,,,Many farmers think golf course study for the birds The Canadien Chamion. Tuesdav. January 23, 2001 -3 Somefarmersçfear restricting golf courses will lower their land values By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Halton farmners look some swings at Halton' s draft Golf Course Study al, a statulory public meeting held at the Region earlier tbis montb. The plan aims to prevesi golft conurses tnro sprawliîsg onver prime agricuitural tond beoîw the escarp- ment brîow. Irnsicad, an amendmenî' to the Regional Official Plan cosuld direct new cosurses abenve the broîw our to degraded tonds sucli as broîwn fields, former tandtitl sites and abandoîîed quorries. But sonme farmers teared ibtia restricting golf cosurses woould loswer the price should tliey oopt Io sell their tond upoîn retiremeni. The larimers also hlasted ltattooris planning and public woîrks cossîiîtiee Jaiîuary 10i fier soit susiaisinîg loscal agiicoi hure ilirosugl planiniig initiatives such as adequate support services, includ- îng rosad shosulders wide enougli tes accounondate stosw-îosvîng farmn vehicles. Setting lus lanîd witl likely be moire lucrative thon keeping it, said Bush Merty of Menybrsîoke Farras. "II would make no sense for my soin f0 even îhisk about forming here," lie said. -1 tiel yîîu're saving flic cari here aîsd not wosrrying ahbout the heirse." Soînie farniers talked about a future in which Canadians simpty îmported their tfsen. -The ameîunt est foeod being pro- oiuccd is almosi unhelievabte." said Doin Roîwntree ot' Haltein HuIs. 'We're moire concerned wviih leav- ing tlie tond the treedomr iliat it lias.' And Mition's Jack Prousd said tlie land deemed prime in flic siody aciually isnt. -Anythong in liaison t would have coînsidered prime lias been cîîvered over,' lie said. tle osbjected to the report's eîsdoîrsement by the Hatton Agrîcuttural Advisory Committee (HAAC). 'tis here io tell you ihai HAAC in so way shape oîr loins speak for iiie,' lie said. -l have no il feelings about a polf' course oîne way or another. People need recreation.' Mr. Proîud alsco hinted that HAAC members rarely owned their mswn land or farmed large parcels. Thai raised thie hackles of HAAC Chair Jay Kitching, wlio supported thc staff plan. Ive just bles told I'm a fumier ouf two r three acres wlio couldn't care less,- he said angrily. Mr. Kitching said lie has trouble believing Halton could support an estimated demand for up tes 42 new golf courses over the nexi 20 years, and noted thon onîy golf courses are heing restricicd in the report. "The oînly use ets limising is golf cmurses in prime agricultural land," lic saîd. "FAAC is of the helief we have to prestect ihis agricultural tand il we con." Milton's Julie Bornes was anoili- er HAAC member who came out in support of the draft study. -l think agricultural tond sliould be protected. We can't rely on other countries for food," slie told tlie committee. That's ail t have io say. Hooray. Go for if." The meeting was for information only, so0 counicillors wveren't asked to make any decisions on whai transpired. Currentty, there are 28 golf* corses and live driving ranges in Halson. splîî equalty betwcen tlie rural and urban areas. 0f those. five are luscaîed above the escorpment brow. Another eight courses are cur- rentty proposed. six of which are slated for prime agriculturat tond. M M hiihNitAYNEU 2 dr. with air, 5 spdl, CD, black, 4 door, V6, pw, pdl, tilt, croise, one #1 27524A. Only 16,000 kms. Bal. of 5 yrone 1784 100,000 pwr train warranty.o er#1784 3.8 litre, V6, auto, pw, pdl, air, tiltp. moon oif t 4 dr. pw, pdl, tilt, croise, leaiher, snly 99,000 owner, oniy 74,000 kms. Don't miss kms. This car is prîstîne! Doet miss thîs Ibis great automobile. #135868A ose t i won' tlast #144751 A 4 dir., asto, V6, air, pwv, pdl, tilt, crs se, Auto, V6, air pw, pdl. tilt, cruise, p. mous oof CD/cassette, 1 owner, snly 58,000 kms. chrorne rmn, fuly soaded, champagne. Don' #311i8810OA miss this une! Only 79,000 kms. #Plt627A 3 door, pw, pdl, tilt, air, bedliner, 1 owner, Pw, pdl, tilt, cmise, air auium om s dual attleae. P163A.67,00 imopower seais. Don' tans this eoceptionai ofe se...l63. 6700 .s vu. # 133. 8 4 door, air, 1 owner, only 89,000 kmS., 4 door, 3.8 litre, V6, auto, pw, pdl, air, #538377A #11708A *1999 CadiIIac Catera (2) *1993 Grand Arn *1998 Cadillac Catera *2000 Montana *1998 Monte Caria 1999 Transport *1997 LeSabre *1998 Transport (4 dr, leather> *1997 Seville STS *1997 Tracker r 1996 Sable *1995 4x4 112 ton *'97 Safari and '93 01ds 3 month, 5000 km warranty. Vehicle sold "us le", flot an Optimum vohliicle." fÀ mmI $T. IL BUICKMILTON 9:00M Au 00 P FU ', -s 155 ONTARO ST 7549 Loo for Supe Vau Copn on Ou .1bit ww.aiohug