6 - The Canadiani Champion, Fniday,,December i, 2000 *COMMENT +THE'GAivAZv GHM'IPoN Box 248, 191 Main St. E. The Canadien Champion. publistned eveno Tuesday and Frîday ai 191 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (Box 248) is ont of 5The Metnoland Milton. Ont. 1_9T 4N9 Printing, Pubiishing & Distoiboting Ltd. toup of subunban conipanies wtict includes, Ajax/Pickering News Adventiser. Ailiston Henaid/Couriei. Barnie QP7Q 341 Aivance, Barty's Bay This Week, Boinen Enteepnîse, Bramnpton Goardian. (905)878-2341 Bontînonon Post, Bontingion Shopping News, City Panent. City ot York Gouandian, Cottingwood/Wasaga Connection, East Yonk Minent. toin Editorial Fax: 878-4943 YonGogtw needn/col rePes ilo uiesTms Hunonia Business Times, Kingston Thit Week. Lindsay This Wnek, Mankham Advertinying Fax: 876-2364 Ecorioîiiist & Sun,. Midauid/Peintaiisuishne Miîîuî. Mîton StioppingQ Nows. Mississauga B usintss Times, Mi ssissau go News, Napanne Guide, Classified: 875-3300 Nussaguweya News. NnwmankeOhyunora Ena-Bonnet, Northumberland News, Nontn York Mienne Oakoîinl Bnaoen, Oukuitie Shopping News, Coutrmers Ian Oliver Publisher Hockey News, Oneijia Today, Oshawa/Whitby/ClaningtonPot Penny Tnts Weyk, Owen Sound Tibune, Peterborough This Week. Picton County Guide, Neiji Oliver A.oiuty Pîn/lî.n/er Rihond HîilThornoiîttlVaugttan Lîbenat. Scanbonough Mienne, Stoultaîtln/Unbnidge Tibîune. W'nndy McNab Adviî"îtoîî Manaeii~er Aitoeetising is accepted on the condinion tan ii she eoeet ot a typo- Karen Smith P.îIOîî, geaptticat eon, thut portion ut the advnitising space occopind by the erno- heusitem, togethen wth a neasonahin otinnance ton signature, utl flot te Steve Crnnzicr (.'l id/utîîn Manager't changnd toi, but nhe balance ofth0e adoetîsenent mîli be paîd ton an the applicable ratt, Tue publîshien nusetues tht night Io cutngoemze adertîse- Teri CasasS Offi eii Moinioige monts on declîne Tim Coles Piiîlioin Manager Tee Milteon Canadian Chaonpioe ina Becyciabie Peaiut When the battle's lover, it's time to eaul a truce Now wbat? About two years into sometimes vicious fighting, the Ontario Municipal Board has ruled in favour of allowing 1 89 geared-to-seniors, detached condominiums by the E.C. Drury complex. Mucb time, energy and money bas been spent on this battle, which bas diminished everyone. The citizen's group that battled bardest against tbe proposaI has been Iabeled anti-senior and sîrieken witb tbe 'Not In My Backyard' syndrome. Certain councillors have been painted as unbeîpfuî at best. And tbe developers bave been tarred witb pretty rnucb anytbing going. With the decision just in, appeals are still possible. More time, energy and money couîd yet be expended tigbting wbat many see as a Iosing battîe. If it is, tbe big question is wbat bappens wben the sboveîs finally bit the ground? Tbere's a real desire for seniors bousing in the beart of town, and those wbo take advantage of tbis developmrrent sbouîdn't be beld accounitable for its unpopularity in the immediate neigbborbood. Figbt the battle until it's over, sure. But wben it's over, caîl a tru.ce. OUR READERS WRITE Reader says he's hesitant to embrace vaccination Dear Editor: Irette Geisiles recent article oun vaccinatipis is a good exaîmpie ofi balaîsced jouirisaiisiss. Since I've doîne researcîs on vac- cinatioen, i wattt tee add my colin- metîts to tise issue. Why is tisere any mercury in tise vaccine'? It isn't cîtmfoting io isear there*s oniy a linie poison in the vaccine. Anti-vaccinatiesn literature usuai- ly has copious references 10 scien- tilie studios, Tise liierature t'rom Heaith Canada deiending vaccina- tion bas no relereisces. My own coenclusions agree wiih Ms Paraont. Vaccination msostiy works but so doses a lisalllsy diet and adequate sieep. On tlise otiser lsand, my lirst two children got votccinated agaînt whoopiîsg cough bot stili gol what appcared to be whoenping cough fotr îwo weeks, The dinctor cailed il whoop- îng cough syndromse. The anti-vaccination titerature makes ail kinds of stalemenîs about the dangers of vaccinatios, fosr exampie the drop in the S.A. scores in the U.S. osver the years sitîce vaccination