I- 6 - Thse Canadien Champion, Tuesday, May 30, 2000 <COMMENT Heart of matter lost in blood donor prote st A cancelled blood donor clinic at E.C. Drury Higis Scisool and the 'Emest C. Drury School for the Deaf Friday proved that politics and compassion can perch on two different sides of the fence. Te clinic was cancelled due 10 a policy barring any third person -- includ- ing interpreters for the deaf -- from being present during a tough interview portion of the blood-screening process. A pen and paper alternative was offered to deaf staff and students. It was rejected for fear that those who primarily speak American Sign Language may flot adequately grasp the English questions. And the hearing school also refused to participate out of respect for the deaf 'student's objective. 'Me clinic ended up being replaced by a student protest. To help, Canadian Blood Services is lobbying for the nation-wide removal of the third-party regulation for deaf donors. We support the initiative. But in the meantime, the onles losing out are those whose lives depend on blood. Ahigher road could have been taken. Staff and students could have prtested the regulation through an information casnpaign, using the clinic as a forum. Hearing students, and deaf students who feit comfortable with writ- ten English questions stili could have donated. Lif hangs in the balance here. Compassion could have scored more OF 0UR READERS WRITE Milri Hrir 'hp hà--t--Qq1 Qmalton owes Dr. Bob Nosal our gratitude DeurFxbor-a phne ailwas adeto ilto Hyro, Dear Editor: ~ ~ I would like tise 5,000 or so resi- A r«e o grtiti& t MitonHydo. yle ervis hond usbac twce n - dents who voted flot to chioninate afte minigt Iwentdow totheKuchraw au 1 sed he robentand Milton's.dninking water in tise Iast kitchen~ frdg fltagaso rnedtrindi a eet oe municipal electionlreferendumn 10 juic. I wa dar --no ight inthetranforer,, ,read today's Toronto Star regard- frdg r h mn, w erewitout 'Wr"* atw<tirlour pori<si cyWI a ing tise Walkerton E. Coli contami- My inithoghtw&sofourcatW dputd, nd"siuaton u W oe A few years ago, Halton Region's mdclofcro elh woud tey et p t ifdwytwe th1 çr geatSericeon hoida wekeid. Malton's drinking supply receive ahifiy Ioescap? M* Hydmyou JU dieWes h adequate doses of cisiorine to pre- .............................g Fl* M' vent an outbreak of thia deadly Were ffmtd winrugh bactenia. If a J9$u 5.t m IOfim w PQWo fi owrsoC pbeiville Many residents feit tisey should ________________________________________________________ decide how the Town maintaina our fresis drtnking water supply and scoffed at Dr. Nosal'a medical *THE CAvADIzv CHMPIONopnns I isad a letter published by the ________________________________________________________ editorjust prior 10 tise election stat- *ing tisat 1 was putting my faith in Box 248, 191 Matn St. E., TRR Candi.. Champion, pubtlshnd evary Tuesday and Friday at t91 science aand flot public opinion. l'm Muas OtL9 49 Main St. t., Milton, Ont., 15T 4N9 (Box 248), is one 0f Tht Motrolani pleased Halton Region stood firm Miltn, nt. ÇIT4N9 Pritttng, Pubishing a Dlstributitg LI. group ot subutitan companies eeticb ~ Includes: Ajax/Pickering Newas Adetiser, Ailliston Hetallt/Cstrier, Barrie with tise decision toi cisiorinate and (90)87 -24 1I Adeairce, Barrys Ray This Wnnlt, Bolton Ettrprse, Brampton Guardian, t believe everyone in Milton owes Buflngton Post, Biunton Shopping Newas, City Parent, City of York Dr. Nosal a taeaoendous sanount of Guardian, CsllingwoodlWasaga Csnrnctisn, tant Tork Mirror, tain Editorial Fax: 878-4943ý AdnacabnlCuntiy Routes. tttocoke soardiar, Ftamboroih Pont, Forent Young, Gnorgetowns tndepeniiantActon Frtt Fres., Huosna Busitest Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Times,'ingston Thris Wank. Lindsay This Week, Markiram tcsromis & u Clasiied 85-300 Sun, Midland/Penetanguishene Mimr.r Mion Shopping News, Missssauta Clasifid: 75-300 usiessTime, Mssisaua Nes, apareeGaide, Nassagawa News, IanOliverror Publisherortumeran NsNrth York Mirro, MAKE A NeilOlivr Asocite ubliherTtday, Ostiawa/WhitbylClarington/Port Patin This Week, Owet Sound NeC livr Asocite PblîherTribune, Peterboroughr This Week, Picttn County Guide, Richmond Bill Begin General Manaager tlIttThornhiltNaughan Liberal. Scarbatoutti Mirron. Stouttnillelebridge W(RE, Tribune. Karen Smitha Editor Aduetisite is acceptel on tie condition thtt, rn the ant o a type- otaphical anaor, tttat poion ofthne adveneOsing space occupied tiy tre erra- Steve Crozier Circulation Manager teous Item, togetrier welh a reasonabte altoreance for sigaure, enîli cor be Tert Casas Office Manager chargnd for, but tire balance of thre adeertioement wui bn paid for at the applicable rate. Tht publishr reserono ton rigtti ta categorion advertisn- Tins Colles Proîduction Manager menas or dcine.~ gratitude for his leadersisip. Tise Walkerton tragedy was tise resuit of malflanctioning equipanent and failure to follow notification procedures 50 tise Public Healts Departinent ansd tise Ministry of tise Environanent. Tise underlying mes- sage je tisat witisout cislorinating a watersupply and conatantly moni- toring test results of samples on a timely basis, bacteria can grown and infect tise municipal drinking water in a very sisort time. Heavy rainfaîl tisis monts is also a factor raising tise level of bactenia in well water. Undoubtedly, Milton's reservoirs and underground aquifers will also be affected. We need tise Region to assure residents tisas adequate sampling bas been conducted and ensure a similar outbreak does no( isappen in Milton. JIm LaFontaine Lyndeay Court Help for older drivers avallable Dear Editor: We attse War Aanps have noted media coverage lately regarding motor veisicle licences for older drivers. Last year tise War Amps institut- ed tise successful Mature Driving Program for our members, wives or 'widows. It offers tips, an insteuctional video, material on tise written test and refresiser training in conjuniction wits a national dri- ver education scisool. If s person fails tise course, we recommend tisey gîve up tiseir driver's licence. We make out instnactional mate- rial available at cost ($15) to sny seniors group. To order, caîl toîl- free 1-800-250-3030 or fax toIt- free ait 1-800-219-8988 or e-mail communications@ waramps.ca. Ciliff Chadderton, chief executive officer War Amps by Steve Nease