Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 May 2000, p. 8

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8-Tho Cartaclian Champion, Frleiay, May 26,2000 HIGH SCHOOL REPORT ~ ROYAL REPORT DISUOP REDENO fEUE SCUGOL w- -~, Royal Report By Diana B.doya & Justin Yantho After monthn of pr. paration, the much anticipated annual Bishop Reding Cas-nival occurred today. Many volunteers made ibe day an enormous success and students enjoyed themnelves at the varlous events the Carsival hosted. The moraing trivis activi- tien, which included song, television, movie and, of course, school trivia, served an excellent precurnora 10 ibe day. In contrant 10 ibe general opinions of some students, Bishop Reding wan sot fnrst located in Speyside and it was sot founded in 1954. Student goverument would like b ibank ail ibose who participated 10 ibe * day's events and especialiy ibone teachers who volustees-ed their ses-vices 10 ibe dunk tank. 'flic envirosmental club heautified ibe ochool hy organizing an outdoor garbage collection competition. Congratulations 10 Ms-. Bertin's clans who garsered Il baga of refuse. This event wan a reminder 10 student thst we cas always improve our waste placement habits. One ibing that isn't a waste of lime in the informative meeting on May 31 regarding OSAP bans. This assembly will provide a chance to acquire OSAP application formn. Graduating students should also be aware ibat photos for ibe grade alide show are now due. Students who wrote ibe Unives-sity of Waterloo maib contents were made aware of their results this pant week. The Pascal, Cayley and FermaI contesta were written by nearly 6,000 students. Top placements at Bishop Reding included Kieran Cunney, Mark Laframboite, and Nicole Gooding 10 the Pascal content; Kate Kelly, Meghan Moroney and Daniela Pirragha 10 ibe Cayley Content; and Kevin Yam and Chris Grace in the Feonat Content. The Descartes maib content for OAC students also revealed ils s-ensila. Congratulations is extended to Danny Fes-reira, Dnvid McGowan and Jakub Wiktor for their top placements 51 BR. Bishop Redîng sports teama have tursed 10 exceptional results oves- ibis pant week. The senior boys hankethaîl tears ts-ounced Nelson wiib an 6-5 resuit. The junior boys soccer tears has cas-rien their undefeated streak loto pont neason play. Tise tears won a hard fought gaine agninat Nelson 2-0. The nenior tennis tearo displayed great îenacity at ibe Halton championships. The teain played weil and placed second, only two points sway froin top honours. Chrin~ Morrisaws delivered again by winning the Halton~n ningle titie for ibe fous-b year ina row. Congratulations 10 ail the high achievers aI Bishop Reding. In academica, arts and sports, students continually show ibeir higb levels of excellence. Hopefully, Ibis level of achievement will help many wiib ibeir upcoming canins asd in future years. GRADE "A" uiws - mu scum Grade "A" News at MDHS By Jacqueline Bass and Marissa Cheskey We hope that everynne enjoyrd the lsng weekend and the short achosi ws-ek' We're sus-e that for mont it was a well deserved holiday. Ts alors ns-f ibis week wr wsnld like 10 thank Sony Dbiliinn, 61 Ferries- nnd Ben Stiriing for doing sncb n es-est job organizing the Walk Agniont Violence. It wns great Insee sîndents froin ail oves- Milton walking ns nappes-t sncb n gond s-anse. M.D.H.S. held the sonnai Sprisg Concert on Wednesdny Mny 24th at 7:3Opm. The concert wan beld lit sIte tItraIs-e. Fs-alose perfortss-rs were the M.D.H.S. Concert Bond, Chois-, Jazz Bond, Vocal Bond and is-. Bond. I'lckets wem sold to sîndents aod sesiors for $3,to aduits s-or $5, ondIn fainlîlin for $10. Thnoks 10 everysse who cane ostîn support ibe musical community at M.D.H.S. ond rsngrasulaanns 10 ail of ibe vety înlented per. fooners' Thin years Arts Banquet han becs tebeduled for lune t3ib aI 6:30 10 9:5Opm. To otake ibis year's banquet noique itis going lobe on ire cream sociable. Prizes will bu aworded for ibe mont crentive sundnes. Thst's rlgbt prizes, ns dont forges 10 buy your ticket for only $5. As well, yon may be eligible to receive yoorAels pin if you an grsdssllng Ibis yens- ond ynn have accumulaîrd 30 points or more. For everynne wonîiug to moke tItis year's Arts Bonquet one to remembur yoa an more thon welcome topos-- forto. ions ns-e one of the munie os- drana teachen. Ysn may have uoîiced students fs-amibe enlrepreneursbip clans fundrsls. ing lu ibe front bail 10 moke one of nus- very own M.D.H.S. tesebers drens np ana clows fora day. There are six sens-bers and each Is-neber ban ajar. At ibe endos- ibe fonds-aises- ibe money lu encb jar la couuted ond ibe