Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Dec 2000, p. 30

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30-The Canadian Champion, Fnidy Desembef 1,2000 66 i%5 7 Notices Notices Christmas Trees NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS GAUTIIIER'S IN THE ESTATE 0F VICTOR JOSEPH GuisOrnas Trees KOVACHIK. tale ort RR #6 Bell Scbool Lise, Mew fi elds ut Milton. ie the Frovince cf Ostario Cut Your Ose %LL PERSONS havisg ctaims agaîsst the Balsam, whilalhloe 1,tale cf VICTOR JOSEPH KOVACHIK laie Sprace, Pire if RR #6 Bell Schoot Lise, Milles. who died ce on abost the t9th day of Jsty. 2000, are hereby 401 e Guelph Line N required le sesd faIt panlicatars of sacte ctaims 20 Sidt Rd wst 8km ta the andersigsed esecalor as or before the 5tb 1-519-763-9188 day cf Jassary, 200f after which date the Envase SanIe Shnp'D enlate's assels witt be disînibsîrd havisg rgard Vî/Mc/lnl Open Daily ouf y ta ctaims thal hase thes bers received and thbe andersigsed witt ual be tiabte ta asy perseson5 Kenneth W. Jackson APPLIANCES - fridge, clo Kovachik Aircraft Services 2 doon; Stove; Maptag RR #6 Bell Schot Line aatomahic washer, dry- Milton, Ontario L9T 2Y1 en. Also, apansment set. '(c Li~c nder Warrantp. (905)637-8328. À CARPET t have neyeraI 1,000 prds. of 00W ANTIQUE AUCTION SALES Stalomastor & 100%/ ny- At tht Agnicultural Hall, Robert St., Milton Inn carpes. WiII do living- Faingrounda, Milton. rave & hall for $349. la- WedesayDe . ha 6:00 P.1111. clades carpes, pad & in- Wednsday Dec 6thaitstallation (30 perds) and Saturday Dec. Sth at 10:00 A.M. Steve, 639-2902 Previewing one hour prior f0, sale timon. FREE Estîmates.. . GaI .Auctioneer - Don Colling (905)877.11 wobblp or braken chairs? Weak sofa or 77....... ,.'.7. chair sprîngs? Soit Cm Mg Tre (ýri$la$ Tffl fosm? Tired inoking wood finlahes?... Then cati Fields for ail fami- J.P. TruEE-ë ta o repis andsd o wood refinshng. 9-9 FARIM de py (905)875-4427 HUNTERS missed the We are openufo decw or don't cent te Cut your own Chrstmas Tree capte homo emptp froms December 1 to December 24. handed ate hsntiny the elosive beant. Caîl Spruce, Pine, Fir Trees asfaramant nm ecas, Sleigh rîdes & Bonfîre on weekends * eik or deer. Ontario tare raised. Satisfaction Directions: From 401, go north on Hwy. tebs.Cl 9583 25 to 155h Sideroad, go west 50 5th 7125. Line, go 1/2 mite north. SUPER Speciai. Sans ______________________________ p ta 30% an decoratai fahnics! Psy no GST Swance Tree Farms Love pon furniture.. Fresh Cut hale pour caons? Sof Quality FehCt & matchîng chair Iran Pine, Spruce, Baisant & Fraser Fir $788. Lpiveets Iran Wreath$448 Chai, ouhrs trm $19 WralsRoin, ouhsFree Estimates. Senro -r, Discounts. Fields Oaai #woo Christmas Crfty Cusom Uphointerîng Open Oîmn-9pm WeekdiyS 9-9, (905)875-4427 9am-5pm Weekends Corne visit us if 2291 r Klbride St., Kilbride 1 BOARD in priase bsnr - 80 o 140 indoor arena 300 ft oatdoor nous CHRISTMAS BEGINS IN THE COUNTRY pen. Ride with cutet 1T5 and barrel faite. Dail iTMlis tarnout. $305/morntl Locafod 401 & Jamo 7.4 e o foftu 90t5ot (905)878-105E À~~~~ ~ ~ (eMPMCd$MSU905)878-5730. Nustyo CiluO WINTERSINCERS TREE FARM in HILLSBURCH inettes you tu corne visit menm in the country store you are sure lt flnd ttrat special f ree 'SET A FAMtLY TRADMTON NOW' CUT VOUR OWN TREE ueni the famoy andi the pet due and enfnnlthe -entSO aftnsplre wtfle fteein i wagon ride tWsantî toIse e5,000 Ctlri refOf semany varliee THIS IS WHAT CHRISTMAS f5 ABOUT 00e tonte Ornie Bo bromue ttroU5 sur Eeeont selection of FrelfI Hand Ilande Wreitht und Garland mWeare Ste Royal Wlnter Fair CllamPie wtnner for' Wreat rnakltlo OPEN DAILY 9-5 R.M. 5110E-tnill: 1 $2.00 OFF 1-.