Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Oct 2000, p. 30

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30-The Canadman Champion, Fnday, October 6, 20<10 FOSTER parents are needed 10 care for youth AITENTION INTERNE! USERS with apeciatized needa Unhîmrted Acceaa only $15 95. great local aer- Eaperience workîng vice and support lrom mith mental heallit s- SURF 711E NET. auea la an aoaet For 873.2602 more information please caîl Halion Chîldren's Aid Society 333-4441 ext. 260 MANAGE FULL lime Gas Attend- GARAGE - LAWN SALE ant and Store Clark re- Joîn our growîng i Weather permîttînoon quired n Speysîde ares manager position SATURDAY OCTOBER 7 Transportation reqaired the operalion of <w.... ut ~ ~ ~*> Please caîl 875-2492. We offer a compi 9 AM 4 PM GENERAL labourer benefit package 771 FROBISHER OLVO. needed for ~ooiti0n n acivancement. Some fomîture, household items, cofage items, Milton plant, lasse caîl dog cages Lg. amaîl, cal carnet, estate col- lectibles, hoardinga. (a05)560-a3a4 or fax Please send That ultimate item ast might ha here, coma oea î60Sî56096î6 Twin Con for yourselt! Follow Wilson Dr. f rom Main St. lot HiRING îmmedîately 316 2 rIs - Woodward Av. Wilson Dr. - tai lait to Cashier & Baker ro Mar Msckenzie rt. on Frobishar Cabot Trail 10 mork Monday to Friday Waterloo, O Frobishar f771) Cnr lotos tha mide tom AIl and/or weekends until or fax f0: rosds lesd 10771 Frobisher Olnd. Milton. November 1. Please Attn Da~ cstl Andrema Scenîc I Acres (905)878 5807 GARAGE SALE 577 HAWTI-IORNE ORES. I KITCHEN Halp/ d sh SA!. OCT. 7 wssher snd apprent ce ana AM - NOON cooti required part 1mai Baby items snd bye. Hoosehotd gooda. j tulîtime, lot estaurant Subway Sand <905)645-7396 belmeen 2pm-5pm lesat mes Drive requin GARAGE SALE S890. enthusîaatîc d< 180 OUEEN ST. UNE 0001<5 needed, lime peopte, m MILTON, ONTARIO L9T 11<2 esperienced. Fuli snd 8:00 AId - 1:00 PM psrt-time positions sVsil. of a great WOr SATURDAY OCTOBER ~ Cail 875-3222 Please a< LOCAL shottie service requires fuît lime F i ctsss bus drivers or bel- ter. Please cati Tony~ or Great Pum~kin Challenge, Jet aI 1-868-473-1444. 550 Ont I liaunted Forest. Coro Naze, I MOFFATAuIoWoIks, s ergs solo delsiliof F/T & I shop requires fuli lime Flexible haurs. I raw Naze i morkars Wilt Irsîn. weelcends a mua I FREE ADMISSION I Goodstartin~S5t5lY: auigamg an I Unti tract: Apples, R 0660. as peson - a Ftowere, Net ButleedSweel I * Coin, Scisuel Taure * MOHAWK Rscelrsck * ~R~iea. FR * Backslrelch Resîsuranl r EE lias' * I Rides. nea lis fut snd port-lime * snd pst- * Y('fS...erY\\ PIas'frou . lima cashier (counlar PETRO-CAN Name fhe new Kidi dishwssfrer. App ~ 3 ~ Off P.Y.O. FleId Pumpldn I personorcaît 854-0441 Ageor expe Animal Corral ~ person). Aise raquireas Fuli timî wlth thîs eiv.vtl..naent. ~ PARTtit5~dOO5hahstp 235Steele Nanti 0f Hmy 8401 on Hwy 825 meeti 9 sm -4 pm. Ap- Apply n pe Onve esst on Sîdenoaci #10 ~ ~?an~rs ~ ~ Aak f0 M - - 114 Monday 10 Fnday. Communîly PART.lima/Fulllttle sl>rl- i i flexible boula ~ A secial service ager www.AndreweSce eaery olher weekend mfh daaelopmenlal -----------nlo~r~c~ J oU Apply n person, Hair Hales bas lita k Has sarters, 118 Gue~ti Sireet Regular Part Geargelown aos-877 Cacual Reli - 9630 Weareioxkingfxren WAITSTAFF & Dlxii- have prennes exp. PIANO Sale, Grand AS~MBLER Paudies, masher wanled lulI lime Iliair sali herses litre Opening ai aur new Assamblti 0f higit preci- for busy cale in Camp- in Crixis Inlerneslior stan Mal Ressers and baîlville - greal place, Ag9mseiaa 6ahavie~ targer store. MasY ne. Mol Halvas. 2-3 yasla & used Kawals and machîsîsg experience ~ir. ~ - Etaine or Att candidales muai b uxed ssci rexlared pis- ~ Laîhe ~ & < >4-~~ an needed. A Seceril nos. Thursday, Fnday. Pleaxe lemard ynar Salurdax, Oclabar 1 , Grinding a muxl tlus ~ ai boume ara apptying lot îe: ~ elecîricat knomtedge roe mElu. 13 & I ~{ Mayds Muse necessaiy. Fuît benelil Leai halai Terri AmuIra Studio, 211 Armxlrong package plus excelleni Cakoilis Location communîts' Ana, Geotgeloms 873- mage f or Ihe rigitl par- Mail Haie: 72! 