4-The Canadian Champion, Tuendny,November 21. 2000 TTY 878-1657g i~ g MLTN yLO 8N L N 7I 7 2 1 Form EL08 CERTIFICATE 0F ELECTION RESULTS Municipal Eletions Act, 196(S.11(4)3) I bereby certify that during the Municipal Section held on Monday, Novcmber 13th, 2000, for thse offices listed be1low, the certifaed candidates received thne votes tIrat follow their respective name: NAME OF CANDIDATE VOTES Vito AGOZZINO MAYOR 1,.646 -Gordi RANTZ MAYOR 7,414 Richard MALBOEUF REGIONAL & LOCAL COUNCILLOR 3,646 - WARDS 2&4 COMBINED Dorlene WASILKOWSKY REGIONAL & LOCAL COUNCILLOR 2,909 1 - - WARDS 2&4 COMBINED -Wally HUNTER LOCAL COUNCILLOR - Word 2 2,499 Art MELANSON LOCAL COUNCILLOR - Ward 2 1721 uni TI MERS LOCAL COUNCILLOR - Ward 2 800 Frank WILSON LOCAL COUNCILLOR - Word 2 540 Lieven GEVAERT - LOCAL COUNCILLOR - Ward 3 528 Ken KEATES LOCAL COUNCILLOR - Ward 3 607 Cindy LUNAU LOCAL COUNCILLOR - Ward 3 1,035 David J. O'DROWSKY LOCAL COUNCILLOR - Word 3 371 John CHALLINOR LOCAL COUNCILLOR - Ward 4 2,437 Ron FURIK LOCAL COUNCILLOR - Word 4 2,123 -Bill MocKINNON LOCAL COUNCILLOR - Word 4 1,531 EricaANDREW TRUSTEE HDSB - ENGLISH 4,167 Lorraine GIBSON TRUSTEE HDSB - ENGLISH 2,196 Lina COOPER Regional Chair* 1,225 Annr MARSDEN Regionol Chair* 1,230 Joyce SAVOLINE Regional Choir* 5,795 DATED tlnis 14th day of November, 2000 Helen Lisi Town Cleutc *NOTIE: Officiai Resuirs in regard to the eiec'ioa of thre Regionai Chair should be obtained ,l0nw tihe Cierk of the Regional Municipaiity of ilalton PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE RECONSTRU CTION 0F CHARLES STREET between Pine Street and Commercial Street The Town of Milton an propoaing to reccanstruct Charlea Street between Pane Street and « Commercial Street in corly 2001. The proponed recontruction in to addrens drainage, roàd- way alignment, rond surface and sidewalks. Tfla Publie Information Centre ia being hcld te provide the public with an opportunity te review thne propoaed project drawings and te diacuns any potential construction dinruptions frora the propoaed workn. Town of Milton, Regioa of Halton ntafft and thse engineering con- nultant, wili be prennt to anawer questions. A Public Information Centra wiII be hcld: DATE: Thuraday, November 23, 2000. IIME: 5:30Opin- 8Opmn PLACE: Hugh Foster Hall (King Street, next to Town Hall) Interested persona arc ianvited to drop in during the above-noted ho=ai te review anad com- ment on thse proposcd design. If you are unable tra attend ibis Public Information Centre and winh 10 obtain more informa- tion or provide written commenta, please addrcas your concernas to: Phil Antoniow, C.E.T.' Town of Milton 43 Brown Street Milton, ON L9T 5H12 Tebl: 9053878-7252 (ext. 2161) Fax: 905-878-69~95 Émail: an@w.mloo. Gary llsnsley, P. Eng Philips Engineering Ltd. 3215 North Service Road, Box 220 Burlington, ON L7R 3Y2 ý1el: 905-335-2353 Fax: 905-335-1414' L Entai!: niipfpe.m FINAL SUMMARY 0F ELECTION RESULTS Regional Municlpality of Halton Acts (s.7.1(4») I hereby certify that the municipal election held on Monday, November 13, 2000, for Une office linted below, the certified candidates received the votes Ibat follow their respective naines: NAM 0F CANDIDATE OF~FICE VOTES ILisa COOPER REGIONAL CHAIR il1176 Am iMARSDEN 1Joyce SAVOLINE DATE!) thi 151th day of Novi PUBLI ROAD RECONSTRUCION AND 1 MEADOWBROOK DRIMERO Ile Tolwn of Milton and the Region of Halton will, tf»ougs a joint effort, reconatructing roadways and replacing exiating watcrmainn and wastewater mains on the following strectn, in thae Town of Milton. *Meadowbrook Drive front Heulop Roni to Bell Street, * RI>woad Cresceut Mnd, *Amne Boulevard (romn Broute Street te Bell Street The work is proponed t0 bc phascd over a two ycar period, beginnîng with construction in earîy 2001. A Public Information Centre witl be hcld: DATE., Thuraday, November 23, 2000. TIML: 5:30 pm - 8:00 pmn P~LACE: Hugh Ponter Hall (King Street, next t0 Town Hall) The Public Information Centre is bcing beld t0 provide the public wîîh an opportunity te review project drawingo and te dincusa any poential ýconstruction disruptions from the pro- poned worcs. Town of Milton, Region of Halton staff, and the engineering consultant, will be prescnt to annwer questions. Interestcd peraons arc invited te drop in during tIhe above-notcd hours te review and com- ment on. the proponed design. If you are unable to attend Ibis Public Information Centre and wish te obtain more informa- tion or provide wriften commenta, please address your concernas te: Phil Antoniow C.E.T Town OfMilton 43 Brown Street Milton, ON L9T SH2 Tel: 905-878-7252 (ext. 2161) Fax: 905-878-6995 Enanail: hattw.itnoc Wendy Teufel, Design Supervisor Regional Munidipallty of Halton 1151 Broute Road Oakville, ON L6M 3L1 Tel: 905-825-6930 (ext. 7617)- Fax: 905-847-2192 ernail- eflren.atn: Gary Taaasley, P. Eng Philipa Engineering Ltd. 3215 North Service Road, Box 220 Burllngtos, ON L7R 3Y2 Tel: 905-335-2353 Fax.:905-335-1414 Cnnnllawoor Engineering &Transit OFFICE Coednwor, Entnk Tmlt i a