Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Feb 2000, p. 29

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Are you an enrei pesn, wanting ta enonl in a fat paced enviranment? We are currentiy accepting applications for the fol- Iowing. FIT Maintenance (Janitar) Day 7am-4pm P/T Dishweshers P/T Store Clerrks F/T Fuel Cashiers F/T P/T Fuel Bar Attendants Appiy In persan: FlMt Whoel Truck Stop 40 Chishoim Dr., Milton No, Phone Calle Plue 'GRUDS AUTOî Prfsioa ar Detallers reqtulred for our hWa mnen and wonmen wltli expeiance per- afa-.e Kodkln!Wn use pf ou are sel-motlveted and a tonamplayer unodn freopportuntyto jolnaàgrowlne rra iain pleas fax your resu..i to: -qoIlRI - M 11113413111 -TM -v C ORPORT IONC JOB F'AIR Girestone Golf Club Rattiesuake Point Golf Club"ln Q Groyatene Golf Club 9a89 Dusbliun Lio Milton, ON Sa"Fnlq Februr, 26 lOd0* a.m. te 2:00p.en. We are currentlyIooking for enthusiastic people ta fill seasonsi part time/fuli time- raies in the following positions: Tuorf Eqelpuseat Operators Golf Servies Food & Rêverag. Service Staff Kitcen Heip If you are unable ta attend please fax your resumne with caver letter ta: Fax: (905) 875-3435 Burlington Post Mailroom RECEl VER wanted pant-tîme, dsy shift avalfabte, 20-25 hrs weekly. ForniIt lcente and safety boots reqaireit. Afpply ln persan to 4059 Faîrviene Str., Buriington Clegg Glass Building, uise east entrance Ask for Krithia between 9-5 Mon ta Fni t5lhudeigh 's FRODUCTION TEAM Formatenit Full Time If YOUI -ore a eonseto aeo and thougirtofl tasr player " enjoy woa-kln4 in a eous4y anynmn e/tir othoire ciro sharo tire sarnoieh Set pt-e qaakty roduete " have a ersft.msn'e Of pt-iaeIs what you do.. thoeti is yosr resume. Our famlily operatoi inakery iras tison providintq people liko you e/ti an Entertailinq Tasto of the Country for onometlotse We have Immnediate openineos irv aur lItoni plant. Lot us lino about aty prevlous matsfacturnio osperlonco you have. If yos'ro nos ta irak- ery.productIOn. aur stop l'y stop training I protide you e/tir the tochtical andi mechanivral knowlotie you'II nrid ta bo a Tasr Meneur Lt a s:peclallooti orna of aur bakery. Lt addition, vo provido: .*a '@rue' worr etvirotrnott -joba staaility - rogular feoutiacr Ioni your porformance -tire opportutîty ta shoare nr tire succesa of aur raplily growinq oreanlzatom. Flouse senti your rosume ta: Humain Raeerm. CirudIlalgh My fate 905-8-697 Oy mail or sirop offi 624 MoGoet Prime, Mlton, ON LOT 35 We appreciato an addtl nent Horrever. only chose celected lfor on itte-vew a/Il l'e contacted ermavoug epplcants nrid ntc apply. Celebratinig a Birthday WVedding Anniversary? Are yoei looking for a new job? wantirtg to hire? Do you have SomethinW To Buy? To Sell? To Trade? Are you lookinig For a New Home? an apauiment? a townhouse? Need a new car? truck? boat? trailer? Phonoe the Classileds 875-3300 PETS ON TV Dogs, Cals, Birds and Exotio Animais needed for TV commercials, series, films, catalogues and brochures. Send picture with mame and phono number with into on pet ta: RO. Box 58541, 197 Sheppard Ave, E., Tor., M2N 3A8 KIDS! KIDS! KIDS! - Ages 2+ - Wanted for TV & Movie Jobsl No Feesf f Men/Women 16-65 yrs. Needed for seae No extras. Parents Cail (416) 221-3526 NEW STORES GPENING Customor Service/Production Parltime SEAMSTRESS/TAILOR positions reqaient for all-alterations hosinessos to te located in the Milton & Georgetown ornas. Eseee n men's & corinns altoralions 1uird Da.oeing & wot- kend hoors. Dues inlo ude cash desk& costomrer service. We arn an EDE Nasrin ai: (905) 506-4906 We are s fuit-uine féodservice diotributor whose state-of-the-art wanehousing and distribution