12-The Canadian Charmion, Tuesday, January 23, 2001 Indian Cuisine CIIICKEN11 CURRY WITN RICE ANSD ROTI VEOETABLE CURRY WITH RICE AND ROTS 1111IA? SAMOSA, VESE SAMOSA, FAKCORA DINE- IN OR TAKI- (T 876-2559 8ONTARIO ST. NORTH, MIL TON 7 (across frovi Srkes 'N'Slopes) Ic MA â.Aàà;j !TW Apartrmt~ N ous. 1 Business Seniors Discounts! SEPTUC TANK PUMPING Robert Noble Ltd. *180 ft of hase for crossîng Iawns 3 radio dispatched trucks to serve you Dofl't watt Mor trouble - Pump before itli too latet (Should pump at least every 3 years) Neyer use coloured or double ply toulet paper (519) 853-0500 Acton Answering Service 878-6869 OVER 20 VEARS EXPERIENCE' Ceramic TiIesHadwood Roc 8ooms Steel Studs Dgathroom Orop Celings (905) 876-4023 - _-Stan MECHANICAL Parts for Washers e Dryers e Ranges e Freezers eRefrierators e Dishwanhers 785 Main Stre.t East NOIHA JOB T SAL ORVICESLARGE ldsra Commercial,& Residential 1L1680T69 CXer. :1-7-6745 M.A.R8229C84Hom *Water Furnace Systemne *Heat Pumps - Air, Oround à Water Sources -Central&A Roomn Air -Cas, Propane and Electrie Furnaces .High Efflclency Air Filters à Humidifiera 785 Main Street East 876-1138 (SERVICE) 875-27< a 1-f ;1UI a kT.11 1 , j .l . O k1i Terr Rowley Mechanical mnc. Air Conditioning Sales & Service Heat Punips e Furnaces 925 Main Street Eat, Unit 3 ~LoM 878-1979 LENNOX Specializing in Casiou itted En1, Indows end DELREX nme Systems ALUMINUM LIMITED Also r.ity SidIg Soffit atia mnd Seailesa linum TIough call8775383 behveen 9am & 9pm 5 ER WRrTEN ARRA ON WORKMANSIP IEATING C %I & COOLNX '"Mr M . LTI) à AREA tno FOR O'IER 30 YEARS SALES - INSTALLATION - REPAIRS .111O 111 High-Efficiency Furnaces, l"vgTrM Air Conditioners, Gas Fireplaces 878-4821 10-1 Stýee1e.- Ave.. Unit #P7. ["IItq»n R&R Garage Doors - Etectrie Openers Sales, Service and installation W4ndows, Entrance Doors, Stormt Doors, Patio Doors TERL: 519-131-2114 (ACTOI "RENOVATION SPECIALISTS" Reaidential & Commercial " Additions e Bathrooms * Rec Rooms e Garaiges sDocks Ucenced 878-8625 References Tera Rowley Mechaiîical hIc. Bathroom Remodelling Speciallats * Ceramic 111le e New Construction aPumpa * Wates Systems 925 Main Street Eust, Unit 3 878-1979 To advertise in IùU InCmw' flO DUES -if cail Jenny at 878-2341 ea il Spoclallzlng la Honda, A cura & Japanoso Imports w4rn~, 32 Bronte St. S.,Miiton F F 1 h uammsr (Just South of the LCBO> (m)s 693-9595 cii24/7 I~ elmw M= r -à n I