-- * WINtS1OSieER T R10E FOOH N Welinagtont ay ta a n iitobutgh r Hwy.t124 0 G s aA To iery 401 P 9oerge5wi Yard/Warehaase re- qaires Fuittime Materiat Handions. Certification in lift teuck and reach trace openatiofl an as- set. Fao resames ta (905)876-3230. DRIVERS and Inspec- tons reqaired for Toronto Auto Auctîona Phono John Pare, 905-875- 2915, est. 2248 or fao reaame ta 905-875- 3219. HOUSECLEANER ta work 1-3 daps/meee ta start. Make yoar vmtt boums Perfect for ntap home Mvnt. Cen he- caefiie. Wark ,ilthepart'ner Traco "tm nspor- tation prvîded. Perd training. Cai Ms. Clean 876-3152 leave mes- sage. 84M 1 14 Crafts, Crafts, General Bazaars Bazaars t-ep Wanted AUSTIN'S IOTit ANNUAL &CRF11AFT1 SA&LIE onsDECEMBER 2,9:30 - 3:310 S& DECEMBER 3, 12:00 - 4:00 If YOU are: aI 5489 Sixth Line, Hornby - a discipline a'il~ rvad wevi cf Trafalgar Rd, ncath cf Britansiai * carefut, tho 8.4 78-9337 - conscientio ïk Hrîvreds <r) qaat-v aned rîrrarat Inca. prr ... then nend YTereniue ut rai pit es inilidina ,rceatern,_ frozen fruit pas decîrrrîînr, binai boîuse, triet ~,v1~ /I harkrc.rcaraiteririd rrai eiron ed in nharingi about this opp * deveiop pou - wore in an e Christmas Candie &Craft pour work h. OpnHouse . use pour cnt Featurne Partylite Cssdles and Candie i-iaders, t, ous Christmoas stsckrngs, tnee steirts & oneameets. Ordenu shrpped le bme fsr Christmas. Sunday, Deceinber 3, 2000 I1 a.m. - 5 p.m. 11429 steoles Ave., Georgetown eapcil Soturdoy, Decomber 1, £000 service ori 653 ELLIOTT CRES. sc Part-time rSuson 876-3359 hare soas LarvEina for a sehm ýtse rtlftlas atecuf hvwor sommeate vr smetfa pJoourse(j < > Carne ee Eilien .antyn rJ Moum Molly Maid reqoîres immediately a Route Manager. tapenience preferred bot we will train the right persan. If yan lave ta clean, are hardwarking, dependable and layai we have the position for you. Valid drivers license is assenfial, car pravided. Alan rertaired part time staff with valid drivera license for relief positions. Please caIti (905)877-3443 Position aneitabte for mature cuttomer ser- vice oriented sae s associate. Knowledge of Sewing important and refait experience Itnterested applicant s torward resame f0: jManager Fabricland Store 547 Main St. East Milton, Ont. L7J 3J2 àLOWRY INDUSTRIAL LIFT-TRUCK5 LTD. We are a focal manufacturer of exceptionat, high quatity lift trucks. Our company iv growing and we have two new positions. Experienced Body/Prep Person to prepare lift truckes for final paint. WeId Shop Assistant wvith fabrication skitts to prepare materiat for our wvetders, wvetding experience an enset. Basic touts are required. Comnpetitive satary and benefits package. If you have the skitls and wvant ta be part of our team, fax or drop off resumne to: 36 Armstrong Ave., Georgetown Fax resume ta: 702-0640 PRODUCTION WORKERS Haymard, a leadivg manufacturtr 0f swimming pool accensorp equipmtnt, han naverai openings for Production An- semblers. Positions art availabte îm- mediatelp for approsimatelp seven month term. Wagen commtnce et $8.25/ha. Hours 8:3Oam - 5:OOpm. Contact Aflten 827-2880 Ext, 241 or appip in pensons 2880 Ptymouth Drive, Oakvitte - (Winston ChurchitVQEW) Pt rase deti Fridays tif General General General Help Wantect H-elp Wanted HeIp Wantect CHUDLEIGHS FOOD PLANT MAINTENANCE ASSISTANT di thinker with mechanîical fraining raugh and wel t organlzed wlith the work that pou do us of your more and the people that work mvith