r - 24 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday,October 24, 2000 ) - .,.,-here j #2.342flate SL h-1 8 -WINE Cross-town clash in senior hoops sees.. l'Stangs battie back to best Bishop Reding By MURRAY TOWNSEND Special ta The Champion halk oneC up for the Milton District * Mustangs as they defeated cross-town rival Bishop Reding 51-35 in senior girls basketball play at MD Thursday. The two teams are opposites in many ways, besides being on opposite sides of town. The Mustangs are a big team that controis the boards and gets a lot of their points by going inside and dri- ving to the net. The Royals aoe a smailer but very quick team, reiying on forcing turnovers, bail controi and getting their points irom outside shots. As. well, MID relies on their starters ta play much of the game, wbile the Royals generally altemate two five- person units. At the start of the gaine, it iooked as if Bishop Reding might be able to build up a big lead. Vanessa Bouskill opened the scoring, and then Alicia New got ber first of 10 points on a great pass from Amy Prisniak, who made a habit of that ail gaine long. The Royals point guard was like a waterbug, darting here, there and everywbere ta, set up shots or steai the bail. The Mustangs couldn't get anything ta fal and misssd as least their iirst eight shots, most of thero from close range, as the Royals defenders were on them like butter on popcomn. Sharalee Dempter took a nie ieed irom Jessica Simpson ta, finaily get Milton District on the board, but then Chantai Deroches came rigbt back witb a three-pointsr ta put Bisbop Reding up 7-3. Bisbop Rsding beld onto the iead well into the second quarter, controlling the bail, getting more turnovers, and building a 15-i1i iead. Henderson sparks comeback But, then Milton District's Chrissie Henderson laoked like she bad taken an overdose ai Gatorade and went on a rampage. Witb just over three minutes remaining in the haîf, she went coast-ta- coast, and dished oft ta a wide open Dempster ta, give thero the iead for the first time, and the iast time. Then as stois the bail and went all the way ta the haap by berself, foilowing that up with another basket and another pass ta Dempster. Henderson was responsible for eight straigbt points and turning the gaine around. The Rayais were cieariy ratied, and needed a couple ai time- auts, beiors Caroiyn Cates heipsd stop the bieeding by bitting nasbing but net. Henderson repiied yet again wîtb ans ai ber own ta, give MD the 26-19 bali-time isad. Jbanna Sitarz, wbo bad eigbt'points, hsiped get Bisbop Rsding back in the gains witb some isisty play in the third quarter, heip- ing ber sister, Eva Sitarz, get four points, and waging ber own pli- vase war witb Stephanie Lees ai MD. Eventuaiiy, tbey bath backed off and got their own sandwich. Lees was a tower ai power for the Mustangs. She uaed ber bsigbt advantage eiisctiveiy ta dominats ths rsbounding and wasn't afraid ta mix it up under the basket. The Mustangs ran away with it in the fourth quarter with bath Simpson and Dsmpster making somne picturesque forsys ta the haop. Hendersan finisbed with 20 points, foiiowed by Lees with 1l, Dempater witb eigbt and Simpson witb five. Milton District Coach, Jili Harper, bad a reason for the Mustangs getting out ai the box siawly. 'They're a fas team. Tbey threw a full court press at us from the start and siowed us down in the beginning." Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Mustangs Jessica Simpson <Ieft) and Ashlsy Elioft guard against Bishop Reding's Alicia New during senior girls baskstball play et Milton District Hlgh School Thursdsy. MD won the cross-town clash 51-35. Harper said that tbey were able ta, pick up on what defense Bishap Reding was playing and adjust ta it. She agreed that tbey bad a distinct beigbt advantage and were able ta use it, whiie Simpson and Hendersan on their defense were able ta force bad passes and steal the bail. The Mustangs are 2-1 in league competitian, wbiie Bisbap Reding isîl ta, 1-3. Bisbop Reding coach, Bob Surge said, "Boili ai us (other coach Dwigbt Jonker) were reaiiy pieased with the gaine the girls piayed. "They worked bard, did mass ai the things we wanted ta do, and except for a couple lapses wben they rais sarie points on us, ansbip final. we played thein pretty even." "Give credit ta the other teain," added Surge. "Tbey piayed weil and bave kida that are gaad players. Surge added that they tried ta cauniter the buge size advantage with pace and pressure, but for that ta work they have ta, be able ta, bis their abats wben sbey get the opportunity, olherwise ail their bard work gos for naugbt. Tise Rayais exacted a measure ai revenge as Milton District's taumament on the weekend, defeasing the Mustangs, wbo were missing twa starters, 31-21. Neither team, hawever, was able ta makie it ta the champi- 4spo Tý s