xCouindl squahhles an embarrassment, says Mayor Krantz The Canadien Champion, Fniday, January 19, 2001 - 9 Hearmng Ofice Ontio's Btiirvaîî (le- auîdie'nces du Niagara Notice of the Niagara Escarpment Plan Review Hearing By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Internai squabbling bogged down two recent town council meetings, and most members agree the gatherings were divi- sîve. But what (ha( means for the future appears to be a matter of opinlion. Mayor Gord Krantz said meetings December 18 and January 8 were embarassing. "I was ashamed of it," hie said. "Theatrics and backwoods politics, that's what it was. 1ljust hope it's flot a prelude of tttings 10 corne in the next three years." He said belIl work to stop counicil f or cannibalizing itsetf. 'There's no room for personal vendet- tas," said Mr. Krantz. But Councillor Brian Penman said per- sonal politics will likely be swept aside. "One of the worst things about potitics is that politics sometimes gets in the road," hie said. "But once il gels down to the sig- nificant issues of the town, you'il just see flashes of these personalities." Disagreement oftent leads 10 positive debate, offered Councillor Cindy Lunau. "I think probably most people think debate around the counicil table is divisive and flot good," she said. "I disagree, as long as the comments aren't personal. A healthy discussion, even if il's a close vote, ia a good lhing." But coutncil will have to fight 10 stay on track, said Councillor WalIy Hunier. "The main thing is that il doesn't become dysfunctional," hie said. "Keep it Gord Krantz on the issues, other- wise it'll be a very painful three years." But a recent meet- ing proved person- alities can somte- limes intervenei, 10 il] effect. "It was a disaster- Oua meeting," acknowledged Mr. Hunter. "But my opinion is we can gel around these issues." For rookie Councillor Ken Keates, it's ail a malter of focus. 'I think we need 10 set a few thinga aside," hie said. 'T'here seems toi be corne thinga that existed before I got on counicil. that's deadlocking somte people." But the changing dynamnie could lead tu more improved discussion, said Councillor Rick Malboeuf. 'There has always been a slant on one aide and that seema 10 be breaking down," hie said. "Now we'll gel a wider diversity of opinion." A new faction appears 10 be rising with- in counicit, noted Councillor Ron Furik. "I hope il's not a new boys club trying 10 supplant an old boys club," hie said. "Il's diagraceful. I'm flot a part of that. t don't wanl to be a part of that." But hie thinka the furor will likely die down sooni. "My observation is il always seema 10, the first meeting or îwo is unsentling," said Mr. Furik. 'Then il seems tu, calm down." Bis prediction appeared to be bomne ouI by Monday's budget meeting, which unfolded without acrimony. "Ilts Iere!"5 IIALTON COI'IMwrr SERVICES DIRECTOKY C0fMMUNITY SUPPORT AND INFORMATION $25.00 each I 2000/2001 TO 0ORDERI CM£L -875-4636a QOmic p Section 17(l) of the Niagara Escarppnent Planning and !ieieloptnent Act (NEPDA) requires a pcriodic review of the Niagara Escarpment Plan. On lune 15, 1999, the Honourable John C. Snobelen, Minister of Natural Resourccs, inîîiated Ibis Res'îew. Termis of Reference, dated December 5, 2000, wcre issued and describc how the Review wîll bc con- ductcd in ternis of both the items 10 be reviewed and the conduet of the Review, subject 10 the pro- visions of the NEPDA. The NEPDA requires that a public hearing bc eonducted. In order to ensure an open and fair hearing process, the Hcaring Officers, in adopting Rules of Procedure, shaîl endeavour to: . make the Review as non-adversarial as pos- sible; - provide for the submission and evaluation of written submissions prior to the hearing; - increase to the degree possible the earty res- olution of issues. The Hearing Offîcers wilt conduet a public hear- ing 10 consider the review Topics as established by the Ternis of Reference. The following matters are 10 be considered in the Review: " Estate Wineries; " Rural Tourism; " Signage " Environmental Monitoring; " Intensive Recreational Development in Escarpment Parks and the Statua of Land Trusts. Tbe following items are either 10 include changes to the Plan maps and texI that are factually in error or 10 update the Plan or mapa 10 reflect changes that bave occurred subsequent 10 approval