was introsduced, However, 1 betieve ibis drop catt ho attributed to the growth in smoking by womcen, the growth tn ielevisog waichîng by young chil dren, anîd tise lack cof one-ots-one aduit intteraîctioni l'or cbjîdren in daycarc. On tise other hand, the lonng-terni ellecis outihe immi5utne systein of niant vaccinaions are stili unknowîs. The epidemic of cancer, the growth in the nomber of people with auto-immune disoases, etc. suitl make me hesitant to embrace vaccinaition. Richard W.D. Ganton Gowland Crescent Elections are lover - now we can move on wit lfe So îhey're over. The municipal eleciion. The tederai election. Event the American eiectiesn, which ioxsk more lime than a warehouse fuit of' nminiature docks, is ail over but the whining. If you're anyibing like me, ail Ibis bas you wondering whai 10 do wiîh ail the hours previ- ousiy taken up by freiiing about the future of tise nation and driving back and forth 10 the poils. Ses because I like 10 be heipfui, I've come up with somne suggestiosns. Having finaiiy experienced the season's first snowf'aii, I respectfuiiy submit that xhcsveiing the driveway is an excellent option. tt's good for your car. Early shotveling wiii discourage il l'rom îaiding mbt a iree due 10 snow that mciied inls svaler. ironie i105 ice and got covered by a sfiîgbltayer ont motre snoiw, lisus dis- guising the ice without çrovtding an ounce of traction. And il's good l'or yesur body, provided yosu don't have a bad ba ck aîsd aiways remeîsber 10 lift with your legs. And if you want il 10 be good for your soul, you just have 10 offer te nhoyei the drive of someone tees able. For free. And wiîh a smile. To make il even botter, hum Jingle Belis under your breath, 100. Yoo il ho the piclure of season- ai cheer and maybe Santa wili evon notice anu give you sometbing reaiiy good for Christmas. Liko a snow bioswer. Thon you eaui do the onliro street's driveways, spreading ait that good cheor white piaying witb a big wintry power MOl, 100. Nexi. boy a kid a Christmas loy. No, Bol your kid. Boy l'or sosmeoine you've neyer met ibrough any numbor of wortby organizations. Like, xay, The Champion's Saivation Army Chsristmas Bureau Fond and food and loy drives. They aim bs give laîsilies wiso .oudnit otiser- wise alford il a Christmas lhrough the dosnation ont cash, fosod osr new, unwrapped îoys. Drop thern otff ai the office bore, or drop it oit ai any nunsber of' locations provided by the Saivation Army. Being someonnes secret Santa wiii make you feel loastiir than warm appie cider on Christmas morning, wben your famiiy is batbed in Ibat Haiimark glow. Gent/e persuasion To cool ofi', if the woaiher aiiows, buiid a snowman. Botter yel, gel yotur friends or faisiy ouI tisere and build îwo. Mako îlsem lace osne anosiber trom about 10 foot away, and thon use themn as snow- humant shieids l'or a doozy of la snowbaii lighl. Do Ibis t0 rekindie the wide-oyed joy of ail things winiry that vanishes witb the adoit reai- ization that snow means overything irons sioppy driving and scraping off the car 10 tiying te, find a sillor if tho kids' scbooi bas a snow day. Furthor rojuvonation of Ibis innocent wonder couid comte from convincing your workpiace 10 have a ssotw day, 100i. Then you wouidnit have 10 make the drive or decan off the car. You cooid jusi poil on your wooiiies and make snow angeis with your eighi- year-oid. Or your spouse. Or the oid lady next door. Il you make tbis very obvious, our phologra- phier, who neyer gels a snsow day himocil', may see you in bis wanderings. You fay even make our front page. So make sure the snow day is cone your boss knosws about. The Champion ix tnosi responsibie lier josb lossses due 10 misrepre- senîed snosw days. Fiîsaiiy, slosw doswt. il's winier. Evory sane inamimal t" ,s fints ltnte tnt sieep uanlil spring. Since tisai would be nore diflicuit tes expiain 10 your boss than a snow day, ibis exnt the recom- nsended iaclic. But chili days and lonîg nights have a message for isumans. lotit Like spetsd lime watts people you like, tomn off CNN and 'orgel the direction 10 the potiing sta- tioîns. Ai leaxî for another lew years. m