bad well IIact iVVo safe is Jyour VVeII VVwaer suqFpl water can pose serlous Tise Hiaitin Regîtîn planning and public Hîiweven, pnivale wtlIs in rural areas are wiirks depuimeni maîniains and regularty the responsihiliiy et tise hîîmeîîwner. This health risks tests lise mintcipal waler supplies, article wîll hclp ou undersianri a lîile Miracles can happen... I ytiur lit.chý,uIutat aho 0dterrtru1 e I cwî ulilo ý ofni i) t Lhiý h tet titis Nurto sp l Vrý Iii egi Re tsi huit Nut riinlvcgtreuckidrx licilili exptîcritIlyis sireligilicncîl h> (lic tpe- ot etîIuirteritve l urto il/d eupre antd ihymstIliý Electr irii uthe liure md Mluscle Isînini., enel elg"ii i -lu chicti pai. I.I Marion Hea y Sotund titi girîd tir bc truc, enlpertsnue i tili Rhe N ht truc lise> iret Ircalinens sti tere Ill On lise tveek sertes tif iittîscles juivti egilaeecs 10 siical ireaimenis iscludes but wîîhîîîîî rnes, sinc o idivdual suiritiiîiat cîiselling, fatigue. This trcs wa lud to iesrelîlen, boîdy f'at asalysîs bc relasîsg antd suinlotinlli and and suiriîîîsal audîio lapes lin lis-- paîtietls siarird iii Irlî dîîwn, lrm 1.5 lii while evercîsîsg sn cetmînn. up and leci ri.viialiied. Tise> alsî Wu. vu alsît jusi added a facialtoln- espenîesced wi.ighi lins asd a îsg service due 10 lise overwhelm- reducltion tifcelluli. This sysiem îsg demasd. has becs adîîpled eslhusiasically Mao -eayu sgses Siifu by heaih professionals sn lise Conuiting Pnrifionen cin over 133ysanî eçi- 550 ont weîghi loss induslry. Marion has ence in origti toss and nutrritinn Sire is Clime Uîfudua lei a eueb iiruu8sryttsViill4n nienad1c fould thav lent 10 n p uerfr 000 Mîtdiu For murl Hs tnniglin (sele an Uni 18 du 12-30 incises in osly 5 weeks. You idutiton Centre in Mîllun & CtaiSson Viiuage, 85 repeals of esereises yourself 10 Marionai 875-2889 Health -r No tes mîaintenlance, anîd iensirioi in. Di)nking centaininated vs aler can pose serlelîs heilalth riský 'l'ie ellecis of tliinking contaiitted v ati c.aiî rainge fiu no 55 nîp(ieru le severe ollr iiit deaili Vieil sîrllallîlilnlltrll lîls bhe lieesuil et haeriî nitlrate, nîd otele ctieiisls enil ing voutr wetis e,1r suppl\. For itiese eta stous. ils yer iltpttniilit le Ilililîlinlllie vs Il anid ieguilarin lest t\oui v ati suppX. I esling voetr n etI n ý,viir ai Icasi t tice a year titi hiceeia, iii (lie sprng andi t1ill t. itîl of flie besi nay s Iio pi teCi ytiî andî ytiur laîîîily. \Vaier lestiiig is tree, ht >,ou need iio use a speciat bouîle avaîtable Inuit flic lîealîh depannîcîli ii îake il saînple. Once yen drop yîîur waier saînple tilt, (lie health depariment sends the saînplc li tise Ministry ofI Heallis and Long Terni Cane labîinaiory in Hamilton l'or baclenia testing. Resuts from the lest will tell you if your waier is sale to drink, or if there are prois- lems. If a water test finds bacteria in a sam- pie, the well water is unsale t0 drink until tise problem is tixed. Unlil then, use a dif- ferent drinking water supply. By boiling waier trolling hu)it fer a teasi one inute t and placîng il iii lthe relrigeratir. itie stell wter e natte taie lvi drink. Tise Iteilli depanteit diiest îiiinalln ,est voeI waien saniples tir substansces, tlen usait bacieîia. Hliwewre. public liealili ilîspecitîrs xill lie pleased iii idtise Xlii abotiî iier tests Iliai nia% he dttrîe litici litn (o a specilt-ic lallth issue' W"lie vi cîtetse tir biit s tr vscI lý ilsr s\en impotnt.'l[lie qilîlils ui saned r0t v ur n eîs t ir dei'ilt gietî nri ils loctionrî anid ostiriintilîr. Matke vitre s\oul vs eI s, ai a silu iisItitie Irnt aln\ vir l cotainilaltion vils as selii Xsiîi bivanIs and nrtits. Pl'ic lieatlli lsînec tors andi liseliesl vieI cotrncitins silie viri ilelet îîîîe Ilite iesi ilistite tIo prIsc tu stell lîrîti sorcnes trI coti nailttionrî îliivis \inies liii ilan dittlsîlleîlv cl litts îdiîîg a saile naidr siippl, lv illitîl tarit. ttissever, lisene ire îîîaîî respîîîîîbl- lies li îîniî il privt e nelI. 