Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Nov 2000, p. 23

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Tisa Canadian Cisamnion. Tuesdav- Noveamber 28. 2000--23 v I îIl r II Novamoaer ZZ5, auuU. Marios Jane -jennîe ý nos Logent Segaveorts of Burtintn, In hor 9tis yaar. Belovod rails oaf tisa lote E. Rosa Segaworts. Dean motisar orf Ed Segaraorth and is wife Diacce of Burringfon. Prsdacesd by han daugisten Marina-Hall. Lovad Nonma of Lynne Downing (Andyt Nancy Sa y an, Mark Hall, Murray Hal (Sua, Donna Standsi (St ove) DaVd Hall (Karen), Snd HallI (Andrera kaven) Tara Segswortts, M a Sesrorth (Wsny and gret-raàndcidrsn Andrera Jamle, Aass, Kollhrets, Moran an Ercrly Doar moiar-in-lane 0f Herb Hall of Buditngton. Pnadecesed biy alatars Lana Pearson, Vama Logan and brother Stewart Logan. Jennie wilr b. sadly mlssad and fondly nemsmbered by nepiser Murray Pearsoe, othar foenlly and miany Manda. Jsnnio was a mamber of Loravilfa United Cisurcis, Eastern Star, Honourery Mombar of lis. Holton Agelculturet Society and ras actve att han ltf le comrmunlty and cisurcis organizationa. Jennis llvod et tisa Park Avenue Manor Rotiremant Home for lise pMa tisrae yeera. Visitation ras et Similis Funaral Homo, 1167 Guelpis Lins, Budirtgo (632-3333) on Saturday. Friands Jondtis amy for a Service tof emembracce et Loravilla United Cisurcis, 5M0 Guelph Lina, Burlînotcn, Ontario on Sunday, Novembar 26, 2000 at 3 %rn. Tisa Reversnd Jasis Jensan o clated. Loravilla United Cisucis Cametary. Il dsirod, expressions of sympetisy to tisa Canadien Diabetes Association would be appreciated by tise famity. KOWAýL, Rom - Naveraber 30,1999 Pissas Ged, torgive oar allant test Ws rams eur doar rails, malisar, oa waa hers Thora ara Cethrs, yaas keor But ase ras aura, ras lovai her sa. Dsar od, taka a message To ur Fatlherin haavsen bve, Tsfl tir hara mucis as misa han And gins horsat aur lave, - TWO ast broee sad- LOST mens d ia s i horaos - suilabla for LOST rses ~novice rictara - 4 la 8 & ri ase Rat hi Dr yssrs oId. Mares or & m tail RSon&r Geldinga. Tade alsa 87nal- ale.85 r considsrad. Col Dia-ql. - 1(9Z5878-3628. BO0NUS! ALLcIsie Ads apear at... 581 Mcig:aheDie nt5,Mle ts reetn CsaeCor esen P are- MabeGaeadl Assessment 2000 Updated Assessment Values for Ail Ontario Properties General Information Sessions Extended Business Hours TOWN 0F MILTON Tise Ontaro Property Assesmment Corporation (OPAC) wIIl be holding General Information Sessions and extending Ita regular business hours fa ansraer questions about reasseasment. You are invited toi attend s General Information Session on: DECEMBER 7th, l3th and 14th, 2000 at the Milton Memorial Arena Second Floor 77 Thompson Rd., South, Milton, ON from 7:3Opm ta 9:OOpm For tisose who are nal able to attend tisese sessions, tise local ssessment office la locsted at 6745 CENTURY AVE., SUITE 1 MISSISSAUGA, ON TEL: 905413-9930 OR 1-800-387-59 Tise office wlll remein open until 6:0Opm frora NOVEMBER 22 to NOVEMBERI 24, 2000, and from NOVEMBER 28 ta DECEMBER 8,2000 (Tise office raill close et 4:00 pm on November 27, 2000) Asseosment information is also available by caliing OPAC's information fie toli-frea 1-866-296-OPAC(6722) Monday to, Frilay 7arn to 1 Opm and Saturday 9ara f0 5pm, or visit OPAC's veebalte at wwte.gMacona OPAC ls anal-far-protit corporation established to provide tair and accuraIs property assessraents for ail praperties rn Ontario. OPAC estabtishes assessed values under the authanity of tihe Assessraent Act, and the Ontario Praperly Assessiment Corporation Acf. AUCTION SALE THURS., NOV. 30 AT 5 P.M. To be held at Hume's Auction Farm, 9313 4th lice, 3 miles northeast of Mil- toc. To include fumniture, glass & chi- na, collectibles, guns, automobiles. Sherwood & Gordon Hume, Auctioneers 905- 878-4878 "Fax- 905-878-7647 AUCTION SALE Sut. Dec. 2nd, 10:30 arn EOL John Cielere (property seuld) I.ocated SM9 25 U MR D PUI. M. 12) Just W ot 6th Li, appros. 2-1/2 mi. W sf25 Hray, 1- 1/2 mi. S. et Acter Io 25 Siderosil. Walch for sigs .ConsSi1s....of 2 flosf trailers- corstruction reloteil items & lests.. Pata aListonIï 9 tes tandem 22' traiter raith beasertail, electric brakes, J.C. 16' tan- dem traiter, Atlas drill press, Deaît 770 10« radial am saw, 1t0 amp 12 HP Canes welder, diestl X8585 trait type air cempresser, Wacket tas coin- pactor, tarict grnder 12' bactihe buet, srarsg crase & trolley, Iras 12'x12 t bearas, misc. bieas, charnel irea ap te 25'. HOD. sheleisg, chais liek tence & pesis, gaies, air gent, H. Swance T... Forme off tara, seri tnches. Man Quallty Frosh Cut 9-pc dîningronra seite, mn raill ast apprea 21Io 2-1/2h Pins, Spruce, Balum & Fraser Fir Jîso MoCslnoy, A Wreath, Raplng, Bouglu (M)5 6U-877 #*sChristmas Craffu Opn 9m-pm Wsekdays 9am-5pui Wookeis CARPET 1 hsave severai reor &O h rds3. s-ne coue VSItUs t dadmas arap & i0%n- stallation (30 yards) Steve, 839-2902 QIJAUTY Firawaed, S75 face cord. Colt (905)693- 1530 y moe shop mlated items. sc. heesehelil items. Sale rs. Pieuse ta n time ection Solos ld. I. Watoriew PING-Pong tabla $50; Kenme swarng ma- chine; 9.5 mens statles $25 at ood coeditioe ROUND podesat dinig table rails 2 blacki =rie chairs. Excellent condi- tian. $35. CaI 878-5089 MOBILE Carapater Tschnicat support. Ws coma ta yaur haras ta salve yaar computer problaras. Phone 7012- 4311. ATTENTION INTERNET USERS Unlimited Access onty $15.95, gres) local service and (rom SURF THE NET 873-2602 TELLRS Fuîltime MU LOCAllO No rap. requirel trais- ing prenidel. Excelent wrItter & erbsal Eeg- tisti strulîs. Variai shifts incleding raeieends. Feovard reseme: Money Mort 460 Sttieles Av. E. Fax 905-693-0108 ý Fox 876-2364 to list your Clussi

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