Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Jan 2001, p. 6

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6 - Th b nC" n dýoi ra,Janua 0 Sehololboard should re-think this policy Halton Catholic Sehool Board trustees should run back to the drawing board to scratch a proposed policy that could effectively put a lid on useful discussion around the table. Disingenuously described as the School Board Operating Procedures, the poicy asks trustees to be mindful of the need for a positive public percep-IL P tion of the board when speaking. It asks trustees to support the director of education, superintendents, principals, school staff and other board members i 10 1 when speaking both in public and privately. What's more, the trustees are considering a code of ethics that would 10i behoove them to actively participate in the Catholic Church.i These policies, if adopted, may make for a kinder, gentler school board. But they may also stifle debate. If interpreted in a way that disallows untrammeled discussion both in public and at board meetings, the policy* wou Id tly in the face of the duty of trustees, who are, let's flot forge, pub-o licly elected officiais. They're at the table to speak for their constituents, flot to act as cheerleaders for educational staff. If the board is realîy interested in courting favourable public opinion, it- shou Id scrap this policy and get on with the issues its members were elected to tackîe.- SO UR READERS WRIT.E Ontarlo Street already too cogetd McGuinty's peeplan'samnsue Beland the scenea baililes aoe stili tak- ing plallce a tawn couiil regarding die B.C. Drury psxperty. Council blew dicta- sanda of Miltonians' tax dollars on a cause it was'adviaed it couldn't wîn. Now, santie pouting couincillois, by four to thrite. voled not to even negotiate dise Childs Drive acceas wïth the developer as recommended by thse 0MB. Tise only option to Childs Drive is Ontaio Steet airefidy thse most congest- ed road iIn Milton. Ontario Stree rivais most Toronto roads in lights per mile with six of tisem from Derry Road to 1kw longx wini t take or uf ffie coup- teris w insist on ancither llgist at INS new intersection? MWd you Cisiltis Drive is also a busy road whicis once again brings wo question why our town plan- ners reconanended tise bulding of tise isighst density olevetopirent in Uhe area in an aloeady-congested locale. - As soon as ownersisip takes place I expect a chain link fence to go up on Chiltis Drive andi acceas ta tise tennis club will be cloacti. Patrick Kely Mwitn THE CAÏVAI)L'U CHAMPION Box 248. 191 Main St. E.. The Canadien Champute, puStnshed evety Tuesday and Fnilay at 191 Main St E_. Milton. Ont. L9T 4N9 (Box 248), os one of The Metroand Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Printing, Publisbing B Distrîbubeng Ltd. gnoup of subuthan companiers wttich includes. AlaxPtclnering News Advertisen. Alliston llerald/Courier. Barrie ~ 341 Adoance. Bannys Bay ThIis Week, Bolten Enteoprise. Brampton Guardian, (905)87 234~ Bunlngton Post, Bunlinnton Shopping Netes, City Panent, City of York G uar dian, ColtingwoodlWasaga Connection. East York Mitron, Etin A ffte/Countny Routes, Etobncnlne Suandran, Flanbonnugh Post. Foneven EditrialFax:8784943 YounSmorgetoten IndependentfActon Free Press, Hattnn Business Tioes. Hurnnia Buseness Tines. Kingston This Week, Lindsay Tis Week, Manktan A'dvertising Fax: 876-2364 Ecnrrnit & Sun, MidtandflenntanouKInrne Mion, Mino Shopping Newn, Mitoissauga Business Times. Minnîssauga Newes. Napanee Suide, Classified: 875-3300 Nassagatepa News, Newrnarkef/Aunnna Ena-Bannen, Nortrumberland Newas, North Yonk Mitntn, Sakole Beaven, OakviNte Shopping Netes, Oldtmers Ian Oliver Pubisher Hockey Noms, Orilîna Today. tOlnataMlbnty/Clarington/Pot Penny This Wek Oween Sound Trine. Peterbonrough Tis Week, Pretn Cnunty Sarde, NteiI Oliver A.r.nnro'ale Pabli.rter Richmond l4iIlIThornhilI'iaugban Libenal, Scarborough Mîrrot. Stnnttnwslxbendge Trbune. Wendy McNab Adu'erer.çing Mainager >dernrsing is accepteit on the condition tat. in thre rient ot a typo- grapnncal error. Mnat portion ot te anetlsng space occupned Sy the ern Karen Smith Eolrtor teous item. togeter vtent a reasonable alinteance ton signature, ted not be Steve Crouler circuaioîn Manager changeil ton, boit thte balance of te advetnsenent wnS) be paid ton an te applicable rateý The pubisher reserses thre rgtt to categoone adoientîse- y ana er..- ms on decbine 1im colles Produotion Maunager IrteBteAl,, eau~r Qeartelont Bt Bec>sB~8 Stodrace embarrassment in sea oT wrongaoing Dear Editor: Re: "McGuinty says his *peace plan' would give studento gift of extracurnicular activities" (January 2). Dalton McGuinty's 'peace plan' is no peace plan al ail. It doco nothing to esc the inevitable and growing conflici bctween teachers andi govemment. Ail it doco is expose chiltiren 80 more of the samne dubious educa- tion programming and adds 80, the stress of s system that's already l'ailing. Any 'peace' it creates will be more tenuous than thse last 'peace'. Mr. McGuinty, like most Ontarians, accepto the false alterna- tive that says education musE be dictateti by govemment or dictated by teachers (and their unions). Whenever a false alternative becomes established between Enco groups, a hiale close examination reveals that both sides agree on something more fundamental than thse issues on which they disagree. In this case, both sides agree that someone other than parents should dictate how children should be educated. To tbem, it makes sense toi put education into the hands of elected officiaIs, who then ensure that the right experts are doing thse job. If they don't, they won't be elected again. Unlortunately, the result is that parents put in littie more time and effot deciding what their children's education should be, than they put into the purchase and maintenance of their cars. Furthermore. elected officiaIs aren't experts, and can only do what the bureaucrats beneath them suggest. Whenever those men fail, (I have ocritten before as t0 the many ways our educators fail) their failure damages the whole system. In private education, a particular school may l'ail and its students and family will suifer, but within a Pud 4FLME*n M lonR Lw IG Es NRE W5 MST .5tilut year, they can go 80 another achool. When a province-ocide system fails children and their parents bave nowhere else 80 tumn. By accepting sucis a system, the best guardians of thse education of their children have largely made themselves powerless. Mr. McGuinty's plan is a minis- cule embarrassment in a sea of wrongdoing. Tise only plan parents should accept is a plan 10 rcim- burse property taxes t0 those par- ents who place their children in pri- vate schools. Voters should reject the notion that Mr. McGuinty, Premier Mike Harris, or any other panderer to public whim cao help public education. To stop our childrcn fmom being political footballs, parents must learn why private education is, and always ocas, the best education lfor aIl. Richard Bramwel FLR. 3 Milton by Steve Nease e am

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