14 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 16, 2001 DatLeline Fax your L)d teine item info ta 878-4943 i plenty of time before the event although more insertions are possible if demand is 10w. Notices for Dateline should be hand- ed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed f0 P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, faxed to (905> 878-4943, or e-mailed to mil- toned@haltonsearch.com. The final ~~-IL g II1yIN FOR arn I F CF I Fa y 1 Gel 2 Free Sale on selecied marchandise in effect January 8- 23,2001 al pafficipating stores. Most items available in ail stores. Look for the rail sale legs. Whefe competitive pricing in effeci, the sale offer will be off Fabricland's regular chain-siore ptice. Sorry, no special orders. BASC FASKION FARRICS! "oc a FMI M FARRICS! NOME DECOR AND MORE! Special Selection! Special Selection! special Selection! RMCLM 150rm wkJe. LAMUR FLEECE SOM 150cm wide. UR« BLEND COMINATES Polyester/coiton blend. Our Reg. 6.98 m 100% polyester. Our Reg. 16.98 m 115cm Choose firom cott nAi & ayorV Special Selection! Special Selection! - Hugo Assortment! Mmn same FUMS à PRIPS MYESM 115-150crn wde, 10D% coiton, yarn d PRINTS Ou( Reg. 8.98-1 M ISS do AS is 20114 spe t6l4eolbet TU fey SA ftoAvi rIVE S-ToftE DAY 0 lt%41#iG 114 Our WOS VFfY Hugo Ala ppj poiye spec IGES M jgau y 150crn OUR r Assorted wickhs, types. contents. Many c 0 -12.98m Inclivi- dually pficed. for best speciail special Solection! SpeSl Seleclion! WOOL WM m tu Suffm IL01111111111 SOM am & LOOP TAPE Hffls 150crn wde. Some COatMs maY be il 5cm wide. 100% polyester. W & 1"wide. Black & white, 1 m pre-cuts. avabbie. Our Reg. 16.98-22-98 m Asmied colours, Our Reg. 3.98 ni Ouf Reg. 2.n3.49m M »W siff 1 UT 2 FRUI ALL MW BUT 1 OIT 2 M ML MW sul OU 2 RUI 547 Main St. E. MILTON 87U931 Umm POU 24 NOUR INIFO CA" 11111 11111101 INFO UN@ AV 1-OU-7180-0333 ouvmouRwaumair M-lum e» a ad.ffl Dateline is a free listing of coming events only. The column is available t0 local community groupa f0 assist in promoting their future events. Only charitable or non-profit community groupa may use this service. We can only guarantee one issue of publicity closest to the date of the occurrence deadline is noon Friday for Tuesdays7 edition and noon Wednesday forf Friday's edition. Dateline items will not t be accepted by telephone. Tuesday ian. 16 The Halton Catholte District School Board offers adult learnitsg programs to improve literacy and independenceI skills for developmentally challengedt adults. The course ts held Tuesday eventngs from 6.31) to 8:30 p.n. at Bishop Reding Secondary School. Caîl Helen at 257-3688 for details. The Milton Comtnunity Resource Centre hosis crafts and active play for kids aged up to 5 years duning uts Tuesday ptaygroup. The cost is $24 per month. For more information caîl 876-1244, ext. 10 ]Learn and receive support during weight loss with Canadian Calorie Counters. The group meets every Tuesday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. ai the Milton Communtty Resource Centre. For details caîl Thomasena ai 878-5322 or Lenore ai 878- 0622. Learu how to lose weight the right way during Halton Healthcarc Services' semt- nar 'Healthy Approaches to Losing Weight'. The seminar takes place ai the 707 Galaxy Banquet Hall in Oakville and includes guesi speaker Dr. R. Aronson, endocrinologisi. CatI 338-4379 to reserve a seat. Space is limited. Improve your leadership and commu- nications skills in a fun and friendly aimosphere with the Milton Toasimasters. The group meets on the upper level of the Royal Canadian Legion hall, 21 Chartes St., ai 7:30 p.m. CatI Ross London ai 875- 3720 for details. Join the Boyne Euchre Club for a party ai 7:30 p.m. ai the Boyne Community Centre. Wednesday Jan. 17 Milton Meals on Wheels hosts a Ion- cheon ai 11:30 a.m. in the Loblaws Community Room. The cost: s $5 for a hot meal. Come oui and socialize. Transportation and assistance can be arranged for those who need it. Cali 878- 6699 for more information. The Milton La L-eche League invites ail women interested in hreastfeeding to attend ils nexi meeting ai the Milton Community Resource Centre. 917 Nipisaing Rd. Caîl Debbie ait 876-6387 for details. Concerned about food allergies? Join the North Halton Anaphylaxis Support Group ai thse Georgetown police station ai FRE11 BA-I -NTLLTO or new anaphylactics and share informa- ion and coping strategies. Friday Jan. 19 Enjoy 'January Jazz', a show hosted by Milton Concert Presentations, featuring Anna Romain, Bill Westcott and the Fe Radicals. The show includes standards by Gershwin, Cote Porter, Jerome Kern and songs made tatttous hy Billie Hotiday. The contcert hegins at 8 p.m. at Southside Community Church on Derry Road. Tickets cost $25 or $20 for seniors and stu- dents and may be purchased at the door or by calling 878-2342 otr 878-4604. Saturday Jan. 20 Play and socialize at the Milton Community Resource Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd., Saturday mornings during a 'drop-in' session. The program starts at 9:15 and runs to 11: 15. For more details cal the centre at 876-1244, ext. 10. Celebrate the lite of the great Scotlish poet Robbie Burns at the St. Clair Masonic Hall with dinner and entertain- ment. Tickets cost $15. Caîl 878-5133 ort 878-8958. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre hosts a Robhie Burus celebration. Enjoy an evening of commemnorating the great Scottish poet. Tickets cost $20. Monday ian. 22 The Milton Community Resource Centre hosts a toddler drop-in which infants to 24 months can play and socialize from 9:15 to 11:15 a.m.. The cost is $2 with membership. Cal! 876-1244, ext. 10, for details. Allendale invites Miltonians 10 drop by for some intergenerational fun with its residents between 9:45 a.m. and 12:15 p. m. The programn is free <with member ship ai the resource centlre) and includes lunch. For more information caîl 876- 1244, ext. 10. Preschool Jumpin' and Jammin' allows kids to interact and play with music. Children leam important skills such as Iistening, speaking, counting and partic- ipating in a gmoup. The group meets at the Milton Community Resource Centre between I and 2:15 p.m. Caîl 876-1244, ext. 10, for detailIs. Enjoy an interactive afternoon of story- telling and song with your baby ai the Mother Goose workshop. This session runs for 10 weeks. Caîl the Milton Community Resource Centre for more information ai 876-1244, ext. 10.