systemoi are considered ta be on the "cutting edge". We cuerently have positions available in Mississuga & London . At Strano Sysco Fooduarvice, aur people moke thie dif- fenence..We invite you ta tind out what we are ail about. You are wetcome ta, attend an: inmado. Sessio for DRtIVERS (CUSTOMIER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES) Saiturdy, Febreary 26tk, 2000 & ii s .. lie IL alà Qeailly Ian Sait.. 110 Demnu Drive (Off WefllingtonRd.LSon*t) LoadOM, Ontaro and Saturday, Febnmasy 26lih, 21000 2O pan. lie 5:8 p.. Novotail 3670 Hmaralo Sireei (S.W. corne of Hwy 10 and flurnhamlihorpe) Misalunga, Ont"rl If you possons on "AZ" ticense (with a sale drining record), are ener- getic and customer service oriented, aur Human Resources and Distribution Depansments waot ta se YOU. Ta find our mare about aur business and current opportunities, bring us your resume. We look forward ta meeting you and discussing your future in the Foadservice industry! The Cen *Qaireet Stylista V *Excellent cage soit bosefit package *Some management postions sarfableU Ful Faisnd part lime positions *No claOntele raqoirei *Adnanced tlùning pmtidnd FlRenxil wont ochedote ~ l~ Cail Rabart or trendia (1 50 319-3155 FUJLL lime or part lime hàirsta wanted. Cali Tihe 87tUn2g<>ECI9. Days 905-75-2356, eveninga, 905- PRODUCTION WORKERS Hupeard, a leadiog manufaclarer of swrmrnrng pool accessory eiprnent, has senersi openings for Prodocion seblers. Positions sre ansilable sm- medistein for appos. fine menfhs teri. Wsges com- mence ut $6.25/tr. Hours 8:30am-5pm. Contact Allen 829-2880 Ext. 241 or apply in person: 2880 Plymouth ODive, OukvlIo (Wlfuton Chuchll/OEW) RECIENT GRADS Outside Sales Reps. Dynamic college/univ. grade required for national co. Muat be driven and sales oriented.. Exeptional training program. EÊarn up toi 1OK/Vr., 27-28K base + Comm. $400/mo. Car allowance. Vanious temrtonies. Cali Victoria at Quantum Tai: (905) 276-8611 Fax: (905) 276-7739 E-mail: LOOICING for an expeien 1 cdi part lime ratait Sales- pensas for Thursdays', Fnidays'and Saturdsaye7fThe poaition would be loeated in Mton seling Ouldoor Coocing Equipment. Fax resumne f0: (905)875-3210. SALES asaistent. A iassent outgoing prsan ne- quired for a part-lime position avalie for aur showroom. Decorating backgrnound an essei but flot necesaary. Some eveingsa weeieenda. May suli s goudent wlfih early shtemoons availabi PIessaeind resumne ta: Tietemans Intenlors, 340 Main Sf. Milion. GENERAL Repair Centre, A/C and Emissions Test- lng Spediaf rats, iras a position avaitabta for a rl- censed technicien. Diagnostic and A/C skilta an as- set. Top wages and benelits avaitabte. Fan resumne tai: (905)878-9646. MAINTENANCE Mechanic wlth etectrical bock- grond. MuaI have owa foots, good dnsving record and te able 0 neor oan your own. Cati (905)875- 1150. MILTON, Ont. - based construction company ia tooklng for an experlenced (minimum 2 yesrs) car- patter, with own transportation and basic licols. Po- sition alsa avaitable for carpenter's apprenlice, wth own transportaion; onfy person wlih etrang desire fa leam trade need appy. Fax renomse ta: (905)854- 1024. WELDERFTrfTE nequired for Miasisauga specai door manufacsning fatitiy. Muet be abte ta resd bluepnints. Catt Rick at 905-615-0253 or fax resumne tai Ksthy 905-670-4757. required Established Oakvtlle Company requires fuli- itimel part-lime Machinist/Toolmaker. Convenîtonal lathe s & milis. Bright, clean environment, good neages & benef its Fax resume to 90"-27-0208 Peter Hodge Transport Limited MECHANIO Required for attemoon ahit. Mon. -Fnî. Dotes Inctude, preventative maintenance and running repairs. This individuai must be able ta, near with minimum supervision. Reply to Bob Shaw 905493-808 adan Chianfnion, Friay, Febnuary 25, 2000--29 i I~iWE'RE EXPERIENCD AZ CnY a HIGHWAY DRIVERS &OWNER1OPERATORS ecompetitive mleage rates ebenefit plan e satellite traclcng eand much mnore... 