Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Mar 2001, p. 20

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20-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, March 9, 2001 Dateline Dateline is a free listing of coming events only. The column is available 10 local community groups 10 assisti n promoting their future events. Only charitable or non-profil community groups may use Ibis service. We can only guarantee one issue of publicity closest <o the date of the occurrence although more insertions are possible if demand is Iow. Notices for Dateline sbould be banded in aI Tbe Cbampion office, 191 Main St. E., mailed 10 P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, faxed 10 878-4943, or e-mailed 10 mil- The deadline is noon Fniday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Friday's edition. Dateline items wiii not be accepted by telephone. Friday Mar. 9 Treat a friend tu a cup of tea and chat ai the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., from 2 10 4 p.m. Ail are welcome. The Milton Leisure Centre hosis Sports Night for youihs age 9 iii 13 years from 6:30 1o 9 p.m. Activities include floor hockey and baskeiball. The ciosti s $3.50 per yîîuih. Monday Mar. 12 Learn how lu write a resume, cuver letter or contact card ai .the Milton Human Resource Centre, 31<) Main Si. For more infor- mation, cati 878-8418, exi. 218. Monday Mar. 12 - 16 Milton District High School holds a March Break Basketball Camp lor kîds aged 7 bo 13 years old daîly jrom 8:30 a.m. to 4:30) p.m. The costi s $129 per player. CatI 1-877-433-5436 bo regisier or for more infornmation. Tuesday Mar. 13 Learn how to write a resumne, cover letier or contact card ai the Milton Human Resource Centre. 3 10 Main Si. For more infor- matiion, cati 878-8418, exi. 218. Join the Milton Seniors' Aciiviiy Cenîre's Lunch Bunch when il meels ai noon ai a local eaiery. Cati 875-1681 for the March location. The Help for Parents suppont group meels every Tuesday ai 7:30) p.m. ai Pînelands Preshylenian Church, 5270 New Si., in Burlingion. This non-denomînational self-support group wiih îrained leaders help parents of children who are in trouble ai home. at school or wiih the law, abusive or îaking dmugs. Cati 1-800-488- 5666 for more information. The Mrilton Knitters meens in the Community Room ai Loblaws fmom 7 10 9 p.m. Learn new techniques and stiare your knowledge. Cati 878-7990 for turiher information. The Halton/North Peel Naturalist Club invites the public 10 see Fiona Reid, auihor and illusiralor of 'A Field Guide to the Mammals of Central America and Souiheasi Mexico', presenit 'Mammals of Central America' ai 7:30 p.m. ai Si. Andrews United Church, Mouniainview Road and Sinclair Avenue, in Georgetown. Wani 10 improve your communication and leadership skills in a fun and fniendly aimosphere? Let Milton Toastmasters help. Everyone is welcome ai ihe Royal Canadian Lcgion (upper leveiX. 21 Charles Si., ai 7:30 pin. For more information, cati Ross London a( 875-3720. Wednesday Mar. 14 The Song Spinners Chorus holds an 11:3<0 arn. St. Patrick's Day Sing-a-long ai the Milton Seniors' Aciiviiy Centre. Everyone is welcome. 'Me Milton Public Library hosis a juggling workshop tor pre- ieen children iroin 2 tb 4 p.m. Beginners lears to juggle wih scarves. The costi n $5 per child. Space is limited, so sign Up early. The Milton Seniors' Activiiy Centre, 500 Childs Dr., hosis ils monthly Evening Euchre Party ai 7:30 p.m. 'he cosi is $2 per person. The Nassagaweya Women's lnsiuie presenis 'A Taste of Country Lire For City Friends' wiih George and Judy Marsh ai 7:30 p.m. ai the Nassagaweya Communiiy Centre on Guelph Liîîe in Brookville. Admission ks free and everyone is welcome. Thursday Mar. 15 Gel nuiritional advice and cooking praclice ai the Si. Paul's United Church Community Kitchen. The session runs from 10) a.m. te, noon ai 123 Main Si. E. CatI 876-4539 for more inrrna- lion. Health seniiaras being offered Hallon Healiheare Services will preseni free seminars, workshops and a fair 10 help the community obiain curreni and accurale healih information. Eighi seminars are planned on a varieiy of health iopics including skin cancer, asihma, posipaiium deptession, migraine headaches, arthriiis and prostate cancer. These seminars% are two hours each and wîll be held on a weekday evening in Milton or Oakville. "Everyone can beneft trom aiiending ihese evenis by becom- ing a more informed consumer,s said Lorraine Farrow, healih pro- motion manager. A mammacbeck breasi self examînalion workshop will be olfered ihree imes - once iii Milton and twice in Oakville. To obiain a copy of the calendar of evenis cati 815-5110. Seiected First Quality Discontinued & #1 Imperkecs DUVETSShl IPolyester FiIIed - Percale hl , wi n .$.9 Double ..$18.99~~ Queen ...$ 19.99 Kn ..$29 PIF] LCJ - PMOLY CANDIAN~ + îCH 8 O1 Samnbriqt TOWEL & BEDDING Hfasifton St. .Iacohs 341 Ottawa Si. N. 25 Benjamin Rd. (ai Baulon) Si. Jacobs O.Uut Mail (W05) 549-3056 (519) 748-9186 3311 Hwy #89 Coohaloun Miras 0.11.1 mail (705) 458-2442 NiagMa Falls 7500 tu ndy's Lane Canada Oea Factoy Dala (M05 3711-3427 Convenient One-Stop Shopping for the Entire Family. Plus ail Accessorles. Over 500 suits te choose fromn. NW i1uAYl S SWIM4AC 250 Broute St. S,9 Milton NOW ACCEPTINO REGISTRATION FOR SPRING CL-ASSES Regaster early and get the boat times Session starts March 19, 2001 Open 6 Days A Week PAEN & TO Clsepiae(-n1 Cauhb'Idg 64 Grand Ave. S. ou"11 Mali (519) 622-5542 BEACH TOWEL JACQU..0 30 - 60 .399ea.

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