The Canadian Champion, 1uesday, Marcb 20, 2001-17 Apparnc smiaiNew Milto hospital w-eb site for those challenged provides useful information by cancer treatment p. Iýj-7fj(frýtepormsrie n motn (ý Hatin wttmen chaîit'nged hy the appearance-rciaicd side et lecis ofi iheir cancer ireatîttent wiii suion have acccss Ioi a Iret'. îwîîhîttr wîîrkshîîp priigrani al Wt'iisprinig in Oakville 'ht wîîrkshîîp wil te fieltd tit flic last Mîînday oii everv tter mîîîîh stantîts Mituias ai 7 p.iii. i .uitk Gtttd Feel Better is a iret'. nationîal, public service pritgrant tiedîcaied lt assîsi- iîîg ('anadiait wîîîîuen living iii cantcer tieal wiîh tht' aititearaitce -relateti vide eft' ofv i cheîîîîîtteîapy aiid ratdiaiitin realnLi iThie wîîrkshîîp iv, spîti stireti y tltc iither t itîipa- mîes of i c tu (aiatiaî ('tstîtetî'. 'ietiiry and Fragrance Assoîciatioîn KX('(i'A). "ie wtirkshttps are cotn- tuiîced hy a teati oi traineti heauty priifesviunals whtt votînnier iheir limie and expertise iii îîuch un several impurtant iîîpics -nail and skîn car-e, cîîsîîetics and Itygierte. liair and hair alter- nativs . Participatnts are îaught tutu Ii cltectîst'iy use cios- it iîtliliuwiîg a basic t 2 step 1irigraiî. A contiplîiiientary tutti kit, cttnaittttg a vant'ty ofi aicti tîîi-iree. tîyptt-.llt'rgeuic prîducis iv prîîvîdecl ii eaclt participat, dîînated hy the' ('([I-A. T'he wtirkvhiip iv curreniiy iiperaliîtg it 64 mîajoîr can- cer-care tenttres tcriiss VVeIispin iigs a tuttî-prîti cenître itîr people livinîg with Foîr mtître iiittrnuatittn, cali I 80011914 I 00K tir s'isit thte weh site ai dt'selttpmients ai MDII and 0tkvitte- are taking new patients Trai*algar Memotnal Hspital. Wh.ii services are availabte ai Miltoun viay ttî ctîmmnticate w iti tîtr cotîtîtuni' District Hotspital (MDHÏ? What career lies.' said Jtohn Oltver, presideit aîid CEO tippotiriiities aîre availabte' Whichi ttctoirs, (il taîtin H-ealttcare Sers tes. -Nuw s titi ,ire accepting îiew patients? ia lo o t anid titi infoirmatioin cittieri Ail i t(itis iformiation and itîtch titre 'S îîg ever îiîtî, fionii s isitiîg itîttrs iii Ctir- testý diailaitle ,it Ilitin lteali hc are rent tutiditi, .iluiouincenîients and if- s iiire erîttces* te\4, weh vite. ssi55latîiiîat loiikiig 1i iers' infoermtiont keN phontîe iare tutui li site ni iiiides, anri et mest oI iiniers aiid e- tiait addresses are pro\ id- stati. espt'cially iturses and physicians. -li t îday's tasi paced ectiiîrny. ait oiîttne prest'îce is essetîtial in 1iîndiîîg quai- lied candtidates," saîd Marcîin Freyher9. mnitager oii humait resîturces prîîjecis atid res ruitîltent aI Fialtiti I leatthcare Servîtes -The stet site gises tus quicker ttiî-ariuîîd lune tan .il', prîts jîes tis vitii caniditate's Health department offers new web site I pd.itesý tilt restaurantt inspectiotns attd îeqîîîrentîîîl atre jutîv a click a\Nfav tit the test i lton Rt'gîîn lealîh Depauntenl \wh site. 'lThe site. recel)it uptciated by fle healtit departîtett lets visîltîrs vîew a directury oi' footd pretitses prîîsecutîîîns. as steli as lis tii îew EaiSiîiarl ausard reciptelts. ThMe astartis are gîven lii restaurats ihal are sîiioke I*ret' anti have heallhy menu oîptionîs. t'tîthîerîtiirt'. a test, fooîd saiitty hitlitte allîîst s, people li cîtaci te itealîli deparl- metîl ter stutkighîurs tii repotit ha/- ardîtus coindition,,s aI loical restauraht,,. tir more îiîîtîtatîîil t ail the eli de1tarlitîetît a( 82.5-6(6) tir I864 A 'ON. h ec77-Výct (« é ef)9 Mi .C(iR <û<i nei Find out about body mass index at Zak's Mal peopl kwthe rk ofpckingnat% xr ptund dîiring the' hulicdays. But keepiîîg tahs oit ht'althy weight zones thruughuut thc rentaitder ot the' yt'ar cati cunirihuite to strong uveraîl ht'alth. lietlp is avaiable ihruugh a ncw prugrain ihat alluws residents to (rack their lxxdy nmass index (BMI> ai pharmacies acruss Ontaaio. ThMe idea is tît help people remain disciplinied thruughuut the' year, nt jusi alier the htîltdays. A BMI nmachinec is avaitahie iii Miltun ai Zak's Pharrnacy, 70 Main St. E t uîse the' tîachiiejîlsi tîiiltiw thic easy insiructîtîns. Tht' resulis cati serve' a.s a waming Iti avîtid wt'ugltirelaîed healtit prîthienîs. lit general. a BMI tiwet'n t8.4 and 24.9 indicaies a healthy weighi., white tint' i30) tir motre can iicase the risk ut' ht'aiîh woies such as hîgh bitiîd pressture. SHalton HUIs Speech Centre Communication is Vital " Language e Stuttening " Articulation e Swallowing * Voice a Reading " Stroke Rehabilitation e Tutoring e Accent Improvement Providing therapy to children and aduits in Halton, Peel and Wellington Counties Eventng and Saturday appotntments avaîlable Ph: 90-873-8400 Faxý 905-873-7291 hiallonspeech@aztec-nel com 15OnIy 328 Guelph Street 15minutes to Georgetownl Georgetownl L7G 455