Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Sep 2000, p. 22

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2~--tfre Cdnadiàir bhâm~irk dd~S~plertitier 8, 2000 Classifi1ed CLASSIÇFiED BONUS!f TfORIDY i OUYT RIA LClassified Ads 9:00AM - 5:00PM AL aiDiear at... I ENGAGEMENT parentan ana Znita f Mlton, n MAOR oe ai d Joanne are th nle d ta announce the a e r 0fter third ton t 23 pr.BgotherdMichael igiae C T he weadostd siing t e arriai o MaornofaMltions June and RoSuMe. o Bistorn. We pod lik annu than Dr. a and thua sootaff, 0.B.nure Marie Covellyn dent B.a and harn onll Sp dbr. 'LaurierAve.,Milgton 87&88--1 OWELL, Lamea June <ornborrow> kPeacefully at St. Paters Hotai on Wadsasday, Septernbas 6, 2000 in har 69th ~ ar. Lavis g mathas of Lama and Paul Faddies, aIc k and Rabacca Thomborro, Donna ami Joseph Watarhousa, Mark and Dianeomborro, Pst/a Whatham and Jetf Labald. Deas grendmothes of 18 grandchiidren and 3 great-grandchildren. Beiovad s/star of Doris Belil and Ken and Fayea Powell. Psadacaasad by har parents, Clitaord and Elizabeth Powel' l. Friands may cai af the Crasmount Fuserai Home, 322 Farinait Avenue East, an Fridsy tram 2-4 ami 7-9 p.m. The Fuserai Service ami Commuttai miii ha hast in the Chapai of the Fuserai Home an Setudyai1 ar. Cremation tf tata. Mamoriai doain maeh made ta the Hamilton Reionai Cancer Castra os to St. Pater's Hospital. Manythnka ta Dr. Hirte, VON. Nurse Suzanne BrakamIl ami the iaving caregrvers ai St. Paters Haspital. IIl lava you torever l'il likayo or aimaya As lon 'Mr living My mother you'l ha. AMMIT, Emmanuel (LUt) Peacefuiiy ai Cradit Valley Hospia surrunde bhis famiiy on Friday, September 1, 200, t Semmit Of Homby. Baova husban of Rita (nea Velia). Lovisg fathar of James snd his sife Lrets, Rita and her husband Gerr Donovan, ail of Rocksao and Lonis and hr husband Larry Conk of Miltan. Dear grandfather af Sean, Dans, Ryso, Mark, Malissa, Melanis, Laura, Lindsay and greai-grandchiid Calea. Survivad by his brothers Joseph, George and Samuel and aister Mary Sent., Pradecaasad by his sitetrs Theresa Beach, Madelîna Saliba and Cardie Gauchi. Famiiy and friands sera recaived at the J. Scott Earty Fuserai Home, 21 James St., Miftan on Monday tram 6-9 PM. Parish Prayera sera secit- ad tram the Funeral Home Mandayt at 8:30 PM. A Mare of Christian Buriai saes hast tram Hoiy Rasary Cathaiic Church an Tuasday ai 10:00 AM. Intarmant tdiasaed ai Glas Qaka Mamoriai Gardes in Oakviiia. If dasired, donations tai the Canadian Diabetas Association or the St. Vncent de Paul Society souid be appraciatad by the tamiiy. SMITH, James Sidney (Big Jtm) Peaceuly, taoliosing a caurageous battis sith cancer, Jtm Vassed asay surroundari by. hua lavis family ait Mutas District Hospital on Saturday, Septambar 2, 2000 sn his 64th year. Baiovad husband of Jasai. Laving tathar cof Dams and her husband Staphas Gandiar. Charished Papa of Mitchell ami Brassyns. Wii ba adiy missad by his brother Gary and his site Rut, brothara-in-taw Robart (lys) Hodge, Alan (Margaret) Hadga, sis- tas-mn-las Sharon Aitken and his niacas, naphrs cousins, aunts and usdassand many tànsds Fmiiy ami friands mare racarvad at the J. Sott Earfy Fuserai Home, 21 James St., Milton on Tuasday tram 3-S & 7-9 PM. A Fuserai Service vias haid tram the Chapel on Wadnesday atil :00 AM. Intermant taliwed at Evergraan Cematary in Miton. In lieu of tlomera, donations tai the Canadien Cancer Society or the Miton District Hoapital Faundation sauta ba apprecratad by the farsity. GOtJLD, Harold Jetfrey Peacetully et Pitlon District Hospital an Tuasday, Saptamber 5, 2000, Harold Jetfrey Gould of Mitas in his 92nd year. Belovad and carisg husbasd for 67 years of Versai (Ramatrea). Laving fathar of Jasa