4The Canadian Champion, Fnday, Mai-cI 16, 2001 Two trticks htirnedl. 12 daniaged at local plant Vandals burned two cernent trucks, damnaged 12 others and snipped a conveyer beit in two at the Lafarge yard on Harrop Drive early Tuesday rnorning. A mîtits passing hy the Hai-rop Drive yard saw ite tii-e aud called 911 shoily aller 1:3Oa.m. Halton euîergency crews arrlved witin minutes and quickly extiiguîshed huames ihai eugulfed lthe cabts of iwo trucks. Thte trucks were desînîyed and total damage is eslîmated ai 5400,000O. A probe a( the scene revealed atiempis liad been made iii %et several utiher tnucks on lire. Halion arson investigators louad ihat vaudals poured accelerantinlto the cabs of' 14 trucks, but ouly succeeded in lîghting iwo. The snipped cîînveyer helt, which no- mally camres sand and grave! in the toîp oI the cernent aud asphali plant, kepi wuîrkers home for- the day. A iwo-uîeire-high chaîu-lînk leuce iuipped wih harbed wîre sarritunds te yard, but there's uit evîdeuce thai anytîne br-tke intît the loi. When police amrved the gaies were locked and ihe lence wasn't damaged. Haiton police are couttuuiug iheir inves- tigation lu co-operation with lire officiais. OUT A FRESH STAftT. Cz; SOLUT1.111 1INIS now w. Cîndit Cuîd Pîublenîi Major Cuash Flow Prublerrt perststent Bill Cullectuis Delinqueut Tanet Luit of Jub or Lumnd Ove Wuge Gurnithmnit Judgnments, Law Suiti Furecutsurni Repontesins Evîctîvns Studunt Luan Dîvurce Reluted Finuncmul Prubleint P q PADDON + Inkupy a b avod(aus! No chagrialcnultaion YORKE. INC 8 225 ManStreet at Mi & Matlin Si.) Milton A beller soluion! Vandals sel f ires in several differeni places ai the Lafarge yard early Tuesday morning, desiroy- ing lwo cernent trucks and darnaging 12 others. I 51 IlU ~'~J~1'4I I~I)IUII ~ÂI~OII I f kI o NI New water sample pMILON rffip .iiiiw: : cwmimttvct depot to be opened Public Notice of Road Closure Fourih Line wl! bc tcmporarily closed t0 through traffic betwcen Derry Road and Britannia Road in the Town of Milton effective *Tuesday, March 20, 2001 to Friday, April 6, 2001 10 facilitate wastewaier main construction. Tratlic will bte cetoured as illusirated below: MAIN ST. E. ____ ___________ DERRY RD. W. IFoi rh IDETOUR i Lie ROUTE > z ClO ed z Lr thr gh 1.1 Ira lic I IrLE J ______ _______ ______ IBRITANNIA RD.W For f uriher information, please contact: Town of Milton Philllp Antoutow, C.ET. Coordinator, Engineering and Transit (905) 878-7211 Fax: (905) 878-6995 Email: phiant@town.milion.on.ca Notice to, Vehicle Owners By-lawu 1984-1 prohibits parking on any Town street duning tite winler îuouths Iront November 15 to Apoil 15 tetweeu tte hoturs tif 2:00 arn. aud 7:00 aut. Titis by-law is ttteuded to assisi Town works cresus ta oui- effort ici remove suow durîug te wiute- mutuths. Wite tis by-law is in elieci. Ballon Regional Police suilI take appropniate measures 10 assîsi as which can tuclude tosutng. Your cooperalion is requested. Communîiy Services Depai-Iment. Regton of Halton Leonard Verwey, C.E.T Construction Supervisor (905) 825-6000 he Town of Milton is pleased to annoance a new gi-anis program 2001 Miton Commun"t Fund established to distrîbute a portion of the funds receîved trorn the Ontario Lottery Corporatton. ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___1' Rural residettis will have access to a uew water satuple coîllectionî deptît stattg Mai-cli 26. Iii cullaboîrationî with Cutuservation Haltin. tlie Halton Region Healih Deparimeut will establîsh a depot at the Conservation Haltiu ouffices ai 2596 Btitaunua Rd. in Lowville. Resideuts wlîîî wishi tii have thei- well usater tested lor bac- fenia will be able tii pick ap water boutles ai flie deptît aiy- titie Mouday tut Finday Irni 8:301 ain. Io 4:30 p. Water satuples shuîuld be reîarned lu the depuit where they*ll bc pîckcd up hy cuturier luir delîsery iii the public healtit labuiraiory fori analysis. The courier service will tîper- aie on a daily basis loin Mîînday Ioi Friday. Pick up tintes wîll te ai 101 ain. daîly. Tlic service is tut te uîlered Ioi resiclents as par iI oau enhaîtccd i-ara! water qaality priootion and monîitoing pruigratît. The Marian Courtyard Aduit Retirement Community opening on February 25, 2001 was a great success. A special thank you to Loblaws, Kalena Flowers, and the Song Spinners Ensemble for their contributions to the day. The following have contributed their time and expertise over the Iast ive years in order to make this project a success. David Bototht Dantelle McBride Diane Miller Ai-tene Mi-Conueil Paul Mascariu Jini Wanless Normi Reese Steve Furik Ber-t Luckett Anne Coi-ker Fît Gleesiin Pat Fiaringa Miureen Mooire Bcv Gr-ant Livto iloniti Anne Piiilenmy Paulne Hohhs ('heryl SelIirs Jini Gortîcîn Bîih De Ryk lune Mcl eau Guido Rigui Jlte NIcAlinden Johnt Edwa-ds MaryLou James Maie Sutclîtte Amie Lensseti Jitti & Lucy Kuhit Diîug Vaiux Anita Landry van Galipeau Home IIarduýare Tieleman Jnteiirs Emei-ald Isle Bies Heatilig [li-i-up Galleries Oakville Sîgits Nesseli Tearu Miltotn Graphies% For more information on tbis Lif Equity project contact us at 905.878-1951. Plan ii aîtend an Infor-tmationu Sessionîîî ind oînt more abutt thîs lnîîdîug iipporouutty. Thursday, March 22, 7:30 p.m. Milton Seniors' Activity Centre 500 Childs Drive Agenda: (A questionu peiod nit tuIlonsý cacit precnîatîîîui 7 30 p.ut Coiiuîtîutty Gi-uîwh -îtmpact fori cîîmmantty orgaul/atious h 3i0 p ni Milton Con nity Fund PIease RSVP 14): euiîten Ciix at 878-7252 eut. 2169 Application packages utill te âaîlable at the Information Sessiotn.