v.. v. V!ud~o~ ATIENTION INTERNET USERS Untimiied Acceas oxly 515.95, great tocai ser- vice axit support f rom SURFTHE NET. 873-2602 & se u CRAFT SALE SUNDAY NOV. 26 IIA.M.-3P.M. ROBERT irrr~~ SOHOOL, ACTON Gymnasium Raffle, Baking and more! Cal aoepK~ 'T '7~'7' 'T RUIIUUE@ eIder items WANTED tpc It Isil ralule. rompl canfiderulial micas. Plesot oeil Nomrrr./Heather 15-703-1107 or NIS-704-8519 A-rstdIUNAIS, O moxth aid Dalmafiex, famale, apeyed, needa home ASAF 875 0394 an napec tara required for Tamnia Auto Auctiona. Phoxe Jahn Pars, 905-875- 2915, est. 2248 or f55 resume to 905-875- 3219. EARN 5200, $300, $500 or mare per eeek, aaaesbiing praduct ix ihe comfart ai your aen hame, rend a seli ad- dreased staspeit envel- opa ta: O.F.H. 6-2400 Dundas St., Weai Suite 541 Rei 940 Mianiassu- ga, Ont., 15K 2R8 FULL lime Canhier maxteit Monday - Fn- day, 9:30-5:30. Camp- beliville. 854-2554 - Cati for appaixîmeni. Wili train nght persan. MERRY Maida ai Oak- ville & Miton. Residen- liai Cleaners needed F/T, M-F, 8:30-4:30. Paid miteage, eeekly psy. if you ara boxent and dependable please oeil: 847-2210. TEXACO producta re- quiras a esehause par- son/AZ driver, plesse las resume ta: 877- 3971. WAITRESS/ Waiter euh esperienca needed ior moming/day shit, part lime, 8 as. - 2 ps., Tuesday 10 Friday. Apply ix person io: Bumpra Restaurant 175 Main St., Miltox. Astu for Tom or Ban. Leasing Consutant Poitecl peit-tiso prolessinnel punition. Woekotds unit sortie ouonings. Are you outgoing, personabîe and interested in a sales camer? Fus reaume la: (905> 539-0990 Wavsl Agents (~op.9 Oshurîle & Missînoanga Min. 2 peur top. I. Tep Puy + leusees e Fuit Meircul herelito * Prnieonitsatly manageit grnap ttSP e Araazisg tram Ennirnemeni Pleane ian reoume n cenlidrace lu 035481-ION I Hulraiyllsfa - FT/PT I tOIT LOCATIONS j I itRL.-MIL-WATERDGWN l j. Min. $8/hr Gsaruu~leedj Commiosions i oturtisg ai 40% j-tnc.Baseitio ~j "Fien Schd8d!~ i. On-gni i Trainis ng Advanced g t (905) 319-3155 Experienced Tax Preparers needod. Fax resumos f0: (905) 849-3504 Snow PIow Ownoy/Oporator rqrd by construction tirs inr the 2000-2001 sraonn. Muot huve e min. 7.5 pine & Se avaitahie 10 ptne 'n S/W tlnhicnko &/nr S/t Oubvilie. inlerenleit candidates pieuse salI <mis> a42-0m31 F~ng Salesperson motivsted, drives individus) lexpenenceinthel immediately. Oeil for mita. 971-0158 ucxiy ~LEA5E RECYCLE n-ii~ rAF'ER PART-liME SAlES AND ADMINISTRATIVE opportunities for enthusiaatic, customer- service oriented people are available in our Lifetime Furmiture Gellery. Part-time Suies candidates muat be abie to work flexible hours inctuding weekends. Previous seiiing and]or design experience and asset. Administrative candidates muot have solid bookkeeping, secretariai and organizationat capabilities. Previous rote(s) in executive assistance an asset. Please deliver resume to our Furniture Deparhmeet during store hours: Daiiy 10-6, Frtdays tili 9. 49 Easteen Avenue, Acton, (519) 853-1031 ffgff0~ "Free Troining" COME DRIVE A BUS 4 US O CO p. Cati us now ati: (905) 877-2251 Or 1-877-914-KIDS Laidlaw as an quai oppoetunîty employer (. ...~'"' . BUS DRIVERS WANTED For the Buriington, Oakviile areas. This progressive fsmily oriented company wiil provide free training ta interested applicants. Enroli now for large or mini bus training. Excellent weges for retirees and ail applicants wishing part-Urne empioyment. Apply In puceau orteleplione 1-U18-740-1515 Attrldge Wanejlorietion mc. 5439 Harveeter Rd. Dudlngion, ON L7L 5.17 AZ DRIVERS Experiesced company drivers required for cross border L.T.L. company. We effer: * Assigned premiara taie modet eqeipmesi - Home weekesds * Paid pick-spa, drops & caitins lime * Besefit package & Safety bosas - $500 sige ou boaus We aiso offer proper trainieg 10 recent driving uchoot graduaies. Call:O-SftO-463-5475 ext.