and her husband Don Prias, Paf Stewart 0f Calgary, Vctor and his site Darothy 0f Miton. Wii ba aadiy missed by his 10 grasdchiidren and 9 great-grandchiidran. Survivad by his sistar Mms. Haes Thomas orf Regina, Saskatchewan. Harold Iivad in Toronto for rsany years and was ampioyad in the mafias _pictura industry. Cramation has takan place. Family ami trieZ reili be racaived for a mamoaa visitation at the J. Sot Eariy Fuserai Home, 21 James St.. Mitasn as Sanda y frore 2-4 PM. If dasired, donations ta the Multiple Sciasosis Society sauta ha appreci- ated. In Mamoriams In the formo <~donations ta The Canadien Cencer Society ere deeply appreclaed. &feïezIfw I Doag Kocher Caroline Kocicr Arehw Koctrer * 24 Hour Service * Pre-arrangment Options * Grief Counseling Services * Cremnation Services 114 Main St. Milton 878-4452 Satay, eptemer 9 @ 8 .M. U.p.rtairs, qlrompson Rd ASrena ' Cras Leonierau4ff belrnirr in d JustrahîaweJddngp(anncdJor<1pdýf2e.rrsynf irasjr rwr/rg ts spedaf couple ail gouls B5le.srrngs. COUNIRY HEARTS 36 Main St N., Campbellviite 905-854-0002 OPEN HOUSE FALL PAINTING CLASSES Mon. Sept. il & Tues. Sept. 12 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Corne choose the classes you would like 10 sign Up for from the vaniety of samples on clisplay. Also offening a good selection of painting supplies including paints, brushes, Wood & books. - - Milton Publice I Library Re-opens Sundays 1lp.m. - 5p.m.# beginning September 1Oth Fcx87-36 o it or lssfe :QRTHCOMING MARRIAGE i Stsed fMlo ad selePain-Iam Mrs. Mary t Grene e 0fCydna eeesdb i Saiyandfinscte at ta . cotErf tram3- nd 7-9mb aM. A Feral eri ncewa ton.f n lieu oftomera doaint tha H art &SRobe onain Deul a pacitadb th faf . ý HUTWecig At home npla. Fat rday, Sptmber 1,h 2000 Oi tugo anls mry MitonES Huaband f the tata Da rro unnd Gy an hia ifa t Dsse,' HpradhisitainGe Cre, uraynehs siteeph Lamiey an Bannllise and har husband Grd endr, if Maltn.e WIbedymissed by his grandchiidrenan hispue Mand atandhOann. Survivd by hs brter Kr.Enath CHnto of Kitn snd sisa Evel Gaidn0lakd aiy and friands caiida h J ct ad Fat Home J. Jcames Sy Funlran Home 21Jaes St., Mito anudy fro9 PM. PM FeAl privat faly ev a ed from the Cfre n ensaei on0 M Inean olo a rgreen Cersta Mtn.i dsrad don Mtion ta, thau Canadnains Soity the ei Milto Distric atai oud eaion sat be aprce ythe fami iy. 1 tMERICAN uircirv Satelite saa$0 nstaitad, carda pro Zasmmed $10 indudn 400 fiseae ch si.0 867-7277 &PPUIANCES - t ridg, 2 dooir, Stova; automnat- ic sashes & dryas. Aiea, spastent set. Under Warsanty. (905)637- 8M2 CARPET Carpat. 1 hava savara thousand yards of ses Staismastar and 100% nylon carpat. 1 sili carpt= ar ig soor ad halfr $4.Price includas carpat, pad and installation. (30 sq1. yards). Steve. 905-639- 2902. FREE Estimatas.. Gai wobbiy os brakan ch airs? Wesk sofa os chais, sprngs? Soit toars? Trr iooking somi tisishas? ... thes cal Fields for Ail tumi- tuse repaira and custom soad rafinishing, 9-9 daiy. (905)875-4427 SUPER Spacia. Save up ta 30% on dacoratar tabricat Pay no GST' Lava yaur tumitusa.. hats yous otaours? Sofa & rsatching chais tsrsm $768. Lovaseats t ram $448. Chairs tsrsm $190. Frea Estimatas. Senior Discounts. Ratads Guai- fy Customn Uphaistaring, 9-9 (905)875-4427 ATTENTION INTERNET USERS Unlirmited Access only $15.95, great local service and support from SURF THE NET 873-2602 HORSE bars for sent (Mitas) 6 sas homse stalls; hested tac room; new fenaing; ideai tas las aitenance sintar =oasing, Rent byt the moth as by the sa- sas. Evaninga: 693- 9749 IT'S GARAGE SALE SEASON. Phone Our' Classified D.partmont at 876-2364 to book yours todily JW GKEEN THIS WEEK, RECYCLE11

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