Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Oct 2000, p. 29

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classified GaryH"rz&SandrelBwer Heïruare plaud WiLSON - Beb à Wui <nea Borsatto)anbi to amnounice tha barth of ihaïr son, JaIWb John aister Jenniier are hiappy ta annaunoe the bath bom Septereber 22, 2000 weigrog 8 bs1o, of teir sonhroher Jacob Robent on Odahser 2, at Miton District Hospital. Frst tme granrdpar- 2000 Bt 8:37 arn. seighIng 8 lios 5 ai Proud nt a Z r-09 aa of Campeni, anidt are & i n. & Uns Borsatto of Milan 9ev eozf on, and ai ioAns&Undles Wiso o f T«ont.eial üw are alto vary:7-.Many thnls ta Daciors Sharma, paes & iaosd tndhe nursing yoea goos ta Dr. Shlamina and 0.B. Staff at Mirton staff at MDH. District Hospital. B3REAIST FIEE-DiNr SUPPORT MEDELA PRODIJOTS - SALES à RENTALS Braeail Ptaps e Baby Sae e Brelst Feedieg Producta Boter Living Home Heafth Caroe mc. 25-B Commercial Street, Milon 905-875-2458 - -i-i- JOHINSON, Harri A. Peaceiuliy et Atandal Seniors Morne on MnaOctaiter 2, 2000. Itarniet Johnaon, b=oe site of the tata Kennt Johinson. Lavtng motter of Elinore and frer fruslsand the tata Ken Stiannon, Ralpn and fris site Lorraine and Connea and her frusitand Vent Nausa. Sadiy mnissad by Aher Grandchidren Brnce, Marion, Jînt, Betty-Ann, Leonard, Ron, Susan, Jarry & Wayne. Lovingly ramembered by har 10 grmat grandildren and 2 great great granticiNldra. Famity and friands visitad at fie MciÇerae-cher Fumerai Hmne 114 Maie St Milton front 7-9 pin on Weehresday. A privats tara- iiy aervice sas frahi an Thursday, October 5, 2000. Itermant ta folios at Trafalgar Latan Cemneteny. il deairad donations ta tha Canadien Cancer Society ortIia Haart & Strate Foundati on sould ise appracianad by tha fanatly. MAMILTON, Robert (Bob) Suddeniy, foi- iowlng a brief itineas at Victoria Hospitali n London, on Wadnasdlay Octaber 4. 2000, Bob Hamilton of Milton in his 76th ya. Beio',ad huabanti of Vema (nosBtte ) Loving father of Betty and har huba= Rab McGee ofl Milton, Randi of London, and hNs tata aon Roddy. Devotad grantifatier of Elisha and Daniel. Sunvlved by his mather Mrs. Rose Hamritton of Woodaloce, anti his alerter Mrs. Mar1aret Neweii andi her hua- band Carm of Brantford. Ha reilt b. sad>' mlaaedi by ait hia relativea and friands. Bob aervad In tha Navy during World War Il andi wa an active member ofnthei Rayai Canadian Legion Branch 136, Milton. Farraiy & Frienda may carti athdi J. Scott EadyFuneal ome,21 amesSi.Milton aervice in tha chapai at 2:30 PM. Cramation ta faiiow. In lieu of floreers, at dia fannliys requeat, donations ta the K9idnay Fourindation or Scott Eariy Foundation wauid be apprediated. BIU, Wun. - (Fauviter ami CEO ai Proifrane Lld.. Mutao). On Mavday, Odtotar 2, 2000 ai tan Anderson Hanse. Belavel husbanavo aihei lais Inglerd j Brother ai Wasicki ai Asralia. Warren sutl le sait- y nisaeit by fris nrany irienits andt businessaso-I cdaies. A tarierai service sas heud ai tht Oakivît Fu-I Dedrcuai nn meitng ivour eti asr1 * Pre-arranngment Options " Grief Counseling Services " Cremation Services 114 Main St maton 878- gay - %Who paaae ana>' .obar 7, 1997. Ilites bean #ms years