d é 0 é 1 11 0 64 6 1b U e4 d 4The Canadian Champio,Tuesday, Mac 2,M1 -21 Photo by GEORGE BESHIRI Merchant goaltender Joel Cameron stops a shot while defenceman Chris Rook contends with Brampton's Brandon Dawe during gamne six Sunday. Milton won the contect 5-1. éMerchants force game seven with gutsy effort By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion The Merchanis are bruised and baîtered - but nol broken ycl. I)eimseritg tireir stroîrgest sttrttt pteîlayolls iii Branmptont Suttday. Miltons ruaikirig %vuuded stased off elirmnatrîrn hy trîîurrcîrg rlite deiertdittg league chamntpît Capitais 5-i1 Te cotts'rtctng wrrr pushed West Conierence finals play to a severrth antd decnding gaitte, siated iuor rtntfght a( Merniai Arena, (;ailte trrte is S p.iin %% as a guIs5 effort bý, everrîttre out there,- said head coîach G'lentr Walsh Sunday. -i durit too il ir was because their backs siere Io the n ail rr tut, but ilt o ii dsiduais realiy ptcked up rireir gaine. Baekstutpped b> eser-steady Joei Canrnn, Milton heid its own il 6 6 , - i n hruke ut ot- irs offensive rut in the firai traine - coring tour goals. inciudîng two with the tran-advanrage. Ace Caprtal Darrny Gouid nuit oniy los( hrs forot duîwn the stretît but hîs coprîsure as \veii. which eanred fitrt an eariy eoit frort the rhorutughiv enterrarntng aiiarr. VTe Mercharits aiso turted tri their finest 1-trst-pernod peritrm- arîce ttie series Sunday. Holding Bramtrpon's shirt coutir under the dotuble-digit range -sîîmethrng rhey tell la short of doing in tise pres rous encouniters - the sisitors served notice that they rherertt qute ready Io pack t in. -Wearhening the early storm, rhar'll be the key on Tuesday as weil. Brartrpton's such a strurg tearît. but il we can huuid thieru rhrough the irrst 1i or 12 minutes, we're in tf, remarked Walsh. Fias o Faggionr. one of seserai piayers who iiftcd their gante thîs past rieekend. mtade the wrnrtrng depîtst abotut four minutes int the third - carching Gouid out of positon and potring one rnto an open net white hrs ream had the extra artacker. and Vince Guiducci. Meanwhilc, Andy Rozak -pcrscvering through file lumps ofi an attention- nch post-scasoti mn - jumiped ail over a breakout hiunderjust secontds ito tire îmddle stan/a and notcited goal tomiber one. His playoli point totai winch includes 13 tallres -nîtw stands at arr CS'Cf 30. Led by hanged up captatn Joinrt Nadalin, Mitin's detensive unit limitcd second-chance opporluttities and managed a pericct 6r iîr- 6 penalty kiling campaign. Two nrghts cariier on hontte ice tlire regular seastin chanrp., were piety Iisty but enjoyed fitte ireprrwer. As a resuit. rhey \ssere nipped 3-1i Canteron's 39-save showcase kepr rhrngs right white his reammates rchounded trom a shaky start and neariy upstaged the overiy aggressive Captais, who gor away wrrh sorne second- haif muggrngs on Ro;ak and feilow Merchant Keorn Arruda. -see MILTON on page 22 Av rit FINIIDIII Aà NE W4 0 S e esA nu Toyota1 Delrhp___ 9054875-1700 NN (nezt to Oorrud's Auto. Group) TUTGTESE