elfe The Canadien Champion, Fniday, October 6. 2000 - il eW New bus means better mobility for Allendale residents Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Allendale residents welcome the addition of a new wheelchair bus ta the long-termi-care facllity. 1111 trans- port residents ta medical appolntmnents and recreational events. IlleICE Y CREAIVI y Us open! our ermJ ( enùWbwiII be this SAT. OCT 7 at Sam.- Jay's lce Cream is owned and operated by Jason Van Der Veen, Jason ran Cones & More for Charles Auger, for the past three years. Jay's Ice Cream will continue to offer the same large cones for a great low price. Being added to the menu will be coffee, hot chocolate, cappucino and slices of ice cream cake or pie. Enjoy a slice of cake and coffee for only $2-50 Customers are welcome to walk in p and purchase ice cream cakes or pies. Jays c's lce Creamn will be open ail year round, and remember, Ice Cream Jmson Van Der Veen tastes great anytime of year! before regional council recently to thank Halton and its pantnera for the wheelchair van. "f like this mission at Allend ale, which is to maintain the highest level af quality af life for each individual il serves," he said. "A new mode of transportation was required and much needed." lronically, Mr. McNeil served tor years l 1-0-668-930 with Milton'a Rotary Club, which helped fund the vehicle. -What goes around cornes around," he said. "1 arn here now on the recei vi ng end of spmething that was started." 'Me bus is a vital addition ta whst is cur- rently the onty Regianally-run, tang-term- care facility in Halton, said Hatn Chair Joyce Savaline. 1h. risk inctoases wiîh ago. The Onlarlo Broust Scrssning Program provides breesi examination and a mommera. at no Ces, te woen Who or@ 50 yeers of q@o or aver. Moka your appointment todoy.l 1b_,4W.~.h hg.b* g You w&nt the most exposure for your classified ad, riglt? How's tbis? à 0l Reaidents of Allendale have a new wheelchair bua thanks ta a community partnership headed by Halton Region. TMe Region shelled out almoat $64,000 for the van-tike vehicle, which wilt trans- port Allendale residents to medical appointments as well as teisure pursuits. Another $19,000 fram the Milton branch ai the Royal Canadian Legion and the Milton Rotary Club was pitched in ta help psy for the $83,00 bus. With the new vehicle, users will be able ta attend events like the Milton Faîl Fair, as well as enjoy the best ai each season bas la aifer, such as fait colours sud Christmas lights. Participants in Millon's two adult day programa will also use the van. Allendale resident Len McNeil appeared business cais!" 4J~2 M ROTO-STATIC . CLEANUNO SERVICES MILTON, CAMPBELLVILLE & ARIA J (905) 876-5060 UPHOLSTERY CARPET à uPHOLSrERY DEODERIZING & OTHER Robert Ruabton, PROTECTUR CLEANING DISINFECTING SERVICES Franchise Owner Flyer Delivery In The Canadian Champion Certainly Worked for Me. "After 7 weeks of advertising my business using on/y a Ye//ow Pages ad, I receivedfive new business cal/s. BUT ONLY 1 WEEK after circu/ating myflyer with the Champion, i 've received eleven new a -