Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Oct 2000, p. 5

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Fate of murder suspect now in hands of jurors BY USA CMATRIHT nie Champion The fate of David Fiorino is now in the hands of I2jurors. After tisee full days, Justlice John Bellegisan flnihbis charge t the jury in thse first-degree murder trial Wedneaday eat about 2:40 pmn Durlngbis charge, Justice Belegisam told tise nive men and tsree womien tisat tisey were tise oly <mes wbo could decide wisst tise ti waa. "Von are tise sole judges of fact thse judges of tise law,' lie said. ise jury is now deliberating t0 decide if Mr. Florino, 28, foenserly of Milton, is guilty of frsst-<legree mutiler in tise deatis of Stepiset Andreopoulos, wbose body was discov- ereil buried in a flerry Road field. Justice Belegisam tolil tise jury tisat tbey isad to leeve their blases and prejudices beisind. ley were also not to base tiseir decision on synspatby - eitiser for M4r. Aisdreopoulos or Mr. Forjîso. Minét aMye at ani ou deeblso Instead tisey bail 1, arve ai asn unanimous decision About tihe guit or innoçence of tihe accusei. Justice Beflegisarq tlid tise jury that it didn't rnatterbhow tbey reacisei thse verdict as long as tise decision was tise Sam. Tise judge reiterated what botis defeusce lawyer Robert Nuttali andl Crown Brian O'Marra tolil tise jury - Mr. Fiotino was innocent until proven gualty. He tlid tisem it's tie responsibility of tise Crown to prove beyond a sisadow of a doubt tisat tise accuaed killeil Mr. Andreopoulos. Tise defence bas to, prove notisng. l'he jury was told tisey coulil finil Me. Flormno rot guilty or guilty of manautglster, secoasd-degree murder or firat- degree murder. First-degree inurder applies if ie jury fintis lie planneil and deliberated themusler. Justice Befleghain said if tisey weoen't satisfieil beyond a reasonable doubt tisat Mr. Fiorino caused Mr. Awkdeopoulos' deatis, then he muet bc found not guilty. 6 Things You Must Know BEFORE You Buy a Home MILTON - A new report has just been released which identifies the 6 rnost coin- mon and costly mistakes that homebuyers make belore buying a borne. Mortgage regulations have changed significantly over tise last few years, rnaking your options wider than ever. Subtle changes in tise way you approacis rnortgage shopping, and even small differences in tise way you cati structure your rnortgage, can cost or save you literally thousanda of dollars and years of expense. Whether you are about 10, buy your firat horne, or are planning to rnake a roove to your next borne, it is crîtical tisat you informn yourself about tise factors involved belore you buy. In answer 10 this issue, industry insiders have pre- pared a free special report entitled "6 Things You Must Know Before YoliuBuy ". Having tise rigist inforrna- lion hafore hand can undoubtedly rnake a major difference in this critical negotiation. To isear a brief recordeil message about bow 10, order your free copy of Ibis report, cali 1-888-475-8645 and enter ID# 3000. You can caîl any- time, 24 boues a day, 7 days a week. Caîl n0w 10 find out what you need 10 know befote you boy a home. fTM rpoa is courf esy of COnS isoo ~, SainesW RarMAX Bluse Spnngs Reaffy (Halif>7 Corp. ADVERTORIAL The Canadian Champion, Fniday, October 6, 2000 - 5 Gevaert running for re-election By IRENE GENTLE Thse Champion Outstanding issues are behind Ward 3 Councillor Lieven Gevaert's bid for re-election. Governance of Halton Region and the upcoming Milton devetopment Iured Mr. Gevaert to tise table three years ago for his first terni on counicil. Tisose issues are still Ioorning. "I know there's going to be significant changes mn tise way Halton will be gov- emned in tise next few yeams and 1 asant to, be part of tisat," be explained. "And we've started tise expansion proceas now and I'd like to follow it tisrougis for a couple of ycars." So ise bas tossed bis bat in tise ring for tise November municipal election. "I decided I'm going 10 put my name in and see wisat developa," bie said. But before doing so, Mr. Gevaert cisecked in wits two isigiser autisorities- bis doctor and bis asife. Bots gave Mr. Gevaert, whio recently suffered a muId beart attack, a dlean bill of healts. Now tise 27-year rural reaident is boping to speak for agricultural intereats on count- ci]. But he won't delude people int tbink- ing urban growth can be stopped. "Some of tise growtis l being gently forced on us by tise Province," said Mr. Gevaert. "What we as counicillors are able to do is say what is the best deal we can W I gel for the presenit people in Milton so the amount of upset is Listening to con- Lieven Gevaert stituents is important to, Mr. Gevaert, but he hasn't heen able to do as much of it as he'd have Iiked 10 in tise past few years. Insteati, an extended business contract bad bum jetting between Milton and Israel, putting a lot of miles betaseen iiself and counicil issues. But that contract bas mun its course, and isealts concerns are likely to keep bum grounded. "You ain't going 10, go flying off ail over tise place," said Mr. Gevaert, wbo is an engineer and business consul- tant. "It would ha fooliss if tise same thing bappened again." FOR FREE CONSULTATION IN VOUR HOME PLEASE CALL BRAD CLEMENTS l* argo»n t«»ner WALT ELLIOT 878-6576 8637 LIFE DISBIIT LIF J' UIS n ý ACr B -E k~ ~ ~MXE FARME MUU L SG~AFUND F IA\~~~\~~HNANuAL TLM hL WIEiS T5V5MNACUT i'tes ie 575 On )taL V Si 7618 c TAP &EATERYJ 'Ume eut te the Do# Heuse for Lic/e DJ & Dancinq- Fridayj & Saturdaq Nlqhts Happy Thanksgiving To Everyone From Charisy's 5 Ontario St. N. 878-6697 ry the New Twigtcr Ç~indwih -J a* Cai naw to book Syour Christmas Part>'! The staff ai tha Dlcken 's wlshes everyona a... 189 Mili Street 878-6680 Knight Cap mday KARAOKE 9pmn -closeu sunday Marc Nelson 8:3Opm -llpmn ThansgiîngSpeciai Sunday 3-9pm Turkey Dinner 270 Main St. E. (905) 876-3780 " InnHwiy. 401 & Guelph Line é)WW Inn Milton/Campbellville more "than a great overwie .itay 827 A TASEO Take-out Pizza., 3At'NIEY TUNs MAG13CIAN Fs hp EVERY WED. NIONT FRGM S-G 7s ".981p I5 Ê WPR S LUNCH MINUTms oR FRENii Weekend Specials 4Chlsholm Dr. 876-4731 03331 1

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