18-The Canadien Champion, Friday, Marc hq20 Engineering gold for Holy Rosarv students - Two grade 8 teams earn highest distinction at annual PEO Challenge Saturday FUTRE SHOP CORCTiN NOTICE ln oui February 28 - March 6 and March 7-13, 2001 Future Shop Flyers the tollowing error occurred: - The Sonti Hi 8mm Camcorder (CCDTRV58) was incorrectty featured with a "Colour viewtinder' this model has a Black & White viewtinder. - The Frigidaire Deluxe Sett-Ctean Smooth Top Range (CMVEF377CIS) was inconrectly teatured with 'PanawayM broul pan storage" this model has broiler-pan but does flot include the Panaway'l broul pan storage rack. We sinceiely apotogize tor any inconvenience this may hava caused oui oalued customers. Furik and Fiona Kay made up one team while comprising the other were Yuri Hrytsyntak, Amanda Nova, Michael Regu and Kathleen Stephenson. Earned new computer systemt Hoty Rosary students' golden performance net- ted the school a brand new computer sysîem cour- tesy of' Milton's Menitor Automutive - which sponsored the annual eveot with the two regional schoot huards as wetl as the Hamilton and Oakvitte chapters of the Protessiotiat Engineers of Ontario. Nearby Kitbnide Public School also excelled at the competition - with one of ils teams securing silver level honours and two others coming home with bronze. Morgan Cotlaway, Melissa DePace. Carotyn Loopstra and Brie Richards eamed silver. Chris Downey and Sergei Shibaev mnade up une uftihe bronze tevet teams white Jordan Cappadocia. Brian Serneels and Matt Stopers comprtsed the other. A total ut 27 teanis trum t1t Hatton schouts coin- peted ai the event. The Community Care o Access Centre of Halton CCAC is now accepting applications for HlA .1ON Hampton Terrace Care Centre Thc Community Gare Access Centre has received notification that the Hampton Terrace Gare Centre, a long-term care facility, is progreasing in its plans to open in June of 2001. The Hampton Terrace Gare Centre is a 1O1-bed long-term care facility located in Burlington. Anyone interested in applying to Hampton Terrace Care Centre, or any long-termn care facility, should contact the CCAC of Halton for information regarding thse application process for placement. For fwrther information contact: (905) 639-5228 or toil free by calling 1-800-810-000 and ask for Information and Referral M OPEL ~iL1L~W VEAR MAKE MODEL ST # REG SALE 2000 Dodge Caravan DEMO 650629 $26,515 $20,459 2000 Dodgo Caravan DEMO 532207 $26,515 $19,99w 2000 Chryuior Town & Counlry 11 DEMO 606967 $45,280 $36219 2000 Chrysier 300M DEMO 2000 Chrysier Town & Country 110 2000 Chryuier Town & Country ITO 655081 $45,120 $36,3M 2000 Chruiar MmnIr E i*ji 7r: r::; * 2000 Chrysior Neon LE ue5061 $20,190 $16,14 2000 Chrysier Neon LE 865W62 $20860 $16,829 * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m Chya. Nm'IE l w, 2008h Cludair rimie. ;b 1 l'M 200 ChryirCmaI ~ I 0 *, 2000 Chrysier 300M 3737m0 $41,760 $33,779 2000 Chrier 300M 42M47 $42,250 $34,199 200_ odue Rm nai2d Çàý ---um- s-,; 2000_Dodge Ram Ouad Cab Sport 14238 $35,860 $7,09 2000 Jen T~n U ~ I,> ~ - 20 uu . ~ rir" l4~a r %,Z .,r liuubaV, April let, 28301 ýKnvx 3Mreshbteriau Qllurc4, fflittou -3:013 p-M. g L-~p ,.,Mi1tonian named to university dean's list Laura Henderson of Milton bas been named to the Dean's List at William Woods University in Fulton, Missouri for academic accomplish- ments during the 2000 faIt terru. To be named to the t3ean's List, a student must be fulI-time and have achieved a minimum 3.6 semester anîd cumulative grade point average on a 4.0 scale. tn addition. the student must have suphomore oir higher class stand- ing. Tbis marks the second honour bestowed oin Hendersoît this scîsotl year. A mieinher of the university's womens soccer teanm. she was recent- ly namcd to the Amierican Midwest Conlerence Academie Ait-Conîcrence team. William Woods Universty is an independent liberal arts institution. Our established programs prepare women to work in a high-salaried occupation in Electrical or Precision Machining and Tooling. Prograin Outline * 30 weeks iin-class theoîy and hands-on tr-aining wîth qualified, ceritified anid experienced instructrîrs * 20 week paid job placement wvith employers for- on-the- job experience * Placement officer tii assist in finding fuill-time employment Toole, textbooks ani safety equipment given to each student (approximate value $1000.00) Tctitian assistance is avaitable to qualified candidates. CaItday to attend a FREE Intormation Session For more information contact Isabel Webb - (905) 333-3499/878-1240 or visit our website at www.thecentre.on.ca The Centre is Ieading Women's Trade Training nU~ T e'~"" in Ontario. This is our 4th women's The ______________ pre-apprenticeship program. f * kIsDvlpet&Tarn ln partnership with the Ontario Womren's Directorate dlsDvopet&Tang & The Government of Ontario Holy Rosaty students flexed their creatîve mus- cles on the way to claiming gold level status at Saturday's Professional Engineers of Onitario (PEO) Challenge. Wiîhin the confines ut their ovan schîxîl, a pair of grade 8 teams eamed the cumpetitton's hîghest distinction for their construction and presentation of a working robotic arm capable of lifting a cuit spring. The students presented their wurk that day but had approxttnately two nionths to comptete the project. Melissa Comstock. Siobhan Desroches, Lindsey 270042 $41,685 $33,6Sf 580659 $45,120 $36,38d loi D"Ijý('1111' 'q 905-S76-3-307 h 9 2001