S-Tse Cartudian Ch-mpion, Fxiday, Marci 9. 2001 p bûhP 3fiÛÛL n-404 rOtr1 t9f t- %##,14o POINT MAINTENANCE lqiW M INSPEDECTION We inspect: brakes, steering, exhoust, etc. FREE VEHICLE PICK-UP & RETURN (Milton area) offt-r PnlMr an/nfif ! ISHOP REDINS 116H SCIIOOL Royal Report By Mark Laframboise and Ryan Pyne Bishop Reding stndents have eagerly awaited the start of the March Break. With some students heaing off te, Rome, ltaly and oth- ers j ust waiting to relax ai home, the pasi week has been filled with excitement, On Wedncsday, Student Goverument presented a check of $2680.61 te, Gilda Brown on behalf of the school population in sup- Port of the Mascorro family who were recently deported to Mexico. Since the unexpected deportation at the iseginming of Febrnary, the family has iscen living with their grandmother in diflicult conditions. The monicy wilt help to co~ver the legal costs for tise appeal which is already in pragress. A special thank yon to the talent show commitee under the staff advisors of Ms. Featberstone, Me. Caîzonetti and Mr. Vacca which donated one thousaud dollars to "Operatiox: Cut Mr. Jurus' Hair". Mrs. Brown broke down in tears as shte accepted the cheque and told everyîîne at B.R. on bebaîf of the Mascorro famity. lise Senior Boys' Soccer veason starued as the teaun travelled ta, St. Josephsi n Mississanga on Saturday to play in their first tourna- ment of the year T'Me gnys were able te, advance ta, the semi-finats throngh hard dedicalisîn. 'i'iey were defeated in Use final minutes 2-t hy the tongh loua team. Congratulations on your saccess and good luck in the future. The Midget Girls' Volleybail teamn competed in the Hatton Championships last Frîday. The girls showed great enthusiasm and skiit as they advanced tii the semi-finals againsi St. Thomas of Aquinas. After splitting Use lirst two sets, the girls pushed hard in the ihird but fel ustx short in a heartbreakiug 15-12 lass. Greai season ladies. Last Wednesday, a highly skttled. compelitixe and entertaiuing teacher versus student xoiieybalt gaine mas hetd. Tihe teachers showed their great skili and prevailed in ail but Use final match. Speciai men- tion gues ta Mr. Hoch aud Andrew Ford who were uamred MVP for their teams. On Thursday, Match 22 aI 7PM. Hair Xtacy 20011 mut be held at Bîshop Reding. Tickets, which are $4 if paîd in advance and $5 ai the door, can be purchased durîng lunches in the piazza. 'tie evening mutl include great deals osu Joica Haîr Care Products. Att are melcome to attend. 'Mie annat "Write Now Literary Competition" vs fast approacis- îng. This year the three categories of poelry, fiction and non-fiction (which inctudes memoirs, editorials, essays and anything based on true tife issues or experiences) wilt be ru in bath the Junior and Senior divisions. More detaîls mîti be announced fllowîng March Break but those inlerested are eucouraged ta start wrîîing. As the March Break isegins remember: "No oct of Iiindnenu, nu ,uotler how smna!l, àa ever wasied" Aseop, The Lion and the Mouve. E.C. D.D.T H10U SCEGOL Joanne Gunding Uindsey Harrold TMis past week has definitely been a newsworthy one for Drury. Tise wrestlîng teaun made the entire scisool proud with their supers shomîng ai OFSAA, the mosi important meet in the wrestling sea- sou. While tise entuîisasm wîtin tise scisoîs mas stl iigh, another group of' diligent students began to work iowards their main event of tise year, tise Sears Drama Festival. Tise week started off on a igis note as tise wrestlers OFSAA resutts were presented iii tise studeut body on Monday's morning announîcments. Tise eiglît wrestlers representing Drury defîed tise odds and ctîncised tise îeami gatd ta become back to back OFSAA champions. Exen tisîugis Drury isad lost tiseir ieven year isotd on tise GHAC titfe onty two weeks ugo, and isad anty isaîf as many quatîfy- îng atittes as îisey did last year, tise Spartans refused ta lose tise maxI important tîtte in hîgis scisool wrestlîng. Tise wresîlers jumped ta an early lead wîtis a teamt record 13 winx and 1 taxi afler two rounds, and did not ltl go of first place for tise rest of tise tourna- ment. Att eigist of Drury's wrestters placed in tise top twetve of Useir respective divisions, six of tisose eaeued top fixe resuts. Leadîng tise wuy with Drury's fourts gold medal in OFSAA issory max Chris Holmes wiso won tise title in tise 54 kg class. Tise otiser