sinsce you qaidely passati a>', Aund imita yoa s, i/1 tiedi ieulii fhal yoa actai leae me s quldel> atthea a goefaye, 1 entit tiare rernanrferedsreey woed yvr sud, As se waked in dia suri aid diain isgeffiac 1 nerer ce Hffafflt dut Vot a u cae soterae s The Cansadian Champion, Fniday, Octobar 6, 2000--211 tiBO NI US! »ROUS A Ci ssified Ads MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00OAM -5:00OPM ALhappear at.,. aw mr od at 0fer st ia warmed y th knpaiciedgeo go lv n spot 1hae i ilved inc uhe ao trarin aidn opsln uat e pm 2ammun 000. - Ta the EvarsonaFaHome and Dieill h oho co Fandiiy digars if You Are strn can foot A -pca Lovk you foreer and ee tr Tret hug aitTrvi'sfuerlyo bth a de y h ou y ail a fr e As T eravoinueom tc acefolm ai ae~tco pharts tofR sj wamdbyteknwe tha 1eg6or liefindruh fo ritst and ~ df cmas onat i o tuity.aa~~ * J(wer arf cnfo then~ Eve o sta i l a D t, samuily arx.u(ii if you can be strnng 1 can to( Lov(e4seffevùp yo oee n avofi aniJtr& LeuvsenhfneenSuudio Thurc4 q< Mom - Kimr $cot/i B(o4VI nal ht oc '~MwU~ oi. cott~Ea(~y Twsra f(oo(9~o~fJo ~ ,aasmt Taei( Mîlton Falrgrounce Agrîcultural Hall, Robert St. Mondaey Octaber Set 10:30 as.m. pravia iront 5:00 ar. Codniiug the. tradion oflover 20 yeais of<qual- ily anique salas on fihis ioliday Monda>. Sale ta Wictda: Lg. a roi top dase, Vic. aie- btoards, sali pudaba tabla s/9 isares, setls icRuad oe dhaise, sali. aecralary beelecas, oa canada tabia shtninrer, Edwisane sm"l deali, Vii. tablasý aid chair, pritntive pie, et. vintage finen celhig and tble ibg, Vit glass, quentiiy ci Royal Douitan figurines aid china, Coalperi, Crase, Bitta Sterling ailier flaisan set aid star sitaer, adetu aid catt tend linattari carpais, kslm, dadas, jesetary itti. diastani anti sapphire rng (apprais et ai $2000), data, Pairtings, andt ranch acre. DelIneî avai". Dataia IMMie avaltafrie by iax an chnacki dft ai e ssw.aneticaada.comrnadieyauctians. TERS: Cash, disque w/2 tannas I.D. as aleaya, BEOS,lngtistpa douedseottdcmt trea set naet iai Coat $1 ,500Sarfc (Kn 625), (Doubla $375) Cean diver 416- 741-7557 CARPET i liane savaral 1,000 yrds ai nes S isaiar 100% ny- io apt Wdt do living- Iot&l ion $349. ar- dludea carpet, pad & la- stallation (30 yards) Siave, 639-2902 OIfMGROOM 14 place cteriysoad double pedeatal tabla, Chippndale chairs, betatfretiterveraf davetail ast le bases ceai $14,000 Sacrifice $5,000. 905-567-9459. FOR Sale: (at ceai) $50 udth 4-5. 'NSYNC tidk- ets la ta 5OOs Nov. 16. Sk oncal Mean or ntnd (905>818- 8037 FREE Estintiatas ... Gai soii' or broken chrWeak sois or chair apriega? Soit foam? lired 1ake woodtfinisiies?.. Tita cati Fied for ait fumi- frire repaira aid custont sood reinin. 9-9 daily, (90l5)8 27 GREAT Matortome! 