Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 May 2000, p. 12

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12-The Canadian Chamojon. Feidas. Mas 26. 2000 What Was Your Greatest Acco~ Tht farmer Presitient 0f lite Usuel Sîases, George Bush, sas aukesi titis question, Whal s yonr getaseus uccomplishmens s life?" President Bush migiti have menisoresi itis sncseus dunsg Wurld WarTwo usa Nauy pilos. Me migiti itate catteut o mmd site ciglil years au Vice Presidesit under Ronatti Reagan. He migits haut nsestioneal isis osa successfni psesislency. He migiti hase spolies of his sinse au lise heasi ot lie CIA., or ot his years au Amisausualor to China. He coalti haut itmggeil abusi his saccesu au Coemandtr-in-Citiefdming Operalsan Desers Slorm. But, siten anssenrg sisis quessior, Preuisleni Bush reteatesi his iteani as acit au bis priorities abus bu taisi, "My gravatratiacîususptiabusrsO i ihutssyîhildrrs îiîlt îîîuse su Presislest Bush placcal a ucry itigit talue an issu relaîionsisip ssih itis chitdress. Titcy resposclesi so his isuesîmeris s Ibuir lites asl sut semait a tegacy o thai man cuca atter he s cleail asti itarird. Psalm 273 deciaset Sana ose a hertiuagefroa lite LORD, chlitlrrn n sewardfrna HiaL Is s itamler o mise kidu îuslay? r Raisief Pmiiiuc Kidu Ira Negasite Worhl, Zig Zugtac relaies liai n tise l940s, public scitoot leacters repoUcal bu top lite sioders- relatesi peohiemu o bu: I. Rsnnint s lic itatlsays 2. Cbusing gam 3 Wessing impesper ctuiising litauisg yoar sitimait oui) 4 Maksrg sou mach noise S Nus punsng paiser s saute basiteis Haut lite tome tissas rcpoucd by public scitool tcacburu su site 1980v: I. Roisbury 2 Assaati 3 Persutal ibuit 4. Burglary 5 Degabuse nplishment? Tees have cisangeti asti toi fonte bei er Os usis ste muse ilsry ruponesce more ilsey tmw U~ 50 much fauter Fusistise asd Psesideni of Focus ais site Famsty, Dr. James Doissos stases. Wr muai saute thr aatostssns of <:urchstdrrn isrssuusheronr pnorssy Nothsrg rtse is noise mportsoO." Chîltisen aie a precloss gifi fros Gmt. More tiret, erergy amI focus suit ire giver to building fassijiies railter liais building empires. Clijidreit are a lseriiage" trous Goti, a aay of peescruing site tammiy nia site rets gesseratior. If you arr a parent, you miii se rememisesed by tise chilsiren you toue isebsel. litas tegacy sut semais tosg alite ymsr peruosal achiruemerta haut ittet fotgoaer. Whaî areyoo doint o inssiti faut ansi goosi moisi taises irto tht lite ot yoor chîtal? Atios tht citurch o itetp you! As a concemeal paseot sîih as eye to site fusure, teste curry oppouosity o make a posisite impaci opot your chitd's characier! Yoa'tl bu glual yoa sud! hy Rer. Dan RnUe. Senior of Nec Life Chureit, Miins BAHAI Cleanse ye your eves. so that ye behold no mon as different from yourseives. See ye no strangers; rather see ail man as friends. for love and unity corne hard when ye fix your gaze on otherness. from the Baha'i writings LOCAL:.....................878-0011 REGIONAL:..............1-800-433-3284 GLOBAL:................www.bahaî.org MILTON SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Welcomes you to Hugh Foster Hall 43 Bîown St. Mîlton Sat 9 30 a rn Sabbath School Sat Il OO a m Divine Service Corne and joîn us for worshlp e e - e. 55 Ponter - Rue. Dan Rouge * Chiltiron - Mia. Nalalle Rogue * Wornhip - Mes. RatIner Essaime * Vauth - Rev. Bord Clark 9 arn- Early Woruhip Service '-n."" 9:30 arn - Sundeny School 10:45 arn - Second Worship Service L©~ts1s~ ffiItMnis~j os~~trs~J ~Ulie t14©SQ tflht0~©7Q&ffl7Q Dynamic Childiens Prograns & Nuîsery 6:30 p.m. - Piaise & Celebîntion with Specini Gusat Speaker, Eileen Morlay Kida Fraise ~noir i'reaenha: TItq Arnazing Soripture Mernory Maze W.dneadayMay3l at& 7pm I Vnu'ra haaItadI Good Seita? Corne EarivI I Bothel Assombly of God BETHEL ASSEMBLY PROViDING THE BEST FREE INTERNET RESOURCES FOR THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY 0F MILTON WWW.GEOCITES.COMIOPENROAD.CA/ PASTOR RAY RMAiL: BETHEL cAeANGELFiRE.coM 875 4058 "A Caring Conceîned Communtly Outreach + 1' Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Miîtssn ihr Chorch ou rhr Hili Tri. 8711-2411 Fou 878-311115 www.wekssme.tss/Grace.Miitssn Ries'. Dr. Mark McDermott SUNDAY SERVICES 8:11(1 airs. - Hsîiy Csssuisraunissn 10:11(1 aa.m. - Sung Euchareut Cbareb ScitUat & Colins tour Wbnnicbasr Accout Itrougis Paritirg Las Dunra Thurnday ~ 111:11(1 , - Hssiy Cissnsnunissru DISCOVER I AMAZING FACTS BIBLE SCHOOL FREE FREE DISCOVER AMAZINO FACTS niOLE5JiJIflEt nînLE Lottout WhoroiuGî,dshonpoîîl'toorosuiionnganddYlnt! * Whon o porsî.s Sos, shus lion' * Whoi t saso sounol su o uarpy 1:50? * ttsasoroisupol..tovhs.iius.iriil? Oiuî,uonihuomoist Bîhtoorssurus,îilsouuandiislroikoy quostusu liai aifovi yî~ae happinous Write Box 23012, 55 Ontarlo St. Milton Ont, L9T 5B4 Ou iho siomul us Sain iisas'..u5i.,u.m OaO HOLY ROSARY PARISH hstpiiuisegsidet -eUfhanîiUu'p-haioraaiy e ilisi ~ 878.6535 (T.T.Y. 878.0044) HOLY ROSARY CHURCH 139 Maillas Street Mua ut 5:30 p... Saturday 9:BOam. 10:30 Lin. & Noon Sunday ST PETER CHURCH 9th Lier & Bilraaaun Maso at 9:00 a. Snnday Rev. Earl TalbotP.P. _________________ 1. '8 MILTON GOSPEL HALL 300 Ontaria St. N. n 878-3873 10:00 mm. - The Lords Supper 11:45 mm. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesdauy 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study We believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God. John 6.69 0 We welcome >eou to... ST. PAUL'S UNITEDCHURCH I+~ 123 Main St. E, Milton Sunday Worship 10:30 a.rn.Y ROSE WINDOW & WALK 0F LIFE DEDICATION Church School. 10:3Oam, Nursery Available hn Benhan & Ris'. John Ambrose dy Hunier, Director ot Music Riiî hurch office: 19051 878.8895 ~1 _____________________________________ Mille. Bibi. Churoh k. WorshI~s at the VIOTONY UlUlA OHURON Leaming How To WaIk With The Lord 10:00 A.M. - Sunday Momlng WorshIp Milton Lelaure Contre (Board Roorn) itaparate tarvîtos 1er chîlden 9 pears ard ancien) THURSDAY JUNE IST Question &Answer Bible Study If you ha~ questions about creation, dinosaurs, UFOS, whatthe Bible says about future events, orwhatChtistianityis ail about thon loin uslliursday aI 7:30 pm atihe Milton Leisure Centre board room. "LivungA ',lcgorious 14e By 11w Word QfGod" Pastor Chsrles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Emaii The Salvation 11:00 arn - Morning Worship & Kida Church 100 Nlpisaing Road, Unit 3 Pastors: LIeutenante Sheldon & Claie Feener For more inloîmation about our services, and other programming pleasis cmli 876-2420 Milton Alliance Church 2850 DERRY RD. (belîvoen ehe Fire HoU ond Hîîspieol) Phone 878-5664 * Fax 878-6676 Pastor Greg McCombs 51 arn. SUNDAY MORNING WOBSHIP SERVICE il arn. ADVENTURELAND loge 3to grade 6) Tueuday ais 7 p... JR. HIGH -IRe. Il-t> Wedneuday ai 7 p.m. . PIONEER CLUBS Cages 4.121 Tiiurailay ais 7 p.m. - SE. IiIGH île. 9-OACI Pur srosrr isf:î î:n issar lîîîfic.î. seat t, y:nuflî une1 ~Usl:(,fiWiiS.<rO~s:~s.rSuJJss. i Illilmi lIlIMIlIlI Il M lU I The OakvIIIe Bons Centre & Halton Healthcare Services invite you to attend a public forum Osteoporoals: Building the Best Bones Tuesday, May 30,2000 6:30 pm Dispiays. Refreshments * 7:00 pm Presentation by Aliya Khan, M.D., F.RC.P. (O), F.A.C.P. Milton Leisure Centre * 1700 Main St. E. * North off Derry Rd. on Thortipson Rd. East of #25, Rlght on Main St. E. Registratlon requlred: Lilla Watson (905> 854-2655 or Phyiiis Spillone (905) 829-4863 ASL Interprater avallable forth. deaf. To register: E-mail: or Fax: (905) 878-0498 Made possIble tiurough an educational grant Iran: Novartîs Pharmacnutlcals Canada me. and Mords Rosat Canada mc. Wlth approciatlon ta the Mîlton District Hospitat Foundation Milton Senlor's Actlvity Centre ____________ 500 ChiIds Drive F~IZCa.5O,. 10:OOamMBCintheWord ~ __ 11:00'am MBC inWorshlp uni Pastor: Rev. James A. DeMarsh

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