sexen wrestters misa comprised tise OFSAA team mere Sean Burnisam miso tost a close final te, come in second, Rory McDonnel, Andy Wadesou, and Malt Baxter each toxing in tise consolation final ta place founuis, Adam Banier miso gaiued fiflis place, Rois Petherick, und Mati Kuock. Congratulations wresiiers on a great weekend! Tise mrestliug teami miii spend Marcis Break in Florida îo train for tise upcomniug uationais ix London. Wile tise meestiers continue Useir training on tise mats, a group of four dedicated actors are heginning their training on tise stage. Noahs H'icks, Hemma Pisulesar, Kathy Farrant, and Mary Littico comprise tise four-persan cast for Drury's eniry in tise Sears Drama Festival. Thsis year's entry ix a pisilosopisic comedy isy tise Canadian play- wrigist Clem Martini, entîtled Conversations witis My Neigisiour's Pit Bull. Tise veteran aciors and tiseir tecisuotogicat dîrector Brad Goldring are devoting a great deal of time'to Ibis production as tise Festival takes place ix only Usree weeks, on Marcis 29th . Drury isas atways produced isigis-quality plays for tise Sears Drama Festival, and surety ibis year witl be no exception. As tise actors take to tise stage, and tise wrestters isead south, tise resi aI Drury's sîndenîs wilI go tiseir veparate ways for tise nent week. Marchs Break isas finatly arrived and students have nine days aI lreedom before tisem. Use ibis week ta get caught up on sleep, isîmework, relaxation, or misatever you wish! Have a safe and happy Marchs Break! GRADE "A"q9 NEWfS MILTrON aWGISTRICT isSRCTI Mickelle Marklav EmiIy Willoughby Wetcîîme tii axotiser excîtîxg week oI xems and updates oix att tise comings and gîîîxgs bere ai MD. Tise Marcs break is finaI- ly bere and everyone iv evcîted abosut baving a week oIt tii relax, catcs ap on scisoot mîîrk and bave taun. Tise last twîî weeks bave been.hectic arouxd bere isetweex cîîmplctîng assigunsents and sîudyîug lor tests, it mas isard iii fîxd tîme for fax, bat we did. Late last week students werc exiertaixed mits a perliiriance about teenage gamiîg in periods four and live. This shsow was put ou by Tise Caxadian Foundation on Comtpulsive Gamblixg and was calted After tise Beep. ti ixlormed studenîs througb a skîî maitten by a grîîup of teenagers f rîm Sauli Ste. Marie, and tisex a questioin and ansmer perîod about tise dan- gers of gambling. Students really exjoyed tise presentatiox and took part actîvely in askixg questions. It was in gexeral a great performance and dîscussed a very important problemr wicb sorte did xiii kxow evisted but everyoxe xeeds taibe aware ot. On Tuevday. March 6 Grade Il stadeuts from tise Famous Faces clavs misici teaches about famous figures in histsry were scheduled Io go io tise Holocausi museum. Tise trip however had ta be caxceted due ta inctement weather. It bas been rescheduled for Marchs 27. Also, on Tuesday evening ai 7:00 on CBC was a speciat on former MD sîndent Major Chris Hadfield. In tise speciat mas our very owx mals teacher Mr. Murray misa rellected on bis feelings misen he learued Major Hadfietd woutd be traveling iuio space. Tise show witl play agaix on Saturday, Matchs 10 ai 1:00 a.m. on Newsworid, so be sure to check it ont. On a slightly differeut noie progress reports were maited osut îo sindenîs ioday. Noi ait studeuix witt receixe ihese reports: onty if ihere are concerois ix axy of their classes. Parents keep your eyes open for these ix tise mail soon. Also a reminder to att graduatiug students tisat it v onxce again tise time aI year wben maxy universities axd colleges bîîld spe- ciat open bouses for you tii go tii. Tisese are set up vii you can check ouI tise campuves of scisools you are înterevted in. Maxy of these days are beîug beld axer marcis break va ise sure iii check and sec misex tise scisoots yîîu applîed ta witt be holtding tbem. Just before we wrap îhîugv up for axîîtber week we wîvh aIl our students who bave eraveted ta France or Itaty and Greece a safe aud hsappy trip. We isîpe ibat everyone bas f un ix pure MD style. Wel tisat iv it foîr anîîther week. Na matter wisat yîîxr plans are for tise break, wisetiser tbey are sîaying ai hame, gîîîng on vaca- tion or wîîrkîng don't forget ta exj<îy yîîur trne oit. n I Imdlo ollll rdsne16 Cali Kathi Adamno ArdlooVkeTutnc197or Email... J for details ÀIII 5UIE Kathi@gallingerford.com 'n~ for an appt. 8754o673 IC0655 MAIN ST. E., MILTON