1978 Clasa C 20 ITAS- CA. Loaded, bace bunka, A/C, excallent condition. Cati aller 5 PM. (905)690-6275 Fan fie Estaie ai Eari DeMayen ai Mississauga Miltan Opiainisi Hall, 311 Canarnical DE., Miltan, Onaioi Partial Uat -ai Feareit lent: Ig aak iraoret fret s/pas tout, 2 Oali lias- haoni China cafr 1 s/pas fooi, '/icl Sali Olt Seite s/fancy pet base t cisirs & bfret, Sali canast tailseai, st ai 3 sali drains s/iiavy lace cunving, Lg Oali tan- cy dresser, Vit fruttanfrucl soa & 2 chairs, rate aid sideciain, lal aits. crais cane stand, drap froai desli, undinella stand, radier, nmris, ail in Oaki, Lg Waierloo caaaiy diysiai s/lin liser (rare pc) orig paaiinrassiiial chesi, Noma Scahaa chairs, pire frvesi tbis. pire pas. Assaniei tise flasen cocio, collectian ai On- taria milik borles, sali sali phase, 'Shelly» dinnen service itain>' shite, Ig ilas frise icilie> plaiter, bisceit tannai, pistas & allier assaitoit fias frise pcs. Saaeapari/ Masae plaies, boa ai Chintz (nai ospacleri yei) Viit Cranfrry Speaner, Collec- tiaon ai Dep Glass, 8 Rayai Doulian Fig. Assaniai aid radias-incladiat Bakliil, Waaeien galf datas (sans sigaed) Baiier paddies & presses, Collectita ai Via- tle tits inclades 2 Ig pondt Yachis, Ig steel Taaaca trach, Saisy & Ried ridariri- fles, 19101 cuitds Aitbo and sarisol *ranca', assared lin sindap iays in aîig boes. hshld iic/rac, maore!!! Haire lias freen salit & se have freea insiractdetol sait fry audian the contents, callecie in thre anea tan aven 70 years. Sasn very un- ussal ionms. Térua; CIuIaaMChêI DlesUe.a Hsy.25 la Oerry Rd Liao Commrcial Or R. Sîgas pasici. Narm Webister CEUTIN. SIIAII AUCT11iIII IR taerai Haotie, 56 Luser Roa st ins i eas .o -l 1 ai ttenr Si.) Oakajlia an Tharsitay Octafrer 5 ai il mach, If 1 only had ana reensant attifr>v, noe ipmaattthan For ino arn. A privait creeratian mviii tallas the servie. lahatwul essW Farturtr alie ar caeslmet innfraio tax an plonas lieu ai romsa, doratians nay lie made ta ten Ander- JON MEDLEY - AUCTIONEER saa Hmas. Loitlfl w ftb àa* FuiR> (905>878-2647 " A-I Conditon, full sea VaYmalia Clavinova eiec tri digital piano sith TENI S anyane? Aven- LOST «EOgtassaa beecli Asking $1300 plym IC t " iaccase, WhitieDrif 876-4415 ai fou' pled east se cal 878- Arts & Crafts Show ALL nes 100% gane pimae faciiity o Mito Milter sofa, toveseat. chr laecal 878- Wed. October 4 thir ari padkaged ceai toi ~$8500, ait $35600 DR ieooslt Sat October 7 1 (416)746-011% APLACS- fidge, misad fraiod. 4' by Presented b>y 2 doar; Stase autonnat- 48MauterAv. 878-2881 S' facecoad Apras- CraieArtisans ic wsuer & daye. Also, 487T Laurierr Av.,fnl"402 d6pecs.Ca apantieet st. Under LOS Caecoda, <05)7a424Warranty. (905)637- REMEMBRANCES in tiht frirn o 3Smm camnera, farni> FOR Sale AiE ACOHI.ê dontinsto Ie ilonDi;tic Hspt flmas caae atAndresa WOOD. $55 canti ga* cila 1 oeaio ar appowited (905)70-0134 57481 ;L ail Heaifrer Frieson $W5714-U1U BED O~uac itoirn canopy, altopedic mai- tresalbas silo padkagei. Coat $1,200 Sacrifice $525. Cen dativer. 416- 741-7557. BEOROOM set8ace chenysaod fourf poatarisieigi, cheat, iridesae mineor, nigiri- stands, ail damer, nes atiui pacliagei cast $9.000 Si$3.500. 905-567-4042. PIANO ior sale, G- Maeizan miet con. $2,500. Phone 876- 0526 SUPER Spatia. Save up ta 30% an decoraior labls Psy o GST! Lave your tuntlhare.. fraie your celauna? Sofa & maedmitg chiair lien $788. Lavaseata front $448. Chairs iront $199. Free Estimnatea. Senior Discourats. Ramd Quai- WAILL unit enlartale- ment centre, sU -cep 2r TV and ber. $600 cita 846-2907

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