of the current Niagara Escarpment Plan: - Production of new Plan mapa (reprints GIS 1:50,000 Plan maps only); * Plan Errata, " Plan Text. On January 15, 2001, the Hearing Officers issued propoacd Rules of Procedure, proposed Procedural Directions and a proposed Guidelîne. Persons who wish 10 comment on these docu- ments may do so before February 15, 2001, aend- ing their wriîîen comments 10 the Niagara Escarpment Hearing Office. In aceordance wilh the Termas of Reference, the Hearing Offtcers will rcly in large part upon edcc- tronie wrîtten submissions made hy persons wish- ing 10 file materials relevant to the Rcview Topics. On January 15, 2001, the Hearing Officers issued Procedural Order Number t which sets out the following. the dates and times of the Hearing, the Review Topics as establîshcd by the Ternis of Reference; the process for estab- tishing the Rutes of Procedure that the Hearing wilt follow; the process for receîvîng wrîtten suh- missions, for asking and answering questions front the writlen submissions and the process for establishing the order of oral presentations aI the Heaning. Accordîngly, the Hearing Off icers întend 10 issue other procedural orders that wilI set the scliedule for filing written submnissions and the order of oral presentations at the Hcarîng. The timef ramne for filîng wnitlen submissions witt be front Aprit 16, 2001 t0 June 6. 2001. AIl wnitten submissions will be posted on the Niagara Escarpment Hearing Office's wehsite as soon as possible afler receipt. Generalty, the Hearing wilt bc conducted as daity sessions, fixe days a week, from 9:(X) a.m. 10 5:(X) p.m., heginntng on Juty 16, 2001 îhrough August 101,200t. The fîaur-week timieframe alloeated f'or the Hearing naîghî ai the discretion of' the Hcaring Officers - be expanded, if required, 10 include part of the weeks of Auguat 1310o August 17, 2001 and August 20 10 August 24, 200 1. A limited amount of lime will be available in the evening sessions for presentations by Participants, who because of exceptional circum- stances, cannot attend daylime sessions. Persons wishîng lii make an evening presentation musI provide the hecaring Office with dctailed written reasons why îhey cannol attend a daytime session. The Hcaring wilt hegin on Monday, July 16, 2001 aI 9:00 arn., in the Committee Rootu Lower Level, Town of Orangeville, Municipal Office, 87 Broadway, Orangevitte, Ontario and continue if necessary, on July 17, 18. 19 and 20, 2001. Evenîng sessions will be held on Tucsday, July 17, 2001 and Thursday, July 19, 2(11 commente- ing ai 7:00 p.m. in the Dufferin Room, Tony Rose Memorial Sports Centre, 40 Fead Street, Orangeville, Ontario. The Hearing will continue on Monday, July 23, 2001 aI 9:00 a.rn., in the counicil Chambers, City of St. Catharines, City Hall, 50 Church Street, St. Catharines, Ontario and continue, if necessary, on July 24, 25, 26 and 27, 2001. Evening sessions witl bc held on Tuesday, July 24, 2001 and Thursday, July 26, 2001 commencing aI 7:00 p.m., in Committee Room t, at the saine location. The Hearing will continue on Monday, JuIy 30, 2001 aI 9:00 a.rn., in Owen Sound, in the Sound Room, Lumley Bayshore Cominunity Centre, 1900 Jrd Avenue Est, Owen Sound, Ontario and continue, if necessaiy, on July 31, 2001 and August 1, 2 and 3, 2001. Evening sessions will bc held on Tuesday, Juty 31, 2001 and Thursday, Augusî 2, 2001 commenciug aI 7:001 p.m., aI the samne location. The Hearing wilf continue on 'flesday, August 7, 2001 aI 9:00 a.m., in the Council Chambers, Town of' Milton, Town Hall, 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontario and continue, if necessary, on August 8, 9 and 10, 2001. Evening sessions will bc held on Tuesday, August 7, 2001 and Thursday, Auguat 9, 2001 commencing aI 7:00 p.m., aI the samne location. AIl documents issued by the Hearing Office arc available electronically on ils website aI wwr.,vo.a Foar further information about the hearing, please contact Susan Dunn, Niagara Escarpmeni Hearing Office aI (416) 314-46010. The Office accepîs colleet catIs. DATED ai TORONTO, tItis I5th day of January, 2001. Susan E. Dunn Niaîgara Escarpment Hearîng Office Contact Information: Niagara Escarpmcni Hearîng Office 23010 Yonge Street, Suite 1201 PO. Box 23812 Toroînto. Ontario M4P t E4 Tel: (416) 314-4600 Fax: (416) 314-4506 email: NEHOstaff@oeb.2ov.on.ca www.ert.gov.on.ça