re q g's q qq qng TUECORPR,-VION FTH TONVN O N11ETO MOUNE URGEN'I1 REQIJI PART-lIME & STANDBY CROSSING GUARDS Cotcen o"tthe sfty of1dnolcfrnad want eobe o ivedA pply for aCross g Guard positon. ffective Tuesda Seplernber 26t, 2000, the Townof Milton will have two (2) vacancies: 1. Cai Boulevard / Paren Avenue 2. Lattrer Avenue /Ontario Street Morning Crossing: 8: 10 a.m. - 8:40 arn. Morting Crossing: 7:50 a.m. - 8:35 a.m. LutwbCrossing: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 pin. After School Crossing: 3:05 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. After Sdiool Crossing: 3:20 p.m. - 3:50 p.m. Hourly Salmr: $11.00 Stondby Crossimg Guards are required for AU locations 10 substitute during the absence of daily Crossing Guards. Coordinator, Hutoin Resources, The Corporation of the Town of Milton, 43 Brown Stree, Milton, Ontario L9T 5H2 tn accordance wits thse Freedom of Inonsatios andi Ptsvac legtslatten, applicant lihformation is collectei entier tise aslisorty of tise Municipal Act anti wili be useti stticty for candidate seection. PUBLIC INFORMTON CENTRE RECONSTRUCTON OF TWISS ROM) AND STELES AVE. INTERSECFON Thse Town of Milton is proceeding wt thse reconstruction of tise Twiss RdiSeetes Ave. intersection. Tise project involvea intersection improvements andi tise Iowertng of tihe knoil on Steetes Ave. to thse east of tise intersection. Thse project wtll provide improvements to roadway geomety, sigisî distance, safety and pavement structure. We are now attse final design stage andi seek public input and conunenta on tise plan prior to finalizatton, Tise Public information centre will be held: Date Septemtber 14, 2000 lme: 6:00 p... to 8:00 p.. Location Cantpbellelle Comanauty Centre 42 Ma St futu his Public Information Centre will ie an informai meeting to provide tnterestedl members of tihe communty wti an opportunlty to diacuss andi revsew wtish Town stafl, tise proposeti project. If you are u nabe attend tise Public tnfortaon centre anti wisb to provide con5ments or receive furtiser infor- mnation about tii project, please contact. P, Tlppln Cooriatronsrutction Town of Mon 43 Bron treme Militon, Onta" L9T 5tH2 905-878-7211 o. 164 rlclp@tmw.minhon.oiLca