'l'lie hlil sleparlitteit cai proide yo tit hl: - 'Flic lîocaltons necanesi yttu tir pick-tup and dnîîp tiltaer saiple boles *Advije tilt bon l inierprel test resulis I nstructioîns onu istw and wisen le cislî- riaIe yîîur well - A tit of lîcenscd well conîraclors wist work in Halton For a detailed pamphlet witis information about maintaining your pnivate well, cail tise Halton Region Healts Depariment aI 825-6060 ext. 7632. Veaf* u UUXG @~@n eDve UDfr The Essence of Life - The "Cause of oSmàhm en nomua Uppai "*i 01 mei MMii of noS à Uw p of mmu Loai put f ni.Umm Haut. @ HmSOUY aikt LopSiou ràSu, plM.Hi Ga inOouofdataiii LS, 4lmput ru ii, wpaSuabuk PM aouut, bok suif um 10Mnu, Mlibe mua Prbga»M 1n jeu tuecla or joinit @eh@@ « pain aoeuo naut Uot tiittta it Psitt anm orea, Itd us i inat i 0" pW Iogmor Hagaro ettu1114at itY wor oeiri aI&M « , dielcoi inueiiin5 CMdihm Vinuirddao at couS and -umos .of ftr oubOtei or wadufntctoekbg of: CU Put AdMWt gboda asiffa MWa Lw" Satk Smw u"guu idmM niom Si wdd The Vertebral Subluxation Complex (VSC) is a chiropractie mode] depicling a spinal condition with nunierous com- pontenlu is called Neuropatisophysiology/Neuropatsology whics refers 10, tise VSC's propensity 10 produce interference to normal function of the nervoun systemt. The nervous sys- lem contrsols and coordinaten aIl organu and structures of tise human body. Many nerves cornte front tise spinal cord, paun tisrough foramrina (isoles) formed by notches of 24 vertebrae in tise moveable spinal column, and innervate or supply specific areas and parts of tise isody. Wisenever specifle areas or parta of the bsody are malfunclioning, generaiized and/or specific symptoms oftent occur. Foa.rh rex l- Chsiropractic science is based on lthe faci usaI tise essence of life itself flows from lise brain, down lisrougs lise spinal cord, tisen out along a massive nerve network, in tise fortn of dynamic, intelligent impulses tisaI lilerally create the isody anew. Ibis powerful, intelligent life supply, flowing uninîernîpted îisroughout the nervous syslem, gives us normal, natural healts. Cisiropraclors have led tise way in poinling out tisaI displacements of tise verieisrae and dises in tise spine can pincis tise spinal cord or spinal neuves and bslock or alter tise flow of this vital nerve power fromn tie brain to tise body. Wihen a nerve is pincised, tisis flow of nerve energy frm tise braîn to tise isody is restnicted, and tise celis. tissues, ansd organa suifer. Abundant Heath Neglecl of tise sptne, more tisan any other single factor, is responsible for mucis of tise worid's sîckness. Aisundanl isealtis is eveuyone's rigist. Your Docior of Chiropractie is your spine and neuve specialisl. Delay can make any condition woese. Cali loday for an appotntment 10 see if yours is s case for chiropractic. SPINAL COLUMN CERVICAL s'INE iNECeli sacauu S coccYx IPELVISI C l .110 Martin *il 1;10 Offlaiiie %l 'i Yj r/laili 'il 1 l1(i PA.Siti *A %Iý F, 101î, W.Iki-.Iit-ifl 14fl, lit J Il llisitit,ý, lit Milil.JV Al( I)l Ili-.Ifler-t I)i Antia filiff I)l 1),Ivl(l L Flltillil).; Di. Mailtatité fiiiiit-i Di. At)!It-liki Koieffi M il 50;10 î!M 00411, ;ý,7111 501-)fý #1117fi-li,11418 474-51165 11 COCCYX