Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Nov 2000, p. 24

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24-The Canadian Champion. Tuesday, November 28, 2000 ct-aftt. Crafts, Generl emaJ Gene r~tal Geono ën ral GenfiGnerai CHAIIIISTMAS CAAIFT SHOW11.11 Sciturdoti, Decomb.r 2, 2000 9:00A.M. 4:00 PM C653 ELLIOTT CRES. Looengfor a snrqcegiftfor ta special ooorfsth for youe (, Cornesec E 9e(arrliran .Susn Christmas Candie & Craft Open House Featurig Plurtplite, Cordier and Corodie Holders, Christrmrs stoctires. treu shirts & orrmeots. Orders shipfued in timr for Christmas. Sunday. Dercerber 3. 2000 Il a.M. - 3 p.-. 11t429 Stades Ave., O Georgetown - (I KmncarioflJaesSnow Purhsuyl Kiro Adkins -i rPartylit Cnsutant CRAFT SALE SATURDAY DECEMBER 2 *1062 COMMERCIAL ST. MILTON Vq Christmas gifis and more! 11VII SBlue Heron Woodworks CHRISTMAS , 4~Furniture Craft Sale Ot SSat. Dec. 2nd r 9 a.m. - 4 pm. 11998 WINSTON CHUJRCHILL BLVD. t 1/2 ai. N4. of Mayftatd RdRitrer Dr. New rcady ru finrish handcuafted f curcre an otisr.Oreacon ebucos. eeerro rati r ori racks. rmagazire t ables. TV Armoire. TV orde cabinets.___ TYNCO stands sci tobins, coller & rndW ables, tiat lads drrssrsarmoe~ tiratuhr rk hreist table. ser ers mnore! , FULL TIME 13LUMBER SALES Full time career opportunity in our Lumiber and Building Materials Department. Succesaful applicants must be organized and customer service oriented. Witt offer training if required. Comprohensivo bene- 81t package included. If you are looking for a career in the retait building materials business, mail or fax your resume to: SCIYI.R liOME HARDARE BUILINi CENTRE 385 STIELES AVE. *ILTUIII, OhTAfO L9T 388 FAX,(905)-878-4049 PHONE (905)-878-9222 CAFETERIA STAFF BAll NOSPIIIIIIIITALITY is alesys iniurested in meting people elis would like lu juin sur grriskg tramt of: Cafotoria Managers * Cooka Dlshwashors e Kitchon Service Staff 50e ofSer F/T sr P/T Mss. - Fri. wsrk uctedules asti the upporturnity lu grow with us in Burlirgtsu, Mississaugu ar.d Qakoille. t-fred of worka lng s, woekaods & boit- gays? Fax yos feuais ta ea nt 1-905-6«-6288 Ose of Casada's premier Costrucion Equipeeni Restai service cemaeues ru cenrentiy reqeirine candidates jr ur Brampton store fer the following chalteneise opportouties. o Service Manager -masaging daily operatros cf aIl CITA Service Departarsis. -costroilise att aspects cf archasicu heurs ef mort, daiiy deties and jet descriptions. - meeing with the Shop. personnet and Restai desk te, assure flow cf att rentai eqoîpeut ueeded sud custemer repairs woish an cmaos ou ecoremy & safety. -promoting and maintainure stocted parts departmenus in ail GTA stores with parts ceurdicator in Brampton. -upteep end maintenance cf at BFE tiret vehictes -maintaising un on rite service preera for att BPE eqoiprorut ou munt. -organizing and dispatching ail service vehicies and archasies mithin the CITA region. -Mark Restarne "rJob Paoatins irr a Rentlai Counter Saleaperson ibtis chaitengine position requires a seif-metivated, highly enthusiastic and persenaibte individuat must te ahle to mort independentiy and have a mortisg tsowiedge cf computers -Mark Resue, "Job Footing 2rr . Entry Level Sbop Positions -previeus esperiences in construction eqoipaunt a defisite asset - em tots reqoired -Mark Resourne "Job Footing 3rr . MIG" & r&V'S Cia. Drivers meust te able tei drive standard transmission vehicies. -preof cf a valid drirer's ticerse/recerd mitt te reqoied on cosdition of empteyment -Mark Resue, "Job Footing 4" Thre heurs ui te erng tut rie remordu ur great. Wr effer excellent compensation, henelits und u pension pion. Fa oteAtsien Humain Resoerces Denactment and mark reet resomne with the position yen une apptying for. Baitefietd Equipacut Rentais 880 Soth Service Road, Stoney Creet. ON L8H 7S8 Pas: 905-643-600i8 Ernit Wr thast everycue in aduance, temever eniy these setected fer interviews milI be contacted. PART-TIME SALES AND ADMINISTRATIVE opportunities for enthusiastic, customner- service oriented people are availuble in our Lifetime Furet/itre Gallet- p. Part-time Sales candidates must be able to work flexible hours including weekends. Previous selling and/or design experience and asset. Administrative candidates must have solid bookkeeping, secreturial and organizational capubilities. Previous role(s) in executive assistance an asset. Please deliver resume 10, our Furniture Departinent during store hours: Dally 10-6, Frldays t111 9. 