#355 Ask for Tuas DuMent ur Glen Wilklnsen ALLIANCE LABELINO IHC. Now Hiring GENERAL LABOURERS Our compsny offers corapehirve cages and benefîta eîth long term lob aecunty Appîy la peraea ut: 201 Speurs Roud, Oukeille. et FAX resume ta: Attn: Numua Resaurces, Fus: (905) 337-2401 MILTON PHOTO Need extra $55 for Chrisîmas? Positions availabte: t) Tenupurary saut Dec. 24 w/Sania 2) Permanent part time 9am.tpm md raout weekesds 3) Permanent part fume 5pm.9pm and raout weekeads. Appiy or drap off resume ai Milton Photo, Milton Malt. LAUNDRY AIDE Required immediately. Paul-time approx. 10 shilta per monih cith altemata ceekenda. Starting rate 511.69. Experience 10 inatitutionat setting preferred. MOUNT NEMO CHRISTIAN NURSING HOME 4486 Guelph Lina, Burlingion or Mail R.R.82 Milton, L9T 2X6 or Fax 905-335-3699 -fl CIJSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Curwood Packagîng (Canada) Ltd cor rentty haa an opening for a temporary Customer Service Representative. This position s for a period of 12 ceeka. The succesufut candidate cul be in. volved in the processing and tracking of newty piaced orders as celi as per- forraing a variety of administrative fonctions. Applicants shoutd posseus good verbal and written communication ukilis, an enthusiastic resuits oriented apprnach te probtera soiving, a piessant tete. phone manner and the abitity te work with a minimum of supervision. Cood computer ukitîs are reuuuired and a knewtedge of Mîcresoft Office appilca- tions is an asset. lnterested applicants shoutd subrait resumes prier to 5 p.m. on Friday, De- ceraber 1, 2000. Cuewnod Paekaglng (Canada> Ltd. 114 Armsteeng Avenue Georgetnwn, Ontarue, L7G 4S2 Atta: Gary Gabet Fax:(9ti5)877-675 5 ~anager Wanted Ve require a Manager fora fuli tîme position in our Milton location. ticants should enioy eorking wîth people ~d have an aptitude for ladies fashion. Accepting applications at pEoeY's 55 Ontari~ St.S., Milton Mail L9T 2M3 Phone (905)878-1414 or Fax (905)878-7055 ~aker! Baker! Baker! ioirod immvitialely for aur nulti taceied caletons, Sun. lu TOurs., 3:30pn ru midnight. Soit-mulrualeit, ailling 10 Ioarn nom concopis. tonollit v'Cumptliiiut cage VIoc upportunrty îPPLY N PEtSON TO LUKE Ot MAtYLOT AT baver Feeda Ltd (a Cava Ce.) therîdu Celle g e Gakulile Cafeterla 1430 itafalgar Rd., Oaltvllie LON 21.1 FRUSTRATED WITH YOUR JOB SEARCH? We Can HELP 'I Resume Workshops * Internet Job Access a. O Interview Workshops On the Job Training JOB CONNECT Recycinu Limited la now recruiting Sorters/Plant Labourera Day/Aftemoon shitta available Pîseas fax reaume ta: (905) 336-3034 I App s' e The Canadian Champion, TuesdayNovember 21 2000-25 War~ted Wantd Wmnted ~r~t Et~anabIan EE4jampwn We have an immedmate opening for a DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE Be a part of a circulation teem with an attractive salary and car aliowance package. DUTIES INCLUDE. . . Customer Service eith readership, constant contact with youth/adult camer force & prospective new carriers. If you have s keen desire to succeed and advance plus good c.ommunication, organization and teara akilis Spply 00W. Send your reaume ta: Steve Crozler, Dîrector oit DIstributIon Burlington Poat, 2321 Felrvlew St. Burîington, Ont. L7R 2E3 Fax: (905)632-1024. No phono celle pleese. A P P R E N T I C E Opersior. Immediat Mechanic with anme opening for top operaîr espexence. Muni have oi A.B. Dick 9810 pres Oas bols. CatI Joe ai