8201 ses. Phase las rasume 'AZ Lic/Min. 2yro exp. Millol la: <965)877-8651 *Toa Motor tnp. AUTO Clean-Luba ~ kbihtY O lit 10 70150 Fax: We are accepling apptî- (Some diîvirî r di FREE 12 meeti aId kit- calioss for luit snd port ~ Nier tans, 3 matas, 1 lemate lime Datailers. Expert- *Goaranteed 40 hi Fnesdty, tîtter trained ance pretarred. Self mo- *$llAî CatI me 336-5783 tiaated peopte ~ *Good itenelil hachage 7am-3pm. Commiasion bssed. hie Allîmace Gseep Cur m Watk s mith raxume aI Contact OsaI ni Kulky 925 Mais StEasi tIi. No Tel (905) f251444 Mature phase cils. Fao (995) 829-9664 P/TDiahii ItAi~l3yMAN part lime DZ DnvarslBrokala Compataiva mi raquiraci for tc~st ~- neadaci. Mai01 oit cars- dence. Rapairs and pano dlxtnibutor ix 100k- Machine maintenance stetis ~, îng for ait drivers and areat CatI 878-5366 brakars for ha Hatas - Raglan araa. MuaI ha Needeit ASAF axpariencad on muti- lar cantineetut shili tuai deilvertes. Colt ~6- Bortsak/OEW. 470-7800 ast. 222 or Appty a peisan. Marves's Res 04 or fax 905-470- 7807. AINCO DOMINOS Pizza ~ WAIT stafi neadad, as- ~ '~' fuli time dat g Ires tnatde ~ panencad. F011 anci 3610 Maisuy, 1104 APPIs' ha ~ 17 Wleoil WIxs part-tisse poattiaita avatt. Bsrtingtsli 15 eh. 4pm ~ 0.1875-3222 ar cati (905)336-6664 Ml i R TRAINEE ~ompany in a secure We miii train you n a KFC Restaurant. otitive startiflg saiary, and opporlonîty for your resume to: ~ Restaurant .land Drive ntario. N2J 3Z1 519-746-2526 ie Hydeman ~ichea 50 Market sa energetic and sy time, futi or part 'ho want f0 be part king environmeflt. pty n perxOn. urjo St. Soutti ie hiring P/T Servers Ibove average salary. t. Yars muai b. reliable, J 11k. ta have fun. sk for Chria, Geoif or Craig. ADA NOW HIRING s day position f Monday- Frtday. rience unimportant. e Ave E., Milton rson with resume. r Ian or Jutie. ..iving North Hallon îcy previding sepport ta peopte disabililiex h Mitas snd Narth îttowing paxtiesx avaitabta: lime Support Worker et Support Worker t1aaisxuic carmg vaisats who rance n sappafling peapta e *sgh ailter agendas. Expesatre i. Praventatine Management af r waeld be a dabste asset. e avatable ta morti varicas shfts y Clearance miii be reqeired. reseme sf81159 fie postian oaa ng, Human Resaurcea Living Norlh Halton iMain St.E. n, ON L9T 3Z3 (905)878-5413 nantty xeakîng FIT Lino Cooka rasher/DusperoOn ega baxeci on axpananca. icI Leon or Kavin 178-6680 a faurafif on Marital Delve is hîrinU <att and shlft sueseraoisors. erson. asit for Franit. Mailcef Dalve lion. Ontarlo ~. v .-. . ___ ibicai~ aro ava iL. ble in: Phase cconphteal afpIcalbi ~ VU51*hS4~S tire fDmo.rCis1mIfltrf~ .k~ Od~S>S~ ~ft' Oe:k; Da 1V 104, F rUm~ 'rn ~. * Va~oe-. Dd8v~ 48 ~ ~e. A~i (C~-lG31 * Loeu Pe.~.êft*i a - M - e~ e ci~Chud/eigh 's PRODUCTION TEAN Permanent Fuli Time If YOJ ... * are a conscmentious and thouihiful team plaver. * enios' worhinl in a steadi' environinent wilb others who share the same desire fo ~roduce ~ualltv producfs. * have a craflsman's sense 0f Pnde in whaf ....... then send us tour resume. Our famibi operated bakera' bas been providinil ~eoPle lice s'ou wlf h an Enfertainlni Taste 0f the Counîrs' for uenerallons. Lef us know about ans' ~rev ous manufacfuuinl exeerience aicu have. If aiou're new ta bakera' production. our sfeP bai stea fraininu will ~rovlde a'ou wlth the fechnical and mechanical knowledie "ou Il need 10W a Team Member in aur production pracess. in addition. we rirovide a ureat wark environment. lob stabilifai. and performance feedback. We have immediafe apenlngs in aur Milfon plant. Please send tour resufne f0: Human ResourceS. ChudleiUhs Bai fax: 905-8784979 Bs' mail or *0<> off: 624 McGeachle Drive. Milfon. ON L9T 3Y5 We appreciale ail candidates' infereaf. Ilowever. onb' those selecfed for an inteu*w will W conlacfed. Previous applicants need naf aptxls'. ~-V~ka~tSy1e... So elo~yoi< Canada's fashion leader ix looking for enxhusiasric, sryle-savvy e individuels so ccx as SEASONAL ASSOCIATES xhis holiday season. If you enjoy building customer relaîionships Ina fasr-paced environlaest, we watt 10 lacet with you. HoW3)ay Recruitment Applications will be accepted onThursday, October 5"' sud Friday, October 6~" betweem 12:00 noon and 8:00 p.m. at the following store locations: Oakville Place Mapleview Centre 240 Leighland Rd. Oakville Burlington Mail 777 Guelph Line Burlington 900 Maple Avenue Burlingeon As pars of our tram, you cas enjoy flexible houes including days, evenings and weekends, tise moat competitive wage in tise indsaatry, top-noxch tnaining and an attractive shopping discount. Can't corne in perSoni Obtain an application frors the Humas Resources departinent aI a axore neareit you the

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