49 Eastern Avenue, Acton, (519) 853-1031 TrAW & LEATrEDY la now hrtng for full and part ttme SERVING STAFF Caîl 878-6697 55 Ontario St. N.r Milton Arc yo a eo eseetuc perron, IWHEEL pacrd envireomenr? Wr are W L currentty acerting applica- FITPIT Short Order Coche FITPIT Waiters/Waltresse FfT Ilp.m.7a.m. Dishwashr FIT FIT Fuel Bar Cashiers Appiy in person: Fift Wheet Truct Step 40 Ch ubuiro Dr. M t on fffff0fffffff "Free Traiining" COME DRIVE A BUS 4 US Coul us now af: (905) 877-2251 Or 1-877-914-KIDS Laidtuw is an equai opportunity employer Currentty seeking " Full timie Cashior a Full fime Meat Wrappor Wilting to train the right candidate. Fan resume to (905)876-3089 or Apply in prorn at 575 Ontario St. S.r Milton. (Corner of Derry Rd. & Highway 25) Position available for mature customer ser- vice oriented sales assoclate. Knowledge osf Sewing important and retait experience an asset. lnterested applicants forward resumne toi: Manager Fabrland Store 547 Main St. East Miltonr Ont. L7J 3J2 4 Day okWe ... Offers Flexible Hours ASelf- Storage Company requires a self. starter to work in an active yet supportive enviroameat. Wr offer solid training, the brît in tihe industry base salacy, borates Sand benefits 10 a rclisble ndivideal. You would bc computer literate, sales oriested ewih prcvious cestomer service and office esperience deftnite assets. Piease rail Marilyn: (905) 567-5295 Rio t m.M ORDER PICKERS Nightshift for new Milton warehouae opening soon. Training prior 10 move af current Miasiasauga location. Top wagea, excellent benefita. Own transportation recommended. Please fax resume 10: 905-564-1701 Attention: Guy Ramsay CHRISTMAS CASH. Earn up to $100 cash daily, fulI-time, no lay offs, no experienice necessary. Interviews to be held on Wodnosday Novomber 29th, 9:30 toi 11:30 arn (1 day only> ait the Milton Liesure Centre, 1700 Main Street East, Milton No phone cal/s please. Ail positions available. Please apply within a): 121 Chisholm Drive, Milton Dispatcher Rep. With seliti tnowludge Snow PIow et Costumer Service & Microsoft. Wsrting OwllOr/OpOraotr tnswtedge et Microsoft rqr'd hy construction Office, e-mail, phone firmi lur the 2000-2001 eliquette & gîet season. Muet have a erganioalisnai stilis. mis. 7.5' pow & te Ahbele os w h wnds & asaîlatiele opieu sn shift tiesihiiîy essenliai. S/W ticete &/or E-mail: S/E Oatviiie. Isieresiei resume@cancetit csm candidates pieuse cali Fan: (905) 634-1156 (905) 842-093 ta"n Seeaelty ta rcaliag FaLDaeim~1me -euh OMMre Eaelleat oppoarsntp for nerot-red or rde indivduak Sehlait por roane peortte Derrltr2, 2558r 54 Ceataln FkPrN. HaiIto ON Wl1-9105-5784YÏ9 or 1-Woo.13-9458 fisc 1-W-1-578493 DRIVERS and npec- tors roquirod tor Tuaonte Auto Auctions. Phono John Para, 905-875- 2915, est. 2248 or fus resume te 905-875- 3219. EARN $200, $300, $500 or more per weet, usuemblixg produet in thc coatsrt of your orox hoae, send a soif aU- dressed staped envel- upc te: O.PH. 8-2400 Dundas St., West Suite 541 Rof 940 Mississu- ga, Ont., L5K 2R8 KITCHEN Help. Excel- lent puy. Apply in per- son , Trattoria, Laurier Plaza - Derry & Ontario. Ast for Domexie. COURIER/ BROKERS wîih sus car required hy A.I.S. Couia te suri & rulier postal preducis in Oat. aeaý Approx. 51600/ms, Phoos 2pmp. (M0) 338-2069 We have an immediate opening for a DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE Be a part of a circulation teamn with an attractive salary and car allowance package. DUTIES INCLUDE ... Customer Service with readership, constant contact with youth/adult carrier force & prospective new carriers. tf you have a keen desire to succeed and advance plus good communication, organization and team stilîs apply now. Send your resumne ta: Steve Crozior, Director of Distribution Burlington Post, 2321 Fairvlow St. Burllngton, Ont. L7R 2E3 Fax: (905)632-1024. No phono colis pisse. leur the growrog number or ourgoing, errtrusuastic iodividuals roho rave discovered Newos Marketing Canada. Wr arc the onty fott-srrice consumer promotions cmpany of its ind in Caadaand are currenrtlyseeteing indiriduas rer the rottoroing positions in the Burllagto anmd Oakvilie areas. DEMONSTRATORS You witt le resporrsibte for peovidire sn-store pruducr sampting and orher forrrs of prodoor promotions for or ctients. No privions roperierre is necessary ber prefèenrce witt bc given te individuats whto dispiay ar ourgoing ard assertive rature. Heurs are tlexibte and futl paid training wit ihe providrd. Alt applicanru, should have access ru a rettabte vehicte and enjoy workirg ir a suppoieire. ream-hased rnviruner. Wr orfer the opportunity taujuiu a tare corporation whr the possibilties arr endtes. pirse fax your resne ru Kay Johastoe at t9e5) 465.3028 or phoe t9e5) 602-1101 â ý_ esL7160.

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