eith espeulence ix s (905)878-6696. phases of quick prntlnr Escelleni opportuniiy i a growing priniing car ire ix Milio~. Pleas FAX resume 1< (905)876-1100 LOCAL construction compsny la n need 0f a tirat or second yesr car- pontera apprerdice as eau as alioenced car- penter esperienced n ail aspects 0f commer- dal, residentiai. Ssiary commensurate euh as- perience. Muai hava own transportation. Fiasse tas (905)693- We ares ieading Canadian producer ai preiabricated roof system snd are seeking s individuai for our warehouse operations. Vour duties eouid înciude shlpping and receiving, malntaining e inventory and processing ordars- We wtt fuiiy train the right motlvated persan eho s eitiing f0 worir unsupervised euh dedicated work habits. Piesse contact: Paul Whaley, General Manager H20 Producl Solutiona, mc. 295 Alliance Rd. Unit 112 Milton, Ontarlo Tel 905-875-2363 HALTON HELPING HANDS r Reiiable, considerate cleaning help required for the Mitton ares. * Abitlty tes eork with seniorS and physicaiiy disabied peopte * Reiisbie transportation required * Fiexibie part turne hours Mondsy- Friday * Paid training & travet ai ioeances Cati Carai or Pam et 8784403 or send resume by Fax f0 844-5656 URGENTLY REQUIRED ] For fuii-time eork n 00e Oakvliie ares: Office Clerk ($11 .50/hr. - ahemoon shitt) Goori computer, communication and organizationai akitta LauSers <$1 3.25/hr + shift premium - various shiha) Foridift certitied. AZ Shunter <$1 5.50/hr- dayal Vaiid AZ icence, good dnving record, cnminai record search. We offer an esceiient opportunity for growth and an attractive compensation package. if you are interested in eorking n a safe positive woriuing environment, and you hava ihe iisted quatificationa, piesse cati (9051-301-4778 or 1-800-405- 1157 or ian your resume 10: (905)309-5285 HIRING IMMEDIATELY AZ Drivers for U.S. Long Haui Operation Some Short Haui smo avaitable MUST have Two years verifiable US. experience Piceas Cati Tom Traveinra Transportation Services 1-800-265-8789 ext. 237 PULL AND PART TIME MERCHANDISERS Experiencod merchandisers wanted, for retaji store merchandising and plan o gramming weekdays. Muat be well spoken and have an aptitude for numbers. Attractive salary. Own transportation e muat. Fax reaume to: North 51 at Merchandlalng 1-877-801-4238 practice, Milton, accepi- mg applicents for s re- ceptioniaf s poaliion. Es- penenca ctih computer- ized systema necas- ratp, cartificatian an as- sei. Friendly, ouigoing, career-minded applic- enta ara encoemged ta subrait resumes: Pas 878-0557 or drap afi 106 Wakeiield Rd CAREGIVER Required 15 hours per eeek, 3 ~tn . - 6 p.m. Manday 10 ey iar three opu. Obse to Mîlton Diainci High School. Phase ai office (905)883-4348. CARING Hame han space far 2 pre-achoni- ara. infants ceicome. Receipis. 876-4415. DAYCARE rap home. ECE., liraI aid, foin- 1i005 lunches & snacks. Fisnned activitien, ouI- doar piep. (9051876- 4473. DAVOARE requireit for 6 monih infani. Man.- Fr1. Vour home or mine. 876-2777 EXPERIENCED Nanxp required with caring, competent, chrerfai dis- position, la care for ni- ent teins & 2 1/2 year aid bap. Georgeloex. Cati 702-8646. RAINBOW Village Day- care han oneToddler sxd limited pre-achool specen anaitabie. 00e have beex pronidixg an eariy teaming prograra inctuding computers, arts axit munic nince 1989. 878-7552 SAFE axit Sounit Childrex's Centre noteit Milioxo ml choice ix iicexcad chiid care. Infants 10 uchool age. Three tocalions. Famiip credits. Subsidy upon quaiifying. 875-1955. 878-0537 ir ~ TUTORINO K-S pro- motixg iiterscy axd J~ matIr, devetopixg a joy n for tesming, few spacen. Cali Mm. Mac- Ker~ 875-3442.