26 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, November 24, 2000 collision a Paeint Cali Steve Boers 700 Main Street, East m MJIlton, ON ( McCormack Auto Services JOHN MCCORMACK du LICENCED MECHANIC DOT Inspection - Computer - Air Condtoning CStation Diagnostics -Tune Ups *Rust Proofing - General Repairs - Irakes 85 Stele Ave., Unit 6 878@0870 AUTO TIECH :COMPUTER DIAGNOSTICS -TIRES * COMPUTER AIIEEL BALANCING *CUOLINS & HEATING BRASES * COMPLOTER FUEL INJECTION IL UNE-Up - LIFETIME EXHAUST AND BRAKES - COMPUTERIZEO V0EisCLE COST HISTORY -SHUTTLE SERVICE -PERSONALIZED SERVICE -WE CAS BUV VEIBICLES AT THE AUCTIONI ASK FOR DETAILS. 909 NIPISSINO ROAD 878-2952 Mitto lmport- Car Centre Specialists on Volkswagens * Import fuel injection & Diesei e Used car sales & service (905) 878n5330 538 Main St. E. Milton fl j6 eiales 555 Main St. E. 876-4788 AUTOMOTIVE -Major & Mînor Repaîrs - Tune Ups * Air Condîl os sg * Brakes 342 Dronte St. South, UnIts 12 &l 13, Milton 878-8066 UEservice 5fML70N lafLVAr EDï centre Speciafizing in.. FUEL INJECTION " AUTO ELECI RIC & CHARGING - AUTO AND TRAILER WVIRING SYSTEMS - DELCO BATTERIES " TUNE-UP & EMISSION CONTROLS - BRAKE SERVICE " AUTO AIR CONDITlONING * SAFETY INSPECTIONS 18 Thompson Rd. Unit 12 8787=1 By IRENE GENTLE The Champion it just took a tip to break the case. stolen snake wide open. Rising close 10 tisree feet in iseigist and fas out of painstakingly polisised ttainless steel, t oua sculpture once coiled around a posE in tI yard of Meadowbmook Drive resident Mike Bu But after tisieves made off witis tise anaki nigist, Mr. Bullen contacted Tise Champion to, its safe retura. Tisat resulted in a cati from a isawk-eye Samaritan wiso saw youtiss toying witis tise si yawning stainlesa steet-fanged jaws and ail- %. park area behind Joisn Tonelli Sports Centre. "His worda were tisose punks,"' confit Bullen. "He said he told tisem te, take it back t tisey got it from." According to tise good citizen, tise youtis they'd found tise Snake in the grass. Tise Samaritan expressed isis disbelief at ti S and noted it had been reported stolen. Shortiy afterward, the Bullen family receiv from a youth wiso said he'd found tise anake willing to retura it for tise $50 reward wisicis cited in tisis paper. But just as tise caller was about to hang Bullen's wife, Jean, said "that's fine, but d want 10 know where we live?' Tise tiseory was only tise tisief would airea tise snake's address. * ~ So witis tise calleras innocence potentially mised, a reward seemed precarious. After ail, Bullen, "You don't like 10 pay someone stolen it." But tise decision was taken out of is ha tise snake later appeared on tise Bullen's drivi Elîsabeth Hîbbert B.SC. D.Ch. Chîropodist-Foot Specîalîst " Coma - CAiuams - Warts * Heel & Arch Pam~ * Orthoeic Management * Diabetic & Arthritic Footcase *Surgical Gare - Nail Cate *Pecliatric Asssment 17 Wilson Drive ~ Maton 815-1532 145 Trafalgar Road Qakydrie 905-815-0971 - w -M - w of the ,iioned se sinu- se front lien. e in tise plea for d good sake - - in tise led Mr. o wisere claimed he dlaim ed a caîl This snske sculpture, stolen fram e Meadlowbrook Drive residence receltly, was retumed this past week ta awner Mike Bulien. and was DespiEe Ehe drama, Mr. Bullen said he's happy Io had been have his sculpture baCk. But Ehe Ehief, who iikeiy brougsE a acrewdriver up, Mr. along 10 do the job the first time, witl have 10 bring on't you some heavier artillery il Ehey want 10 sEeal it again. "I'ey'il have 10 Corne with a chajnsaw next lime," dy know promised Mr. Bullen. And his creative urgea haven't been dampened by compro- the incident. aaid Mr. In fact, Mr. Bullen is currentiy working on an idea. who has for a atainleas ateel water fountain. "It takea 99 per cent thinking and one per cent sds when doing, he said. "Tiere's a lot of stuff you caS create. eway. Theresno end toit." Public school board gets naItional awards Tise Halton Districî Scisool Board (HDSB) has received two prestigious national communications awards from tihe Canadian Association of Communicators in Education (CACE) at ita annu- ai conference iseid November 4 to, 7 in Halifax, NS. The 'BRAVO!' awards recognize projeets that demonstrate excellence in research, planning, execution and evaluation. Entnies were in tisree categories - project, program, and media reporting in education. Thse HI)SB waa recogized in the area of program, demonstrat- ing evidence of a "planned approacis that involved two or more producta, events or activîties," a CACE spokesperson said. Tise Mission 2000-Plua event, held October 8, 1999 to launcs the HDSB's strategic planning initiative, waa recognized with tise first 'BRAVO!' award. The unique event waa organized and implemented by tise board to involve ail staff in a day-long profesaional development oppor- tunity, and gathering feedback for the board's mission statement and guiding principlea. The second 'BRAVO!' award recognized tise HDSB's retire- ment evening - Ceiebrating Service. Thsis event, re-introduced in Halton in 1998, bas been primarily aponsored by tise Centre for Skills Development and Training, and recognizes tise years of service for ail retiring employees. Precsion Paraiegal 4, Ç& Business Services Inc. Serving Halton, Peel & G.TA. regons * Smali dlaims court " Document Preparation Representation " Procesa Serving " Landlord & Tenant Maltera Services " Judgement Entorcement " Demand Letteil " Collections " Bad Debt Recovery For our fée schodule and individual quotes caII Phone 905-875-1904 Fax 905-875-9964 Emal: ppsIaw@on.aIbn.com -Snake sculpture returned Veille