e h Cainadien Chaniplon, Fniday,-Auguet 25, 20QO I MILTMWORYSLE BRINGS YOU 3 AFMILL MEW IMELSFR00 ALLOCATION E -a s ENRT AVILABLUIER401MG AON SE RI ",Morale is extwSnu4b1gt rnght now. EverybodY's pleased and looking forward to worldng wlth the Regkoù." Paramedies sign new collective agreement By IRENE GENTLE The Champion A collective agreement has been reached between the newly- formed Halton .Region Emergency Medical Service and its current employer. The agreement made between the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) and Halton Region, covers more than 100 paramedica labouring in the newly-downloaded, Regionally-nsn ambu- lance service. Lt was bammered out afiter about a year of negotiations. "Morale is extremely high right now," said Gord Armes, president of OPSEU's Local 207. "Everybody's pleased and looking forward to working with the Region." Thse new contract spans 28 montbs and providea competitive pay rates for workerS while recognizing thse years of employ- ment in former ambulance services. Holidays and benefits bave also been largely carried over. -Lt bas been great. We're very pleased with the way the Region bas treated us," said Mr. Armes. "By keeping experienced, trained pro- fessionals on the job, thse collective agree- ment bas guaranteed a smooth transition to the crs of downloaded ambulance ser- vice." Operation of thse ambulance service switcbed to Regional command August 16, and went witbout a hitcb, said Mr. Armes. Public recognition bas been slow in coming because thse new uniforms and vebicle crcsts aren't yet in place. But paramedica themselves are pleased with tIse change, Ise added. "This arrangement gises municipalities the ability so keep improving ambulance services by focusing resources on saving lises," said Mr. Armes. "Thse service is more accountable now, and we're more accountable 10 thse Region, wbich 1 think is better." And witb local taxpayers largely footing tIse bill, the service will be held 10 a higb standard, he said. TIsougIs the paraniedics are Regional employces, tIse agreement was achieved tbrough a separate bargaîning unit. "Having a stand-alone bargaining unit made ail the difference. We'll be dealing with our issues only," said Mr. Armes. "Lt showed from the start tIsat the Region reapected and recognized tIse special and critical nature of tIse service we provide." It also ensured bargaining doesn't get bogged down by tIse varying needs of other Regional employeea.