IHey, you missed a spot Frank Loy took edvantage of the unueally mlld weath- or W.dnesday aller- noon 10 wash nome of the wlnter grime off hie Ford pick-up truck at the Martin f Street and Steeles Avenue car waah. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE *Leafficr-Finesse' Reclina-Rocker' Chaise Reclimer '849 The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Match 9, 2001-19 Literacv Guild hostin?! free workshops 'l'ie 'North [taiton I ieracy (ui Id is mraterials lor the public. Worksýhops aîre miaiioiî ilîcy n ii1 iii ,unple, direct lait olring tree workshops on 'Plain available until May. guage ihiai can he easilx understoodl Language* for peuple who create printed 'Plain Language' gives readers the infor- For more information, eall 873-2200). HALTON RGION NOTICE 0F STUDY RE-COMMENCEMENT and PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE TREMAINE ROAD in Milton Lower Base Lina to Indien Crack (soutb of Britannia Rond) Clana Environmental Assesament Study In May 2000, the Region of Halton began a study 10 carry out improvements to the horizontal curved section that occurs on Tremaine Road at Indian Creek, approximately mid-way between Lower Base Line and Britannia Road in the Town of Milton. The study focussed on options 10 modify Uie exisling sharp bends in the roadway for the purpose of improving roadway operations and addressmng polential safety concerns. The work carried out 10 date has included: an inventory of thc exisling environmient in thc vicinity of the sharp bends; preliminary cons<ion with government agencies; meetings wiUi directly affected landowners; and, an analysis of preliminary alternatives. The Region bas identified the need 10 extend Uic study corridor southwards ta Lower Base Line Road to address other geometric deficiencies and potential safety concems. The study with its extended corridor is now considered a Schedule C projecl following the requirements of the Clasa Environmental Assessment for Municipal Road Projects (2000). lncorporating carlier work and input, the re-commenced sîudy will alno include: an inventory of the existing environmrent for the new nettion; meetings with affected landowners; a Public Information Centre (PIC); the identification and ansessment of alternative solutions; the selection of a preferred solution, wiîh consideration of public and government agency input; and the preparation of an Environmental Study Report (ESR). We would appreciate receiving your comments or concerns regarding the project. The PIC is scheduled for March 22, 2001 at Our Lady of Victory School, 540 Commercial St., Milton, between 5:30 pm and 8:00 pm. The environental ntudy report will be completed by July 2001 and construction is tentatively scheduled for 2003. Please direct an y information, commenta or questions to the following: Nick Zervos Senior Transportation Co-ordinator Halton Region 1151 Bronte Road Oakville, ON L6M 3L 1 Phone: (905) 825-6161, ext. 7632 Toll-free: I -866-4HALTON (1-866-5866) Fax: (905) 825-8822 e-mail: zervosn(&irerion. hal ton. on.ca Stephen Keen SNC-Lavalin Engineers & Constructors Inc. 2200 Lake Shore Blvd.W. Toronto, ON M8V 1 A4 Phone: (416) 252-5311 Fax: (416) 231-5356 e-mail: keens(â)snc-1 valin.corn www.reqion.halton.on.ca Mottait Autoworka istalla thausands ai curs for the Auto Trais. Tis expertise la now avullablo ta you. AU£ W IK * **. COMPLETE UNE 0F AUTO à TRUiCK ACCESSORIES AVAILAIE TUA APPROYED IlECONDITON FACIUTY VENILES ON MOFFAT AUTOWORKS PROPERTY CAM RE PR,-SOKEO FOR THE AUCTION 0 r f 7S e Il LI fl\yeire in today's Milton champion RsNGO PO E e * T 4ýW N'