teas-ber wbo han Ibe mont money lu ibeirjar ban 10 dye ibere bals- sud pot non clown rssînme. On the day 0f the drens np studeuts con smo douate on enîrs dollar 10 tbmw wbip cream pies 51 ibe teacher nolsîde ibe caF. Sosuda like fuit an bopofully everyose cbipped lu for ibeir favourite sens-ber! M.D.H.S.'s track and Os-Id tram wan very succensful, wiuuing Ibres- gold medals, ns ibeir lins Iras-k ms-et. Shawna Tumer bnd a 10:37 in porfortnancr luths- senior girls trIple jnmp. Toppine ber nge group, Cuyleur Lyall lnuncbs-d 21.63 injavelin. Les- Frineubarg ibrrw 12.29 min inldget boys sboî.pnî. Wiîb ais-sp of 1.75 in Bs-rut Siniib came ns-s-ondin ibe senior boys bigb jump wItilr Ion Robinson came ibird among thejunior boys clenrins tSI) in. Ian Roblusan alan Oulnhrd fourth pince injunior beys long jump. SItaralse Dempsls-r monaged b finish forth. Clandian Dennis finisheal fourth in senior boys long jnmp. lu the 400m Melanie Canon On. ished fifib. Fiitally. Jeif OMillios fiuisbed fiftb lu ibe III) junior bsys bus-. dis-s. CongratulatIons 10 ail of ibe trsck ond Os-id members wbu pot ont a aIs-sue effort! Ose final es-minder butors-wr concînde, Ibers- an only a few yenrbooks leO lobe sold ond ibry are goiug fans. Talk 10 Mrs, OReilly if yon wisb 10 buy one of ibese ml fs-w copies, but bu quis-k! Slave s gond weeks-ud s-vs-n ibongb il mut a long ose! o j' e * I O O O Il' Maybe it's because Young Drivers has thiny years of our instructors over the past 10 years. experience teaching collision avoidance.. y 1) And has achieved Registration to the coveted ISO And over half a million graduates, coast to coast. ~ 7 150 9001 Quality Assurance Management And more than a million dollars invested in I Standard. driver training research, plus another million tter what they say, no one else is anything invested in annual recertification programs for like Young Drivers! 2 WEEKENDS June3&4,JunelO&11(9amto345pm) 4 DAY COURSE JuIy 4, 5,6, 7 (9 arn. to345p rn) ~ 875-0480 arefop: Young Drivers of Canada An Soleeprise os- ~ 9001 MOISUMD www.youngdnverS.COm DATELINE DRURY E.C. D.D.T hou SCMOOL Dotelin. Drury By Candico Hugo, Samh Hamilton, kristyn DiGirolamo Cao you beiteve that t is aimost June? It seecos like jusî ys-ster- day that students were prepanng for semester tus-n as-ound and 00W teachers are handîng out exars schedules. Aithough tbere is only a month and a hait lefî of schooi, many s-vents are stili being organized. Ail the committees at Drus-y want to end this yeas- with a bang. The last big event that the Student Athietic Society is busy preparsng is the annuai athletic banquet. make sure you keep lune l3th free on your calendar because ibis year's banquet is going to blow you away. Tickets are going 10 be soid 10 the iocker bay, for seven dollars until lune 2nd and then the pnce wiil be raised to 010e dollars. Remember that the Athletic Banquet in for everyone and jute because you weren't on a tears does not mean you are not welcome. The Athietic Society hopes to see everyone there. Ticket sellers were busy ibis week. Students could buy Aibletic Banquet tickets an weil aa tickets to ibe beach dance. in order 10 gel everyone excited for ibe dance ibe Student Council piayed Caribbean music every morning on ibe announcements and held a beach day. Students dressed in Hawaiian shirts and sandals, participated 10 activities such an wsterxnelon eatisg and limbo conteats. Everyone had a blast. Some students were dancing in beach wear as the dance and aiso performing this week for the literary coffee bouse. Wednesday night was an opportunity for students 10 tel there talents 10 writing, dancing, ,nusic and art shine. Parents and friendo gaibered 10 provide a rapt audience for Drury's writers, dancers and singera. The artistic sida of Dons-y soared during ibis year's Literas-y Coffre House. Before ibis edition of Dateuse Drus-y cornes tos close ibe Prom Committee would just like to remind eves-yone ibat tickets will only be sold until lune first. The price of s ticket IS 00W sixty dollars and if you wish 10 have a photogs-aph tais-en by IonIens aI prom you will need 10 psy sixty-five dollars for your ticket. By 00W everyone should also be booking ibeir limos. A lisI of limo companies is located on ibe prom board for your convenience. Make sure ibat you don't leave booking until ibe tant minute! Well ibat about wrnps up ibis weeks news. Just a tant minute reminder ibat yeazbooks wiil only be sold until lune IsI. Make sure you buy yours soon because you wili not be able to buy ibe 1999-2000 yearbook next fail. haves great, safe weekend. I

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