pou us your resume. Our bakery production tacitity shipa highest quatity, atries throughout the U.S. and Canada, and the Fan East. If you're intereot- n the succesa of our rapidtp groming organization, then let us teal pou more ortuflity to: r knomledge in food proceosing mechanica rnvironment that focuses on recognizing a job wett done, flot criticizing abits satine probtem oolving akilta a to upgrade your skiffs Please send pour reaume so: Human Resources, Chudleigh'n Bp fax: 905-878-6979 By mail or drop off: 624 McGeachie Drive, Milton, ON L9T 3Y5 ail cniidiîes' iniens.n Hov'ever, val>' th<,na' .,ecisrdjir as inaera'ies' ciii ha i inivred. Previcas apîolicaa,îs ,ieed rie app>'. E SALES AND ADMINISTRATIVE opportunities for enthusiastic, customer- ented people are availabie in our Lifetime Furniture Gallery. Sales candidates must be able to, work flexible hours inciuding weekends. eiting and/or design experience anîd enset. Administrative candidates must bookkeeping, secretariat and organizationai capabilities. Previous rote(s) in assistance an anses. ver resume to or Furnifure Department during store hours: Daity 10-6, f9. 49 Eastern Avenue, Acton, (519) 853-1031 ýCHbÜ- DM GR S PROD)UCTION TEAM Chudleighns la a famitp operated production bakerp that han been providing familles wvith an entartaining fente of the country for generations. We have immediate fuît time positions avaîlable in our Milton plant. Our ntep bp ntep training wilI prepare pou for the technîcal and mechanîcal tenowtedge pou wiut need to become a ternn.leader in a specialîzed araa of operation. If VOU are: " a conscienfloun and thoughtlui team member " enjop workîng la a steadp environimenf wvifh others eho sae the sae desire for producing a quaiity product " have a crahnsmanos nenne of pride in what pou do We provide: " a great work environmient " job stabilitp " regular feedback on pour performance " the opportunitp to, be a part crf a rapidlp growing companp. If pou woutd like ta, be a part 0f our succens please send pour renume f0: Human Renources, Chudleigh's Bp fax: 905-878-6979 Bp mail or drop off: 624 McGeachie Drive, Milton, ON, LIT 3Y5 We appreciate ail candidates' intereat, however only those oelected for an interview wîll be contacfed. Previouo applicanto need vol apply. ORDER PICKERS Nightshitt for new Milton warehouse 1Top wages, excellent benetîts. Own' transportation recommende Please fax resumne f0: 905-878-9010 Attention: Guy Ramsay "Free TrQiningif COME DRIVE A BUS 4 US 00 00 o C ,M lw Cati us now ast: (905) 877-2251 Or 1-877-914-KIDS Laîda ta an equat opprtunit>' emtyerj 4~Go Green. ThisWM CAFETrERIA STrAFF DAMA HOSPITAI.ITY is ,always ivlervsied iv meet- ing people who evild lîka lv,1 ai govigving teaof:v Cafeteria Managers@* Cofs Dishwashers e Kitchen Service Staff We all er FIT or F/T Mon. - Fnl. work schedutes and the opportanity ta grow with as la Bsnlington, Misulssauga and Oak4ille. nired ai wofklng ni ghlu, weekenfs & haflifafr? Fax ysur risesme te suit 1-905-M0-6288 SFULL TIME LUMBER SALES Fuîltlime career opportunity in our Lumber and Building Materiets Department. Succensfut applicanto munt be organizad and customer service oriented. Witt offer training if required. Comprehennive bene- fit package ivciuded. If pyou are lookîng for a career la tht resait building mateniats business, mail or fax pour renume 50: SCIIUTLEH HOME HARDWARE BUILDING CENTRE 385 STEELES AVE. MILTONI, ONTARIO L9T 3G8 FAX (905)-878-40149 PHONIE (905)-878-9222 reek. Every Week. I

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