135 Twwng-NttkepMIn I&sP.ePl. utsff.etaMWdl reputtowAVD »»,7lbwat ywuIuW. a hoanf batl CALL HUMAN RESOURCES 905-78-888 xt 224 800-387-8248 Industrial Mfilwright Large Bramspton Company requires experienced Miiiwrigbts. Must boid s vaiid Ontario Miilwrigbts license. Experi- ence in pnieumaeico, bydraulico, rebuiiding of pumpo andt gearboxes, stick and tig welding, plumbing andt trouble sooting of pnacesaing equipment. Rate of psy $24.25/ br. Ratating shifts. Muot bave own tools. PMeaae send reoume ta: Huaian Resources Oflicr Mapie Lodge Faunis Led. R.R. # 2 Norval, ON LI)P 1KO Licensed Electricians requined ta wark wiels a minimum of aupervision for a large food pnacessisg plant. Applicant must be a self-starter wiels strong contrats and IPLC's tnoublesooting skitis. Roating shrifts, $24.25/ br ta store. (Ail 4th or Sils year apprentices are weicome, applicable rates witt appiy). Please send resume ta: Huoman Resourcea Offer Mapie Lodge Farnais Led. JIR. 112 Norvat, ON LOP 11(0 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT A amati engineerng tiens tocated in Milton is seeking a muiti-talented anrd dedicated teani player. Responsibilities inctade generat office administration and computer systemn adminis- tration. Sboutd possess a higir aptitude for comn- parer software/hiardware. Foltowing experience an asset; MS Office as well as knowiedge of a LAN systers. We are cuItin ta tran the nigire candidate. PeefenTed store date Aprit 3/2000. This is an 8 monels costract witb a strong possibitîty of becorng permanent. Please laxa resumne to (905) 875-2062 or e-mail ststisg experience and satary expectations. Osly soccessfst candidates ciii bc contacted. TAi, iàs a Non-smokting envinoaeaf. ADMINISTRATOR We are an International consuiting liren, which requires s prafessional administra- tar. Vour siftts must indlude projeco man- agement, genenai boolckeeprng and iMicrosaft Office applications. lO/QS-9000 documentaion expenience and fareign tan- Luag as wauld b. an asset. Please reply ta Marato Ltd. Box 832, Kitbrnde, Ontario LOP 1 GO or fax resume 905-878-9565. Cell 875a3300 te 1181 y.wu GLIDDEN PAINTS is Currontîf seeking a permanent part-lime prson. tIes include setling paint & related prodacto tonaur refait & trade cuolomers, merchandising, mixing paint, cash relaled dulies. Prnnioos rotail eoperience woald ha considerod an asset bot sol necessary. Most ha anailairle 10 wor flexible hoors. Applica- tions/tlesumes lo ts dropped off01 moait fo: GLIDDIEN PAINTS, Attention- Store Manager 3300 Fairvlew Street, Unît 3 Burllngton. Ontario L7N 3N7 Fax: (905) 681-2065 GOODFELLOW INC. Campbllnilie, Ontios ooing for a Marketing Assistant (junior tevel position) 1on, mutti-fasked deparbrment, nueds s prson to assin the promotion of our multiple producîs foi oui toale costomer base. Tire succesafol candidate wilI possoos Word, Excel & other relatai compater based worhing hnowledge. Enthosiasm, crnalivity, Iltxihility & a desire to make a diffeoence in a hettit ennirosment ls aoecosaity. Tire ideat candidate wiît hune a minimum of ose year of esperience in a marketing rote. Me or sire mont ire able f0 wor indetendentty of supervision chue interacfing cth many teamnmembers. E-mail yoor ronume, sfating salary expectationo, lfo: ofslsunI@uto-nmot.Of (no phone catis pleane) Only quaif ed candidates wIl ire confacfed

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