. WALLACE, Rodger Peacefuly, February 26, 2001, aI William Osier Heallb Centre. Elobicoke Hospitl. Loving companion of Ruth Tretigelt. Fa-_hBr of Nancy anti her husbanti Roger Dal Bello anti Murray Wallace ail of Milton. Grantfaîher to Adiam Dal Bello. Arrangomenîsl enîrustoti witb Scott Funerai Home. Interment WILSON, Franki Patteti away peacefully aI the Milton District Hospital ICU on Satuttia. Mardi 17, 2001. Dearfy holovetitif e Sentira Wilson of Rockwooti. holoveti ton Bill (telle Rose) ol Mittittauga anti tiaugbter Ann 0f Milton. Endearing grantichîltiren Robert, Janet, William anti Kayfeen. Famify anti friands may visdt aithme MeKersie-Kochor Funeral Home 114 Main Street, Millon (905)878-4452 from 6-9 pot on Wetinetday.The lunerad service retîl ho hel aI Knox Preshyerian Churdi 170 Main St. Mifton on Tburstiay, Mardi 22, 2001 ai 2:00 pot. Cremation lo olblote. Famify ant fi nnt are itylt- edti th e Oplîmitt Centre, 311 Commerodal St Millon aflor for ligbl rafroshrnents. Wake la comn- mence ait 6:00 potn coutsy oI 3MDM. In heu oI fioen please meke ail tionations tomte MORE Excang) sit 218-70 ay t. O.Box 152 Toronto. ON M5G 1Z6. Un Mtno.lants In lfIte fonm of donationa f0 TIhe Canian < lrCancer Society are deaply ~ oGene. Doug, Caroi, len. Barbara, 0Craig, Gerry, Beth, Seana and -Summer Lee -MY FAMILY - focr p*î jaking my surprise 8Oth birthday "~party such a wonderfui event. - To ail my friertds, relatives, . fratemnai Brothers and Haiton Clxapter #2800 E.S. for your 1 patcpton an bet s. P Prcy .Re i wish to thank ail my relatives, and friends af Grace Churcit, Ladies Speciai Bowling. Altar Cud, bine -Dancers. Milton Rug Hookers. Bis jAuto Body Shop, and ait who sent flawers, cards, tetters and phone .catis white I was a patient in Thunder Bay. It was mast gratifying ta know that 1 was in yaur thaughts and prayers Sincerelu, Shirley Wilson 'ATTENTIO UTEF94ET USERS I nlioilati Access ordy S15S95, grea local ser- vice anti support bror SM T NET. CLSIID ONTEINEN rany wilh 15fi yetr on- rtl. nciet1u Heibdesk software Support. Pl ll, 1000Mhz wilh CD 11W, lots of entras. $22.50/wk. 1-800-267- 9466 WW.CraZYÇattl vo rai', 45 Pounti aver- age Desrt n 700 ba i oatd$0/ibaie oî pieketi up aI farm foi $2.75/bale. (905)878 2415. T1MOTHY & AttIlfa mit 50 round bales, 5xî4 2nti cul. $20. 100 roure bolet. 5x4, it cul. $25 Alto approximtel' 1000 sq. balen a $2.SOIbale. Gooti ha kepl intîide 877-9768. AGON *New In ota? *Having à baby? *Establshing a nea, butins«? PLEM AS U * C.maam8y Wea.e Lîeaf 84'156 Dons ....332-478 Tracy ....876-433 d pat .._ý 876-45 wwwwekemewagoiii 5 mornings per week in orNusr School prograi Excellent îcam enviroment good compensatin. PIeuse fax resumn o Heather Jackson, (905)876-1273 hy March 261h,.00 CASHIER Cashier required t0 wor< tfiree days per rweek including allernating Saturdays. No r eveninga or Suntitys. *Muat be customer service orienteti neatl well groomed anti accurale n math. Tht a a permanent part lime postion. Nol auitable for a student.Fa eunto yFax: 905-878-4049 Y'Requires Driver & Part-tUrne Cook. Apply in person f0: 5 50 Ontario St., Milton 5Ask for André or Craîg Currently seeking Kltchen Saff & IIit Staff e Full and part time positions available. Apply mn person f0o: 8 243 Main Street Eaat, Milton. 8 ACUe Ca~ anbe anâl Cbanu .. t helý b e s t u î y t o s t a r t y o a w d y ! BEDu, King X-lhick piush AUCTION SALE orthopediC matIrOns sel THURS. MARCH 22 AT 5 P.M. New in plastic.CCoSt To he held at Hume's Auction Farm, « W$1700 soul $650 19313 4th lin., 3 miles northeast of Mil- (416)726-9885. ton. To include furniture, glass & chi- BEO, orthopedic mal- na., collectibles, Tiffany style lamps, lress boospring, coins & jewelry. For Reta Lenz and oth- sacrifice $550. 90.5-878-4878 Fax :905-878-7647 487 Laurier Ave., Miton 878-28811 (416)521-9635. CARPET 1 have severa 1,000 yrds of now Slainmasler & 100% ny- in capt Wi1lf doling ' cr"l rroom & hal fo349 i- dldos carpel, pad , in- CA RERS WANTED .aaion (30 yards) Steve, 63-2902 BoYs or Gî1 needed 10 delîver the paper- DIRECTV Satellite *Route ZBO20 Woodward (partial) Systemo. HU card pro- gramming, $80. H cavi Maple Ave. JimStrinlix bool loadier $99 Ail olher areas are welcome 10 apply. 190 Ontario St., Milton 878-6522 Hughes &Sony bool- Brnz Mrkrs loaders aveul. Cai (905)878-2341 extl. 231 Monuments Markers - rneMres Programmeti HU cards Cemetery Lellering $350. Complele syslem Monday - Friday 9 a m. - 5 p.m. RCA4220 with dual LNB Nadia - Circulation $429 ISP2 Mo.d chips (aa an bmp n inllei 10 fully funclional. Ail work GREENFIELD, Mabel - In loving memoiy of a guaranleed. (519)830- F R O K R dear Moîher, who passed away 1273, (519)8532409. F R O K R Mac 2,99.SCOOTERS for the Must have own transportationl Our hearls are lîke a memory book Physîcally challenged - Must be available weekends Ils ptget Moîher dear (For Sale/ Lease) Some v-Sonne esperience working on farm Hoid ail the loving lhought of you ued available Cali 1 .Patn.hen.weig avtig Recordeti year by yetr. ISoerJm1-600-850- a leîgfui igtbe A book of golden yeolerdays, lnigfut&veabs Bound wilh love and care >- Other farmi dhuies A rare etiion Moîher dear Send resume to: Alwaya loveti and remnembered 958530 Judi &Grant .- . . .-.... à f a d 1 9 e n e

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